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Anyone ever experienced a panic attack as a result of cannabis use?


Active member
How dangerous can the benzos be ?

I hear they are very habit forming and that they shrink the brain.


Active member
Sbit i e been dealing with anxiety real bad lately.i had to jump on the xanax train.im trying to wean my self off of it.im only taking .5 mg though.not a hole danm 2 mg bar. Now you all got my hypochondria kicking in(which is alway a problem i have, that induce's even more anxiety.
JD4083 whats the name of that medication you got.im in the process of wean8ng myself of the bars so i dont catch seizures or nothing.and looking for alternative ways to deal with stress

Green Squall

Well-known member
How dangerous can the benzos be ?

I hear they are very habit forming and that they shrink the brain.

The worst part about Benzos is when it comes time to stop taking them. The withdrawal is horrendous and long lasting. Years for some people if you were on a high dose. You can even go into withdrawal being on the same dose and building a tolerance to it.


Active member
I remember hearing Joe Rogan talk about people who claim that pot makes them lazy. He believes (and I agree with him) that pot doesnt make you do anything, it just makes you more of what you are. If you are a lazy bum, smoking a bunch of weed is going to make you more of a lazy bum. If you are creative and free spirited, it will make you moreso and so on.

In regards to the anxiety, after hearing your schedule, coupled with the high blood pressure, its possible this stress/anxiety had been starting to build in you regardless of your recognition or lack thereof. Smoking made you more of it. Then the snowball starts with the one thought of "does my chest feel tight?" then the heart starts racing and you are building symptom after symptom of your own impending doom.

Its no fun, I know. I had an episode or two in my teens but nothing too noteworthy. Then almost 2 years ago I had my world come crumbling down in front of me. Lost my mom and a slew of other things all at the same time but no need to get into that. I started having some real trouble with anxiety. The docs are quick to throw any pills you want around but I wasnt willing. I started talking to a counselor and getting my diet in order and getting back in the gym and it has been a tremendous help.

Hopefully you have not made that mental connection with the pot and the panic attack because you could talk yourself into another episode. Some strains are good for it and some are not but the mind is a powerful thing as well, regardless of the strain.

Good post and you made some solid points. I'm definitely going to take a few weeks off at least, but I was planning to do that anyways as busy as work and school is. I've been slacking off on my exercise and diet but that's going to change as soon as I can get out of this hellish snowscape that they call the mountains and get back to town...this ice storm fucking sucks.

How dangerous can the benzos be ?

I hear they are very habit forming and that they shrink the brain.

They can wreck your life in a variety of ways if you're not careful, but they are are one of only three classes of drugs that can actually kill you from the withdrawals (alcohol and barbiturates being the other two). I just personally know I don't do well with them, your mileage may vary...but as with painkillers, if you can avoid ever taking one, I'd try to do that.

Sbit i e been dealing with anxiety real bad lately.i had to jump on the xanax train.im trying to wean my self off of it.im only taking .5 mg though.not a hole danm 2 mg bar. Now you all got my hypochondria kicking in(which is alway a problem i have, that induce's even more anxiety.
JD4083 whats the name of that medication you got.im in the process of wean8ng myself of the bars so i dont catch seizures or nothing.and looking for alternative ways to deal with stress

The stuff I have is called Hydroxizine, goes by the brand names of Atarax and something else I don't recall. It's technically an anti-histamine but has indications for a variety of issues including anxiety. It's something that my doctor (who I trust very much and who knows about my cannabis usage but shares my thoughts on avoiding "real drugs" if at all possible) says is safe to take as needed without being habit-forming, and I believe her. I've only had one before tonight, but I started feeling that tightness in my chest again out of nowhere so I took one a few minutes ago to try to see if the issue is psychosomatic or actually something physically out of whack.

Please be careful man. My dad was on xanax for years and decided to stop taking it altogether (on his own, without his doctor's knowledge) after being on a maintenance dose of 2-4mg daily and almost died from the seizures.

Midnight Tokar

"So I guess my question is, have you guys ever experienced an episode as described above, and can you directly correlate it to your cannabis use if so?"

My son has them quite often. When he first started getting them he went to ER several times, they put a monitor on his heart, it was beating through the roof! Well, they diagnosed the panic attacks and prescribed several medicines which he said turned him into a zombie and quit taking them.

Not long after, I brought some weed when visiting and after a very short time his attacks dissipated tremendously. He can now tell when an attack is coming on and vapes some of my grow and it almost immediately calms him down.
I will say that one of the first times I smoked with him I had brought some very good FLO I had grown. It was the first weed I can actually say I smoked that was trippy. Anyways we got really baked and one minute he's standing saying something about can't breathe and then next thing he's on the floor! It took about an hour for him to regain complete control, scared the hell out of me!

We have found out that he does really well in preventing/stopping the attacks with Indica dominant strains and Sativa dominant he can't handle.
Also, he is more likely to have an attack when he's drinking and smoking than when he's just drinking. That was the case the night he blacked out while smoking FLO..........he was pretty well buzzed from beer.


Active member
Thanks man.im only been taking a half a mg a day (whe. I feel that shit coming on).thanks for your concerns.im trying over hear.and tbe tightness in you chest is anxiety.trust me. It's a psycho semantic hypochondriac affect. It's like wtf is this normal? I don't think this is normalit's a psycho semantic hypochondriac affect. It's like wtf is this normal? I don't think this is normal,oh shit i think im dying. Its a mental game called circle.
I hate this sbit.but i dont work out,i eat like shit.i just got to do a 360 on life while i can.
Bei g over weight contributes to stress. Cortisol is stored in your fat cells mosty in you belly.shit is crazy,i wish yall the best.im going to curl up in the shower now.lol


Active member
I have seen that happen to people, sorry to hear you went through that. Stress can linger and accelerate a panic attack.
Trainwreck and crosses of can sure do that. I had somewhat younger lady friend over one night, we were having a few beers and then she wanted to smoke one. I rolled up some Casey Jones (love it !) and warned her. She laughed at me and said I was a lightweight... warned again about the creeper effect, she laughed some more and hit it several more times than me... about 20 minutes later, she was having a sudden panic attack, wanted to go to the emergency room... I talked her out of it with a lot of work and she finally mellowed out .... and enjoyed herself finally. Ummm... this is not your Daddys boring indica young lady lol


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
I'm confident that if I had known it was a panic attack and that I was not in any immediate physical danger I would have been able to ride it out. Having never experienced even everyday anxiety, I had no frame of reference for what a panic attack felt like. I always dismissed people who said they had them as being drama queens and assumed it wasn't that big of a deal. Now I know how wrong I was and how terrifying it can be.

Yeah that advice is only good after the fact hehe. First ones always a kicker. I was seconds away from heading to the hospital, but it started slowing down. Spoke with my sister (RN) later, she explained a bit and I remembered that everyone else in the family is highly susceptible but that I had shluffed them off as whiners... :D

Phamaceuticals may be helpful, but it's a band-aid. If it's all mental, you can track down what triggers it and deal with it. In theory. Still stuck in the riding it out phase, but they aren't that often.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Sounds like some panic but also some stuff undiagnosed with the heart or lungs maybe. I am blessed with both panic attacks with or without weed and some screwy lungs. Some strains of pot do affect my breathing badly and some do induce some anxiety.

That trainwreck sounds rightly named. I would toss it and get some GDP, MLI, or other laidback strain. The doctors saying that pot will only relax you have not smoked some of the intense stuff out there.

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
I know exactly what you mean. I had the same thing happening to me a year ago. Still dealing with the dust of it/ trying to find out exactly was the underlying problem is and solving it. I went through counselling for like 8 months or so. Let me tell you what I learned.

The theory is that your, normally low, stress level is already increased by something( work, relationship, general stress, sleeping problems etc., or ALL of them).
Now anything that puts some on top stress wise, makes you cross the line over to panic unwillingly. This can be Cannabis, especially sativa dom strains. Your body is the result of a long time of evolution and there's some ancient mechanisms hidden even in us "modern" men. A good hit can just be the drop that's too much and your stress level crosses over to pure panic without an apparent reason.
What we involuntarly trigger here is called the fight or flight syndrom. It's still stored in our brains from when we were threatened by Tigers and Lions and shit and had to run / or fight for our lives an a daily base ;-)
Now the problem here is, there is no real danger, it's modern life that has us flooded with stress. BUT: That ancient part of our brains doesn't know the difference, therefore the reaction is the same. And what you felt, with your tight chest, heart pounding, sweat- that's your body getting fired up and ready to run for your very life from some deadly predator.
But since you can't see why suddenly you should feel so strange, the spiral starts... instead of running like hell or fighting for your life, you start worrying about your health, dying,a heartattack, a stroke, losing control, losing yourself and/ or mental sanity which itself of course intensifies the symptoms aka your uncomfort. At some point you are convinced you're dying and call the ambulance.
it's called positive feedback( yeah it's not positive at all but it basically means "more makes more").
I now the feeling of impending death and losing your mind at the same time too well. I never felt somthing so devastating, futureless and frightening.
The good news is there is no physical danger attached to it.
Once you REALLY believe that again( not knowing it but believing it is the difference) the panic loses it's horror and that my friend is the best feeling in the world.
After that point it takes time to forget and heal up, but really once you're past that point all is going to be good.
PM me if you want to talk about it more, I know it helped me heaps.

In the end the only way out of it, is the way through it.
Once you know you're physicall fit, fucking challenge those attacks. Go there ! repeatedly ! until you learn that you will NOT DIE from these attackes, it's the fastest cure for the acute problem. Once you see that, the terror really goes away and without the terror these attacks are not much more than an increased heartbeet and MAYBE a little sweat and you smile when you feel one and just let it pass. The panic attack only feels so serious because your mind takes it that serious with all the pondering and "what if..." thinking.

Of course you should also change the underlying problems. ...Less stress, eat better, take your time, exercise( your body is meant to be used!!), don't let minor shit stress you out... it's also a attitude kind of thing... don't get devoured by crap.
Start thinking "what's it going to do for me" ... I never did that, now I paid the price...
all the best man and let me know how you're doing!

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Active member
ICMag Donor
^Sounds a lot like my attitude. Too potent? HA! learned my lesson there I suppose...

my sister is a medical professional and explained to me that the difference between an anxiety attack and a full blown panic attack is essentially that you can "talk yourself out of" an anxiety attack, but a panic attack can only be mitigated until it has run its course. She gave me some pointers to help it be less intense in the event it happens again but said that the major thing is to avoid having anxiety about the possibility of another one, as that can cause one in and of itself.

I never use the term anxiety, that implies the person is causing the problem. With me I had a racing heart my whole life. When I got in my 40's it progressed to the point of being so sick I couldn't function. This was over a 5 year period. Going to sleep was totally impossible, not a chance in a million until I had laid in bed for 9 hrs then out of exhaustion I finally would fall asleep. (Like someone had injected adrenaline into my brain heart and legs).

At the end of the condition I had my heart racing and skipping beats, restless legs which was coming from my brain (horrible feeling), hard to breathe. The last stage was I couldn't digest food so I would have to go into the bathroom and throw up every night. Was loosing about 2 lbs a week..

Finally I went to the ER where they gave me atenolol which is a beta blocker. The atenolol blocks adrenaline. Every symptom went away. Some people have adrenaline problems. Atenolol is a mild drug which lowers blood pressure and slows heart rate….
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Active member
ICMag Donor
Oh and ideal blood pressure is 115 over 75. I keep mine about 125/68 with the atenolol and I feel perfect.


Active member
Good shit right there chevy chaze.please do talk more about it.

And thank sutra.is it from sensi seeds?clone?or????

I feel as if this is the anxiety corner on the mag.lol


New member
panic attack

panic attack

I had the first (and hopefully last) panic attack in my life last night, and because I didn't know what I was experiencing, I ended up in the ER thinking I was having a stroke.

WebMD says these are symptoms of a panic attack, and I had literally every single one of them (the feeling of impending death, in particular -- I honestly thought I was about to die)

Let me set this up for you --

I wasn't doing anything stressful, sitting on the couch with the girlfriend watching a movie or maybe playing a video game, can't recall exactly. I had just rolled and taken about 5 puffs off of a joint filled with a strain that a friend in CO sent over, a cross of Arcata Trainwreck and the old school Durban Poison.

I sat the joint down and was talking to my girlfriend when I suddenly stopped and realized I had a tight feeling in my chest and felt like someone was sitting on my shoulders. When I felt that tight feeling and started having some difficulty swallowing and breathing normally, I began to become very concerned. For some back story, I have been noticing an increased allergic reaction to cannabis, both in living plant form and dried form as well. Perhaps as a result of this being on my mind, I immediately got extremely paranoid that I was having a severe allergic reaction and was experiencing anaphylaxis -- again, something I have not experienced before in my life.

My head started throbbing and my heart was beating extraordinarily fast...started getting clammy, then hot, cold sweats, then warm sweat. I was having difficulty breathing and my vision was fading and reappearing in time with the throbbing in my head. When my right side and face started going numb I decided it was time to stop messing around and I called an ambulance. We would have driven to the hospital ourselves but we have several inches of thick snow and ice at the moment and I live on a very steep driveway, so it would not have ended well.

So at the hospital they run a litany of tests, from EKGs to x-rays, and decide that aside from high blood pressure (a chronic condition I've tried to fix over the years with exercise and diet instead of medication) I am perfectly healthy. I should mention that I did not tell the folks that I had smoked directly before the reaction as I figured it would not help anything and was unnecessary information at that particular time. They did come back and mention that I had pot in my urine but in their words "that should relax you, so not really a big deal." They suggested that with my current schedule (40-50 hr work week, a full time 12 credit hour semester at the community college, and another 16 hours of continuing education for work every week -- 7 days a week, no days off) I was just pushing myself too hard and let the stress get the best of me. That very well may be true, but I think it's a little coincidental that I had just smoked that before this panic attack occurred.

At the moment I'm a little gun shy of pot in general, so I have not smoked since last night and don't intend to for a while. I know that it could very well have just been some paranoia from the joint, as both those strains can definitely be racy at times, but that was the single scariest moment of my life. I legitimately thought I was going to die in my living room. I should mention that I have been experiencing some very weird tightness on the right side of my chest (near my clavicle) over the last few days and just thought I was overdoing it on the oil front, as too many dabs a day has given me some issues in the past. I slowed down considerably and I think that joint was the only thing I smoked except for maybe one dab earlier in the day while I was cleaning the house. I'm a generally healthy guy (except for the blood pressure thing) and don't smoke or do any other drugs except for alcohol, probably too often at times.

So I guess my question is, have you guys ever experienced an episode as described above, and can you directly correlate it to your cannabis use if so?

I really, really don't want to have to stop smoking for the rest of my life over something like this, but if it's a choice between that and having another panic attack, it's an easy one to make. It does really suck that I've already got my tickets for the Cup in CO in April and plane tickets are already paid for, but I guess I can always just go for the networking aspect and get to meet some folks.

Years ago ,EASYWIDER,AND MY SELF decided it was time for him to come clean with his wife, and so he would tell her about his pot smoking, So after a few drinks one night ,I pull out some ALCOPOCOGOLD, fired it up and gave her a few good hits,then she tried a POWER HITTER and went nutso on us !
Her being eptilecptic added to the problem ,she convinced that she was having a heart attack or a eptilecptic spell she wanted to call police or ambulance, SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF US !
It took two hrs. to calm her down ,she would not smoke again for 6 yrs.
I feel for you guy, but I really do not think it was the pot, so it musta been all that OVER WORK and school, so lighten up the work load, an fire a good one up , if it ever happens again try the commercial mex you find on the streets. JMO :woohoo::huggg:


Well-known member
I recently quit drinking and before then, I had never had anxiety before.

One of the effects of quitting drinking is severe anxiety, which is first a physical reaction but it lingers around because your body has to relearn how to handle stress (alcohol causes you to simply not worry about shit, so you forget how to handle it).

Weed made my anxiety worse at first, then I learned to remember that I'm just stoned and acting paranoid like a rookie. Like others said, don't worry about having more; they're just an irrational feeling of fear. There's no present threat to be afraid of, you're just anxious and feel afraid so adrenaline starts pumpin'.

After having lingering anxiety for a bit, I've learned how to deal with it pretty well, and since the anxiety attacks have gotten much more mild. I start to notice that I'm feeling anxious and then I get myself in check, understand that it's just a feeling, it's harmless, and temporary. Not being afraid takes the power away from anxiety. Then it becomes a useful tool, almost like a psychedelic trip, where you can think about the things that are stressing you out and understand what you need (or perhaps don't need) to do.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
You have to find the trigger man...what activity or what thought process happened right before the attack??


Andinismo Hierbatero
The panic attack in question was clearly due to the fear of death, as most are.

Thinking you were having a harsh allergic reaction to cannabis, while high on a psychoactive cultivar is just perfect recipe for a first panic attack.

Don't worry though, you can master the issue, but taking some time off the herb for now is a good idea, even if it is for a few days or however long you feel like it. Just keep in mind that it is important that when you feel like smoking again, take it real slow, one hit, and wait, if you feel physical discomfort, anxiety and thoughts concerning your well being, you are not ready yet, and use that time for introspection and consider our condition as mortal beings, you need to find your way to deal with that.

In '98 I arrived at this dude's house who was the son of an ex-boss of mine, he was with a few other guys, one of the guys had this awesome haze, I had not smoked in several weeks, but was super happy they invited me to toke up, so I did, and I smoked way too much lol...I ended up thinking these guys were aliens (they were tripping out on the haze as well) and as my initial thoughts of them being aliens started to appear more and more ridiculous to me, I noticed my heart was pounding like crazy, and when I considered that I may be dying, boom! panic attack son lol my very first one too, but fuck it, I was not gonna say shit to those aliens lol so I got up and told them I was gonna get something from my car, so I went outside and just took off. All I did while driving was to breath and calm myself down, then I parked because I thought if I were to die driving I could cause an accident, so I pulled into a gas station...I got out of the car and walked inside, it was midnight or so, and the guy at the store was listening to a radio interview, I started to listen to it and grabbed some orange juice, drank it and then felt better, went home (lived alone) and just laid on the couch with the tv on and eventually went to sleep.

Never had a full blown panic attack like that though, had some anxiety here and there, but never developed into an attack as I had learned to deal with them.

I just surrender to the impending doom and since nothing really happens, then the doom looses its appeal lol...
