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Any PS4/XboxOne fans? Pc gamers welcome too :)


K+ vibes
That legend of Dragoon was the shit... zelda snes, and n64 are pretty much my favorite games... FF7....WoW... all basically the most rememberable games ever other than maybe goldeneye n dumb shit like that for n64...Gran Turismo for PS...Madden..

As for Anime I Never really got into that shit... I dunno I'm a super nerd, but.. yea...I'd like to find a cool anime... I still think Pokemon is the shit.... I wanna start getting back into that... I'm trying to find some cool shit to get into... Some PC games.....Archeage looks like Wow, and it has shit like.. u can grow/harvest plants/trees... and cooler professions... build houses... go to jail n shit....

I mainly wanna do shit like arena, and compete... I'll probably end up going back to Wow... I might go get the shit now... haha. I gotta level up n shit anyway.. I already pre-ordered the WoD expansion with the 90 boost... I think the level is 100 now I dunno...

blaaazed... I been trying to focus on producing music n shit, and really work on my shit... Learn how to do more things with mixing/mastering/effects/filters.... and whatever... Just synchronizing and organizing shit different.... I'm trying to get on some more nerdy shit instead of making trap beats. I wanna start fucking with trip-hop or trapstep or w/e its called.... I wanna do my own thing though, not that fast wierd fist pump shit... I aint with that.... I might have to explore a different drug to be able to enjoy that shit, I dont get it... hahahaa I'm with it, but not with it haha

I'm trying to figure out more about streaming movies/tv shows, and shit like that too.... I never really was big oN TV, and Cable is getting stupid expensive... I wanna change shit up, and go with a cheaper more user interactive shit.....
It seems like they are starting to crack down on torrents n DL'n movies n shit... I aint even trying to fuck around, I just wanna get something like Hulu,Apple TV, or w/e...... unless the Ps4 would cover everything, but I still gotta get something for the living room n whatever...

My bad, figured I'd rant a lil bit n throw my piece in the mix. I'm trying to change shit up in the routine... I been getting a little to repetitive with a boring routine.. I gotta start diving into some games/movies n shit to kill time

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
ye golden eye on the N64 was a really cool game, now that you remind that is up there with my fav games to.

games for the N64 were so expensive here. great console
@Hawk, I watch Anime but only dual audio stuff because I multitask while doing so and don't feel like learning japanese lol.
My ex is a comic student majoring in manga so I've watched a looooot of anime though lol.

@Dr, yeah lol it's so weird, nearly every gamer has the same (or close to the same) "list of epic memorable games" yet there is no software company that builds on that. Like, if you make fable 5500000 you'll draw a nice crowd people will be ok with it and you'll make a few bucks, if you remake (not remaster, really remake) old classics and keep the style they where in you'll make a buckload of cash on all of the Merch you can sell afterwards! For some reason they seam to forget about that though...

Pokemon is still awesome, nearly nobody admits it but I've seen people walk around with their kid sisters DS playing pokemon. Especially the "fan made" pokemons are awesome because they are a looooot harder then the ones we usually play :p.

I want to start playing WoW again but I really don't. It takes up sooooo much time because I'm a PVEer so bleh, have to level all my classes from 85-100, relearn how to play shadow priest, relearn how to tank as DK or loladin and so on and so forth, such a hassle hehe.

What kind of software do you use for your music, Ableton? Cubase? Wut?

As for cracking down on torrents, lol no they aren't, they're cracking down on public sites, which will be mirrored into infinity so even thats not going to work. Why else do you hear 0 success stories about deep/darknet services while you hear tons of news about "piratebay this piratebay that".
I'm not saying I support piracy, people should buy the stuff they need once they can. If a struggling student doesn't pay for adobe or whatever I fully understand, if a gamer wants to test a game first and see if it's worth their money, by all means, do so. If someone rather watches movies at home then in a theater think up a working system like netflix that doesn't cost you 500000 bucks a month and gives you a crappy load of stuff to watch. Trust me, most pirates don't WANT to pirate. If they get an alternative to do it legally for 10 bucks a month they will.

You could get a raspberry pi btw, or wait for a Vero box or get one of those android media center systems. you can watch pretty much everything streamed with the plugins. I'm not really a fan because it takes me too long to get to where I want to be but it DOES work without a doubt for uhmm a one time 60 buck purchase fee.

@Green, yeah games for the 64 where expensive here aswell, I was able to rent the games for free from a local videostore who're friends with my parents so I had the pick of the litter but stiilll. N64 had some great titles, I can only think of Zelda OAT and Diddy kong racing (or donkey kong racing?) either way, only nintendo themed racing game I ever liked to play without being stoned and riving up against your friends laughing lol.
Goldeneye was pretty good indeed if it comes to shooters :)


K+ vibes
Well I've been diggin a lot.... I'm definitely getting REALLY into Archeage... Its pretty much like Wow, but you can do everything with 1 character. You dont need to make a ALt to play a different class.... You pick 3 Talent Trees basically, and it melds you into what you are...

I picked Archer/Rogue/Witchcraft as my 3 so I'm a "Trickster".... Im gonna put most point into Archer/Hunter but I'll have a few melee abilities, and a few heals/spells.

I'm trying to find some games I can compete or really play a lot..... DOTA 2 is HUGE but it just looks stupid as hell to me... Even if the gear and spells and everything was awesome... The cameraview/world just looks too stupid for me...

Starcraft 2 is Awesome, but I couldnt see myself playing it for a dedicated daily thing for years..

Team Fortress 2 is Awesome, but the same thing... I just wouldnt feel right devoting time to it...

Path of Exile is like Diablo but better... I really need to give it a try, but I'm trying to get a full lineup of games going...

Hearthstone the cardgame is actually pretty fun, and I could dive into it, but i would honestly rather just play some Texas Holdem for money or something instead of wasting my time doing that shit... I'd rather play Pokemon TCG in person, or the online Pokemon TCG (I'm actually starting to play that too, but putting it on the backburner so I can find some games)...

I'm actually starting to think I might just build a computer instead of focusing on getting a PS4.....
I gotta really decide if I want to go all the way to Mac, and just install windows on that... or give up on Mac and just build my own pc for like $500-700

A PS4 is a Beast that will last for years, and for $400..... it outperforms any pc for $400...
I'd spend easily $150-250 on a video card for the computer

Right now I just use FL Studio, and I love it, but I definitely want to learn more programs.. More styles.... I wanna make all kinds of genres of music... I like Trap....Rap..... but I appreciate all kinds of music... and wanna make my own version of everything... R&B....EDM....Trapstep...Rock
Hmm which of these are F2P? or are they all payed? I'd give Archeage a chance if it's free and has atleast 1 character class that can summon creatures and a hunter that can tame creatures. Do I play characters with summoned creatures? Usually not but it gives a bit of flair to a fantasy game making it seem more "realistic" lol.

Theres nothing wrong with hearthstone, haven't played it myself but I hear good things. Personally, the only trading card game worth paying and playing for is MTG and even that i don't pay for anymore because you spend, like, 20 bucks a month on boosters lol. And that's if you SOMETIMES buy a booster, I just go in a buy a whole pack lol.

My PC is still fast enough for all the games with my lame ass OEM GTX 555 in it, it still preforms freaking well and most games play on "high" to "Ultra" so for a 3yo comp, not too shabby.

Most people seem to start with FL, I have no idea I never gave it a try but is it easier then ableton and such? I know how ableton works but it's still a LOT of work to actuallly do things so I get distracted or just throw it into a corner and go "f%ck it, i'm done" lol


Active member
see if STEAM GAMES were playable on the new consoles I would buy one.. but since they do not.. I will not lol.. until counter strike global offensive for CONSOLE is as good as PC.. I will not waste my money as I don't play enough games.. ill prolly buy a barebones for cheap as fuck. and just add the rest of my parts to make a nice gaming rig.


Active member
Well I've been diggin a lot.... I'm definitely getting REALLY into Archeage... Its pretty much like Wow, but you can do everything with 1 character. You dont need to make a ALt to play a different class.... You pick 3 Talent Trees basically, and it melds you into what you are...

I picked Archer/Rogue/Witchcraft as my 3 so I'm a "Trickster".... Im gonna put most point into Archer/Hunter but I'll have a few melee abilities, and a few heals/spells.

I'm trying to find some games I can compete or really play a lot..... DOTA 2 is HUGE but it just looks stupid as hell to me... Even if the gear and spells and everything was awesome... The cameraview/world just looks too stupid for me...

Starcraft 2 is Awesome, but I couldnt see myself playing it for a dedicated daily thing for years..

Team Fortress 2 is Awesome, but the same thing... I just wouldnt feel right devoting time to it...

Path of Exile is like Diablo but better... I really need to give it a try, but I'm trying to get a full lineup of games going...

Hearthstone the cardgame is actually pretty fun, and I could dive into it, but i would honestly rather just play some Texas Holdem for money or something instead of wasting my time doing that shit... I'd rather play Pokemon TCG in person, or the online Pokemon TCG (I'm actually starting to play that too, but putting it on the backburner so I can find some games)...

I'm actually starting to think I might just build a computer instead of focusing on getting a PS4.....
I gotta really decide if I want to go all the way to Mac, and just install windows on that... or give up on Mac and just build my own pc for like $500-700

A PS4 is a Beast that will last for years, and for $400..... it outperforms any pc for $400...
I'd spend easily $150-250 on a video card for the computer

Right now I just use FL Studio, and I love it, but I definitely want to learn more programs.. More styles.... I wanna make all kinds of genres of music... I like Trap....Rap..... but I appreciate all kinds of music... and wanna make my own version of everything... R&B....EDM....Trapstep...Rock

depending what your using your pc for.. you can get barebones on ebay for cheap if u wana go cheap go with AMD.. if you got money go with INTEL..

im a grab a cheap amd 8370 8 core. for 350 for a barebones add my dvd burners and hard drives and ram. n vid card.. and be done.. until I need to upgrade my vidcard as time goes on .


Active member
pc and ps3 here..had nes and snes in the 90's too.

gonna get ps4 when the new batman comes out, also looking for cyberpunk 2077. but until then ps3 will do more then fine, still haven't even started fallout new vegas and there's plenty of others too.

pc games are for me pretty much retro or retro-styled indie stuff, think 90's adventure games and action side scrollers. no need for fancy graphics card but i'm thinking still getting a new machine this year. desktop machine with fast core, lots of ram and fast ssd drives, but for other fucking around than gaming.


K+ vibes
Ive been obssessing over what I wanna build lol... I dunno why I said for $300-400 the Xbox One/PS4 outperforms any computer for that price... Cause that is completely the opposite of whats true lol....

I'm thinking of getting a FX 6300 or 8350 n a r9 270 for a super tight budget streamin comp.

If things go another direction Ima get a i5 4690k or i7 3770k but that is highly doubtful unless I magically become not poor all the sudden.

Im mad excited though, I already ordered some parts to kinda force myself into buildin the comp even if it takes 2-3 more months to finish.
If anyone has the hookup on parts n stuff let me knoww!!!!!

I even thought about getting the Pentium G3258 and just seeing how good that works for me, and the 100-200 I save goes to finishing the computer a month or 2 earlier... Then I can play on my new computer while I finish saving up for a i5 or i7


K+ vibes
Anyone out there have the hookup on PC hardware? Like CPUs....Vid cards.... etc...?
I wish there was a Microcenter around here.... apparently they have some NICE prices on some CPUs where its like 20-30 cheaper....

I'm really poor so any help would be awesome....


Well-known member
Don't know if it was mentioned or not but does any body know how to mod a ps3,or if you can get emulators or something like Homebrew for it?


Lover of Life
Anyone else getting fallout 4 tonight? I think I'm going digital this time cuz I have no way of obtaining a physical copy in this small ass one store town.

I love my NBA2k16, Destiny and Guitar Hero Live, but I need an in depth RPG to sink my gaming teeth into and Fallout 4 should do that..plus, I have a huge back log with my ps4 of Witcher 3, MGS V, The Elder Scrolls Online and Batman Arkham Knight, Dragon Age, Minecraft...Im always a sucker for new games though.
My PS3 died years ago. Yours hung in there!

I'm onto a PS4, but I don't really play it. Got Star Wars pre-ordered.

Just got a new ibuypower desktop last week. Loving it so far, but have not had a chance to run SWTOR on it.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
My PS3 died, so i got a new one. Also have the PS4, but not too many good games for it. Preordered Fallout4 and it didn't show up. Second and the last time i'll ever preorder anything, that's a fucking dumb move anyways to pay upfront for something you don't know much about. Didn't like the Star Wars beta, so gonna skip that one. Proly will be a huge hit cause of SW fans, but it was way too casual for my taste. Not to mention i'm still with the "fuck EA" train cause of their poor handling of Battlefield, Sims, Sim City, Medal of honor.. Could go on but u get the point. Gaming ain't what it used to be, used to pay 50 bucks for a game, but now them motherfuckers want a hundred and fifty. Might get a new comp soon tho, and get back to pirating.


Well-known member
My ps3 needs to be reballed and new thermal paste.fucking sucks.got a ps4 with the last of us.already beat it.fucking EPIC game!its a good thing you preordered FO4 Ticket cause it comes with a pipboy!if you dont want it you can probably make some decent money on ebay.or you can give it to me!yeah my aunt used to work at EA before they laid her off.dont know what games she made though.and theres gonna be a ton of great games on the ps4.it all depends on what kind of games you like to play.uncharted series is a pretty good ps4 exclusive.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Yep, Fallout4 is pretty bad ass :) More of a learning curve to this one than 3 and New Vegas had, but i'm not complaining. Some of the new stuff is great, like the camp building thing, but i do miss the karma system and weapons degrading. Might still be there with the survival mode? Right now i'm just learning the ins and outs on medium and might replay the game on the hardest possible setting. Gonna take a while tho, lots to explore and shoot in this game :)


Well-known member
My bro just got FO4 for pc.he said its legit.i heard many mixed reviews though.im sure its a good game.your gonna beat it twice Ticket?you must have no life like me!lol j/k

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