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Any PS4/XboxOne fans? Pc gamers welcome too :)

Right? Who takes time to camp in one spot for half an hour just waiting at the screen for a clear headshot *sigh* a game is supposed to be played, and yes, it's a strategy that would work extremely well for a sniper IRL but come oooon if you're playing a shooter just run around and try to hit shit lol.

Tell your relative to make the freakin Sims more fun already, just installed TS4, still the same game! The graphics slightly improved but it's THE EXACT SAME GAME as TS1, TS2 whatever lol. I know it's more of a chick game (I usually told my g/f's I installed The Sims if I wanted to get rid of them for a few hours lol) but reaaaaallly. First of all, make an adult expansion, people do NOT look like barbie dolls and we do NOT "make whoopie" lol, as soon as my single mom Sim is able to become a freakin stripper It'll atleast be realistic lol.

No complaints about any other EA games at the moment :p

Smash bro's is something totally different though, it's more like, uhmm, knowing what your character can do and how to quickly use that in your advantage. I can't say I played much smash bros though, from all the games I'd say I played a total of an hour or so but my insane mad skillz of smashing buttons and running around seems to do the trick!

FF15, don't get me wrong, FF IS one of the best game series ever invented (my personal opinion) but they toooootally r*ped the concept starting at FF 12. Where's my big @ss world map I can walk around on? Where are the materia things, job skills, actual ATB fights with limit bars and all that stuff. It's like, we know people can make pretty games, put less GB's in pretty textures and make a quality game where you can freely run around and decide to go and breed chocobo's while a gigantic monster is slowly approaching Midgard lol.
FF7 is my obvious favorite, followed by 9, 6-3, 10 and 10-2 but after that? Kind of lame.
FF13, you can walk one way, listen to looooooots of people talking, for hours, literally, then finally fight a sweet @ss summon/eidolon and go "Oh yeah they brought back summons!", you win, it turns into a freakin motorcycle! WTF! lol

People have been nagging for a sequal of FF7 for yeeeaaars, what do they do, they REMASTER IT, who cares about better graphics, people liked the game, the story, not specifically the graphics. Why else would someone be asking for a remake of a game from the 90's, not because they want better graphics :p

Rant over lol, ever since squaresoft was bought by Sony and it turned into Square-Enix it kind of went down the drain IMO.
I do keep hope they will EVENTUALLY wake up and revert back to what it used to be, a JRPG.


Well-known member
YES!I agree 100‰about FF.BUT!This is going to be an epic storyline.it won't be like the original games.those days are over.Another great JRPG series is Wild Arms.if you never played it check it out.Also Grandia,Suikoden,I could name a bunch.Nice to see an admirer of these kind of games.FF 7 changed my life forever.However,Xenogears is the best game ever made.no exceptions.


Well-known member
Man when FF10 came out,I was like,what the fuck is this shit!and Then FF10-2 came out and I said fuck it.I did beat 10 and it ended up being very good.that was the last one I beat.I've beat 1 through 10.I've got the demo for 12 but meh no real interst.just got done beating tales of xilia.not bad.the Tales series is great too


Well-known member
To be honest,a sequel to FF7 is hardly necessary.did you know that there's a prequel on the PSP?I think its called Crisis Core.I have dirge of Cerberus for PS2 but turned it off after 10 minutes.maybe I'll play it someday.Hey just for discussion sake,which eidolon/summon is your favorite?I don't really have one but Bahamut Zero comes to mind.And who could forget Shiva and her sexy icy ass!lol
Lol isn't it just sad to be able to say, and know that you're right, that the day of "those really good games is over"? Lol.

I'm seeeriously considering to learn japanese though because they still make games like that over there, they just never get released over here because the new generation gamers is just too stupid to understand what to do and just wants to play faaaabllee or shoot some shit up. No offense, I like those games as well, it's just... eh...

It's the same with RTS games, seriously, people are STILL playing Warcraft 3, Age of Empires, stuff like that because of lack of new games.
The most mentally challenging games I've seen pass by the last few years are Chess (in whatever form on whatever console lol) the Magic The Gathering games (which suck because you have to buy cards online or you'll have a tough time (if you are able to advance at all), who the hell buys cards online, buy a pack and play it with literally anyone) and whatever Dungeons and Dragons game they cough up (but the latter really has to be your cup of tea).

When FF X came out I was like "OMG OMG they're doing something with Chocobo again" when I actually got it I was like "The fuck is the world map? When am I getting to the world map?" lol.
The summons there are fairly lame aswell, Electric Horsie (Ixion), Bahamut with gears on his back looking all steampunk (the fuck, it's a dragon..), 3 retarded bee/flower sisters and don't even get me started on Blitzball! lol.
It was still fairly entertaining but I finished the game twice, I finished final fantasy 7 atleast 25 times. FF9 about 15 times and 8 roughly 10. Everything below that just a couple of times really.

Ofcourse people need a sequel for FF7, and 8 and 9 and 6 even. People actually liked those games, they all had fairly open endings and had cool shitz to do in the games. Lots of sidequests, freedom to move around etc.
Absolutely adored the chocobo breeding (eventhough limited), I liked G/F system somewhat (materia is better imo) and the treasure hunt in FF9 was funny aswell.
Never liked the card games in either 8 or 9 though, pretty much lacked imagination.

As for my favorite summon, eeehmmm. Knights of the round sucked, carbuncle (carbunckle? carbunkle? lol) was cute eventhough useless, Doomtrain was awesome, Bahamut was awesome, Diabolo looked cool, Ifrit looked cool, shiva looked a bit like a stuck up b*tch but eh it's ok lol, fat chocobo has to be the funniest summon though, choco/mog was funny in general but fat chocobo was great lol.

The ones I trained the most in FF7 where Knight of the round (Knights of round? what was it again, haven't played it for a while) and Phoenix, my fights with both ruby and emerald weapon literally took about 20 button pushes, the rest was mime, on death phoenix, counter knights of round, knights of round knights of round, mime Cid, Barrett and Clouds limit breaks and tada, you got ANOTHER GOLDEN CHOCOBO, which you obviously already got while spending 50 hours getting ready for fighting the Weapons lol.

Other great games are Breath of fire 3 and 4 (really awesome), Lufia 2 from the SNES, uhmm there was a game with djinn, I think it was golden sun but I'm not sure, on the GBA, that was great as well uhmmm, Legend of Legaia was ok-ish. Dragon Quest (right?) is ok-ish, both a bit pokemon like with the monster catching lol.
I know I can think of a few more but these are just from the top of my head.

I know FF15 will have a great story line though, a lot more mobility again as well. Lets just hope they don't completely ~!$!@# up the gameplay again because the trailer kind of looked like Mass effect meets Final Fantasy 13 lol.

Small edit: I never really played Xenogear because of the space theme, I hate space themes. I hear nothing but good about it though. Same goes for Suikoden eventhough that doesn't have a space theme I didn't like the 5000 playable characters lol.


thing is with these new ps4 games they look great but lack gameplay in single player.
most games can be completed in a few hours.i think games are made now for online gaming
anyone remember this ?...



Well-known member
Holy shit bro!I'm impressed!I beat all the games you listed!if you want to play the best game with the best storyline YOU HAVE TOO PLAY XENOGEARS!its a very hard game to understand.and it doesn't take place in space.you might be thinking of Xenosaga series which is the prequel.Xenogears is tough to talk about cuase I don't want to give anything away.it talks about religion, where we came from,what we really are,science physcoligy the whole nine yards.its not for everybody, don't get me fukking started on suikoden and the goddamn 108 stars of destiny!fukking character recruiting bs! just started suikoden5 on PS2 still great games though


Well-known member
Lmfao!ghosts and goblins was one of the hardest games I ever played.stopped playing that game when I broke my controller I got so mad.I think I still have the original nes game called tiger-heli.supposedly the company,I think maybe konami?got sued cuase it was impossible to beat.
Amen on the new Console game style Harley. Remember how they put NES and SNES zelda on a shitty little 1MB drive yet entertained us with a 90 hour+ gameplay experience? Now we put games 28000 times the size (literally) on disks and make solo games that TAKE 40 hours of gameplay of which 15 hours is people talking about shit you don't care about and 5 hours is just them showing off how well they can render some CGI. Loved it in a crappy looking game like way back in the PS1 area with cutscenes of about 30 seconds where they could show off their CGI skills but hell, I'm playing a game, not watching a movie!

I remember playing all the fables for example, fun games, had side quests, side quests horribly boring, had jobs, jobs involved hitting a button every x seconds so that got old quick, storyline itself, 3 days, done.

If I replay one of the original zelda's for example it'll still take me daaays to finish and I know exactly where everything is... and that's a game people could back up on a freaking floppy disk lol.

Plus they really don't know what people want anymore and just ignore the public. Take a platformer like Mario for example, first time I played Mario 64 I was like "uhmm where the hell is Yoshi?" lol that went on a couple more games and I pretty much gave up. I think they added him to the new games again but hey, that only took them 20 years to figure out people missed the character haha.

And I loved Ghost and Ghouls btw (Ghost and Ghouls right? I always mix that name up, everybody does), as a kid I always died at the beginning where you had to jump from platform to platform and avoid the waves of water lol, threw the controller in a corner at that point. Replayed it as an adult but never finished it tbh.

It really was an insanely frustrating game, it still is really, but then again, anything up from atari to nes and even some snes games where IMPOSSIBLE to beat. there where like 5000 different approaches to something like uhmm landing a plain but 4999 made you crash xD.

As for Xenogears, sounds great really, it's a PS1 game right? I can play that on my PSP :).


Well-known member
Heard the ghosts and goblins/ghouls for PSP is the hardest game on PSP but that was years ago so who knows.any body play contra?I beat the original but the one on PS2 was insane.couldn't beat it.And its not that they don't know what WE want.we are the minority.its what everybody else wants and how they can make the most money.which is FPS.I heard the new Duke Nukem took 10 years to make and it sucked from what I hear.Buncha greedy incopitant bastards that only care about the money and not the real art of video games.


Well-known member
As a matter of fact medicalstone I have it on my PSP but mine is modded.I don't think they sell it as a disk but if yours is modded too yeah you can play it too.
Lol you can safely assume that everytthing is modded in my house. Hell I'm thinking of modding my fridge to tell me when its out of milk lol.

I got all snes games on my PSP in a snes emu, same thing for game gear (very very underrated console for it's time) and GBA.

Think I have all snes games on my DS aswell but I barely use the thing

For the record, I actually own most of the games, idk how my parents pulled it off because my SNES wasn't modded yet I still have 100's of games.
They must have secretly been growing/selling weed to coffeeshops or something haha, nah jk, my dad did very very well when I was a kid, a lot less now unfortunately.


Well-known member
Dude!no way!we must have seperated at birth!my child hood was so similar!my dad was slinging dope and bought me a turbo graphics 16 with all the games.now that I think about it,what the hell happened to my turbo?oh well.that's what emulators are for!
Lol yeah I sold my snes, nes, gameboy etc. as a kid to make some cash for new consoles.
I can tell you that I still regret it though. Ok you can emu pretty much anything and it works just fine but if I can ever get my hands on those vintage consoles again... It are collectors items really!
I'd still rather grab my PSP and play a snes game or whatever then fire up a console (since you can multitask that way :p) but it's just really really cool to have!

And to be honest, I still enjoy my old games, the graphics might have been crap but that's not really WHY I play the games.
Ofcourse I like seeing a fancy rendered game and can enjoy that as well but I'm really fine with just some random text popping up and hitting the A (or b or whatever) button to go through it lol.

Out of all of the new games out there right now I really know very little I'd play again while I finished super mario, zelda and all of the final fantasies like 500 times lol.

I'm not saying that it was allll better "in my time" but well, story wise, I actually am lol.
It doesn't have to look like I'm playing with real people, I can play with characters that vaguely resemble humans (or whatevers) just fine, I honestly don't care much about the stunning graphics.
Does it look cool? Ofcourse it does but it gives 0 extra value to the game itself ;).

Oh another relatively fun game for the PS1, Legend of Dragoon :)

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
im totally different after i finish a game ill likely never play it again, dont get me wrong the zelda serious is my favorite franchise. i loved it and agree with everything you say about it.

thats why i like the new games online playing just keeps up interested. some of the COD games i have put up 16 days on one and similar on others. i could never play a game for that long just on campaign.


Well-known member
Yeah,yeah,yeah.beat legend of dragoon too.they said it was gonna be the final fantasy killer.not quite but good game though.there's this great show called community with Chevy chase.there was an episode where all the characters were simulated into and old school 8 bit RPG kinda like Zelda or something.if you can find that episode its a must see trust me
@Greeen, I think I replayed Zelda on the snes like, 50 times or something. Didn't finish it every time since I got distracted or whatever but I finished it atleast 3/4 times in total.

It's still fun, I usually wait long enough to play things again so you're like "uhmm what should I do here again?" and then replay them :p.
Doesn't work for Zelda anymore though, I know that game top to bottom haha.

@hawk, Yeah I had a chinese friend when I was a kid that got the game out of Hong Kong before it got released here (the english version even), I played it a while. Turned it off thinking "the f*ck?".
Replayed it again about 3-5 years ago (can't remember exactly) turned it off agaaain. Weird combat style with the button combos and whatever. I seriously can't see why people loved that game, but to each his/her own ofcourse ;)


Well-known member
Well its good because of the story.it didn't really get good until the third disc which took like what 20 hours at least?and I'm exactly the same way.I will intentionally put a game on hold so I can wait to play it so I can enjoy it more in a year or so.you sure your not my long lost twin?lol just kidding!just got done beating Uncharted for the ps3.pretty decent.just started Uncharted 2.Anybody play okami?if you like Zelda you'll probably like that game.
@Hawk Haha well, most of my family lives in the US so maybe a cousin? hahah

I played Okami btw, atleast, I own Okami. I played it for about 2 hours or so and then noticed a squirrel or something lol.
It was, however, a very decent game, I'm definitely going to finish that sometime.

I still need to finish all of the zelda games after Ocarina of Time though, lol I usually end up playing it for hours but since it's (all of my consoles and PC) hooked to my TV I'm like, "Watch tv or game... or do something on the internet?" lol. TV or I-net usually win :p.


Well-known member
Not sure if this appropriate or not for this thread,but does any watch anime or manga? Just discovered Deadman Wonderland and its great. If that's your thing.sorry if off topic.It would have Made
A great game.

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