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any other turkey hunters on here?


Well-known member
6th trip this season. finally had a bird gobbling at me. his march up the hill to me was rudely interrupted by a pair of shotgun blasts about 150 yards below my set-up. oh well...the weather was beautiful.


Well-known member
Grandpa said turkey hunters get shot too much by idiots

fixed it for you, lol. turkey hunters could easily be classified as "obsessed", or "manic-depressive", but lumping them in with idiots is a bit of a stretch. i've had a few of those "idiots" (aka poachers, hens not legal) stalk me after mistaking my calling for that of real birds. or...the bastards could be planning to shoot you & claim it was an "accident". not real fond of either scenario.


Active member
I meant here there were mishaps of hunters shooting other hunters whom were calling in birds......no clear target ...no shooty was not being observed


Well-known member
I meant here there were mishaps of hunters shooting other hunters whom were calling in birds......no clear target ...no shooty was not being observed

gotcha. i'm more nervous during deer season, esp if during "any deer" portion of season. some of them ol' boys go with a "if it's brown, it's down" state of mind, which can lead to shooting at motion, noise, etc. there is a good reason we are required to wear blaze orange jackets & hats...


Well-known member
some big toms there, ol' longspurs, lol. good photography too, i might add. thanks, aint seen many birds this season. today was my last chance to hunt this spring, can't justify running out the gas in my truck not knowing if i'll be able to get to work this weekend.


Well-known member
called in a big bird a few days ago, but he saw me first. :badday: two days ago, i called in a flock of hens that had two jakes with them. legal game, but they are so dumb i feel like i'm taking advantage of a small child if i shoot one, so i let 'em walk. maybe next year...:yummy:


Well-known member
speaking of next year...turkey population here in a dive, not looking good for future either. normally seeing hens with 5 to 8 poults following them around. aint seen the first one this summer. hens, but no poults...:badday: for that matter, i've not seen the first whitetail deer fawn yet either. WTF ? the earliest ones born should be big enough to follow mom out into the fields feeding by now.:frown:


Well-known member
wish you were here for a spring season, Herman. sitting in the woods burning a bowl, hearing the world waking up, cardinals and crows sounding off, waiting for the first tom to sound off up on his roost branch. makes the hair on my neck stand up when they gobble. makes a man feel alive...


A bas l`etat policier polygame!
wish you were here for a spring season, Herman. sitting in the woods burning a bowl, hearing the world waking up, cardinals and crows sounding off, waiting for the first tom to sound off up on his roost branch. makes the hair on my neck stand up when they gobble. makes a man feel alive...

Yes, that sounds good! But, than I only make pictures. In reality I can´t kill anything living.


Well-known member
Yes, that sounds good! But, than I only make pictures. In reality I can´t kill anything living.
everyone kills every day. every single person. there are religious extremists in India that refuse to get off of their mats & walk for fear of stepping on some lower life form. but they still inhale & kill tiny insects etc... all life on this planet depends on something else dying to support it whether they kill it themselves or not. vegetarians are responsible for the deaths of shitloads of insects/small mammals from the crops being sprayed or harvested, the ground being plowed, whatever. death is the one great constant, the gorilla in the room nobody wants to acknowledge or make eye contact with...:dunno:


A bas l`etat policier polygame!
It´s true what you wrote, but I can´t. Like the indians, I even don´t kill insects. It´s not an idology, it´s in me, don´t know why? Maybe I am an nonarmedoldhippypunk? :)I have nothing against hunters or hunting, absolutly not. For excample, I try to shoot an animal and don´t make a good letal hit, for the rest of my life, I would feel bad about the suffering animal.


Well-known member
I try to shoot an animal and don´t make a good lethal hit, for the rest of my life, I would feel bad about the suffering animal.
i can still remember every deer/turkey/bird i shot that escaped to die later, or thrashed around until i got a better hit & ended it. any moral person would. this is just one reason that any ethical hunter practices shooting, and stays familiar with whatever weapon you choose to hunt with. i've stopped hunting deer with a firearm for the most part. getting into my self-imposed range limit with my bow keeps me from taking long range "attempts" like you see on some "hunting" videos. if i can get inside of my range (15 yards or less) the chance of a bad hit are greatly reduced. damn difficult to get there...


A bas l`etat policier polygame!
Hunting with the bow is cool! Oldschool. Sometimes it´s sad, that I can´t really write what I want in english. Writing english is work for me, a conversation is not easy. From face to face, and after some beer my english is perfect! :)


New member
i can still remember every deer/turkey/bird i shot that escaped to die later, or thrashed around until i got a better hit & ended it. any moral person would.
This is the worst feeling ever. I've been practicing before every deer season and it still happens here n there either to me or folks hunting with me...

One of my friend always hunts in sunglasses(I think something like goodr sunglasses) and I was always wondering - how the hell he can see anything in those while aiming. He has waay too much escaping animals and I've talked to him multiple times - he's still not reluctant to drop those and actually aim properly. Some people just can't change I guess.
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Well-known member
This is the worst feeling ever. I've been practicing before every deer season and it still happens here n there either to me or folks hunting with me...
if it doesn't bother you, you are not much of a human being. i drive more carefully now as well; don't want to hit/hurt something/someone. a humane hunter will seriously evaluate the distance/circumstances where he/she will shoot at a quarry, regardless of weapon. honestly facing your limitations...

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