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anyone ever made bud beer

hey guys was thinking of home brewing some beer and thought i might try to get some thc in that mix any ideas or has anyone tried it.. thanks alot


I've never tried it personally, but i have heard of people doing it. Just add the ground cannabis when you dry hop and post you're results here. Maybe try soaking it in water prior to adding it to the brew to get some of the green taste out?
jeeze Jrace youd think with me being a member here for 2 1/2 years i would of seen that page but i did not and thank you very much for the link and no flame

much appreciated thank you


I recently made a beer kit using up the water from my ice-run hash (it was so purple I didn't want to throw it away)

It's quite 'planty' and 'herby' and not exactly amazing but it was only with a basic coopers lager kit and would complement a stout or dark beer better.

A good first step/proof of concept on the way to full-mash brewing with bud and ice-extraction water which I wanted to share....


to get rid of the planty taste when making bud beer, water cure your bud, or just after its cured soke it in cold water gently to get rid of the nasty taste

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