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Anyone Else Suffer From Insomnia

White Beard

Active member
I suffer from being easily awakened...which is how I come to be typing this right now: after two weeks of deep, beautiful sleep while pulse was in isolation, she is back...and waking me up when coming to bed...just like the last fifteen years...in spite of sleeping pills, whisky. Weed would help, but no weed in a long time.

She simply is incapable of being quiet or of being respectful of anyone else


Well-known member
I have not slept for 7 years. After a while, it begins to fuck with everything. I catch an hour here and there during the day but when I go to bed at night, after about 2 hours, the pain drives me out of bed. I can't lay or sit for more than a couple hours without the pain setting in. As Mom used to say.... gotta keep moving. LOL

I found as you get older and do less and eat less, you don't need all that much sleep, anyway. 4 to 6 hours would be nice but I have been going on 2 hours a night and a couple hours during the day for seven years.

@Loc Dog. Try Nyquill. Fucking shit will knock out anything. LOL



Boreal Curing
It's normal to sleep less and even wake up a couple times a night as you get older. The reason is that anthropologically (the behavior, and the physical, social, and cultural development of humans) the Young Guns need lots of energy and rest so they can run down animals. The old men in the tribe didn't do much running, but were up all night and would stand guard for beasts and other dangers. Always having someone awake was useful.

It's interesting to note that while we can't really run that fast, we can run a frigging long long time. Long enough to exhaust and eventually have an animal collapse.


If I use a good Indica Oil, I sleep like a 17 year old again. lol


Active member
I mix in a little of that ten year old stash that was in a storage locker with some strong indica flower and it knocks me out at night. I now have flowers in glass jars sitting on my kitchen window soaking up the afternoon sun.

Nyquil makes a product called ZZZZQuil, or something like that. I think it’s basically purple benadryl.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I have not slept for 7 years. After a while, it begins to fuck with everything. I catch an hour here and there during the day but when I go to bed at night, after about 2 hours, the pain drives me out of bed. I can't lay or sit for more than a couple hours without the pain setting in. As Mom used to say.... gotta keep moving. LOL.

I found as you get older and do less and eat less, you don't need all that much sleep, anyway. 4 to 6 hours would be nice but I have been going on 2 hours a night and a couple hours during the day for seven years.

@Loc Dog. Try Nyquill. Fucking shit will knock out anything. LOL

Edibles don't work? Even when heating the butter for a few hours to convert the THC to CBN? Old dope that has turned brown from age?

I was doing 6 hours a night and was yawning during the day. 7 or 8 is really needed to do the trick with me. But I am still pretty physically active working around my place. :biggrin:

CBD isn't helping with that pain? It doesn't help my tore up thumb either, but does wonders on arthritic joints.


Well-known member
i used to stay up every night because i was staying up every night. not enough stimulus? couldnt help it, finally as i've calmed down i've been able to get a normal sleep at night;. medication its a willingness to settle down. a little at a time i would stay up longer each night until i was going all night then i'd stay up all day to correct my sleep pattern. now i just go to bed nighttime, important sleep. cannabis is too buzzy lung inf long combustion, cant sleep tight gets all finicky. wants to stay up at night, waiting that. years ago. doesnt know its all right but really like a zombie state so much programming.


Active member
i have suffered a long time. if at all possible, see a specialist and do a sleep study. can't recommend it enough.

sleep hygiene is crucial. it takes discipline.

Joint Lock

Active member
Hey Icmag thought I would ask if anyone suffers from Insomnia.i have
Had it for years been too doctor's and was given Zolpiclone for 2 weeks
1st cpl of tablets worked but they make me feel groggy next day & horrible
Metallic taste. Insomnia is my main reason for growing straight up need
Meds.this plant as you no is amazing I bought some pot chocolate and it
Worked amazing felt so good next day I felt normal.but costs a fortune
Which I don't have.i have even changed my diet I drink only water now
And have been eating foods that are supposed to help make melatonin
Cherry walnuts goji berries foods for tryptophan Turkey almonds chicken peanuts

I have tried all these foods and nothing helps.think cannabis is my holy grail

So I made this thread to see if any other suffers have any ideas or advice.
Really in a bad way now. So any advice would be appreciated

Thanks in advance....Freeurmind

OG (Tahoe or SFV)
Chem D
Afghani 1

has been my gotos for the past 20 yrs for insomnia


Well-known member
Mouse has been doctoring for decades due to 'fibromyalgia'. Tried many many brain drugs and pain drugs that either didn't work, didn't work for long, or had very bad results. I encourage sick people to find a good naturopath clinic. Almost immediately, they found that i had been severely and multiply metal poisoned, and this is something that the 'regular' docs just never seemed to consider. If you find that you have been metal poisoned (very common, actually) SOME naturopaths can help pull it from the body. This will depend on what state that you live in, if you are from USA.

I've been honest with docs, about Cannabis use, for decades. Most don't even bat an eyelash over it and none of those even slightly suggested to stop. Others just up and walked out of the room.

At bed time, this is when i make a 'toddy' with strong tincture that is as 'whole cannabinoid' as i can make it. Or Cannabutter in brownies, or other edibles.

The removal of some of the metals certainly helped, but the cannabis seems to cover the metal problems that are probably permenant damage. Not only does it help with inflamation, but it seems that my body's ability to 'regulate' systems is helped. For instance, years ago, my bod wasn't able to handle temperature changes very well. Better now, by far.


Active member
After trying most everything including drinking (which rots my stomach now) I have found when used properly Afghani No.1 can be effective. You have to pass past being stoned and for me a two-hitter that means 4 hits. With that and about an hour of enjoying the buzz I do find my eyes closing and it gets hard to push past that. No hangover in the morning unlike the nasty chemicals available pharmeceutically.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
After trying most everything including drinking (which rots my stomach now) I have found when used properly Afghani No.1 can be effective. You have to pass past being stoned and for me a two-hitter that means 4 hits. With that and about an hour of enjoying the buzz I do find my eyes closing and it gets hard to push past that. No hangover in the morning unlike the nasty chemicals available pharmeceutically.

Is Afghani #1 a clone variety??


Active member
Mouse has been doctoring for decades due to 'fibromyalgia'. Tried many many brain drugs and pain drugs that either didn't work, didn't work for long, or had very bad results. I encourage sick people to find a good naturopath clinic. Almost immediately, they found that i had been severely and multiply metal poisoned, and this is something that the 'regular' docs just never seemed to consider. If you find that you have been metal poisoned (very common, actually) SOME naturopaths can help pull it from the body. This will depend on what state that you live in, if you are from USA.

I've been honest with docs, about Cannabis use, for decades. Most don't even bat an eyelash over it and none of those even slightly suggested to stop. Others just up and walked out of the room.

At bed time, this is when i make a 'toddy' with strong tincture that is as 'whole cannabinoid' as i can make it. Or Cannabutter in brownies, or other edibles.

The removal of some of the metals certainly helped, but the cannabis seems to cover the metal problems that are probably permenant damage. Not only does it help with inflamation, but it seems that my body's ability to 'regulate' systems is helped. For instance, years ago, my bod wasn't able to handle temperature changes very well. Better now, by far.
Very cool. I have treated myself with skunk hybrids for insomnia, but it seems my temperature regulation is wacked. I have been waking with a low grade temp around 99.9 or 100.2 for the past three months. I have been tested for covid three times. I had to quarantine from work because of a 100.4 temp that went away by eight am.
It seems when I smoke joints it's not as likely?
I'm still experimenting with intake methods and I dropped my vape pen and broke it.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Work out in the sun all day, and eat a bunch of cookies does the trick for me. My issue is I don't wear a mask while working, and either cutting grass or like now, moving dirt, is hard on the sinuses. I cannot sleep if my nose won't breath freely. I will rinse the sinuses as soon as I hit send.

A little recording ring showed me that problem. I am resisting a CPAP, and the ring will vibrate if my O2 is below a set number. That will wake me, and tells me I need to do something different. As I fix these little issues, my sleep has improved a lot, which shows on the data download report. I got it from getwellue.com and there is a 10% code there somewhere.


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
indeed respiratory issues are often a contributing factor with insomnia. i currently use breathe right nose strips to help me breathe better until i can get my deviated septum addressed.


Well-known member
My neuropathy, foot burning keep me up a lot. Luckily i don’t have much to do so i can nap if I need to...


Well-known member
indeed respiratory issues are often a contributing factor with insomnia. i currently use breathe right nose strips to help me breathe better until i can get my deviated septum addressed.

I was just recently diagnosed with a deviated septum as well. As if I'm not fucked up enough. LOL I have not tried the nose strips yet. I'll give them a try. Thanks
