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any kiss users have exp. with veg+bloom


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I'm doing something a little different this time - all of this talk about a PK boost got me curious, so I picked up a small bottle of Canna PK 13/14 to try out and see if it was worth the effort. These pictures were taken the day that I started it, just a bit over 3 weeks to go. You are supposed to run it for one week, starting three weeks prior to harvest. We'll see....




Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
dan saw the new pics lookin good for 27 days you still happy so far with everything? on the veg+bloom only tent?
Other than bieng over grown , yeah its looking great !!! gotta get some pics next time i'm there , its been a couple weeks sense i remembered to bring the camera lol .

Rives , PK 13/14 can be a little strong on some strains at the 6ml per gallon . start off at 4ml if your gal is at all finiky . they look fukin fantastic by the way !!!! not even sure you need the boost .


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Thanks, Dan. You're a bit late on the warning, they are now on the third day at full strength, but they seem happy. I thought about using a lower dosage, but these gals are so far from finicky that it is funny - they are out and out pigs. I don't think that I've ever run over an EC of 1.8 and these have been getting 2.2 and wanting mooooore. They never did green up to normal levels.

I did cut back on the V+B considerably when I added the 13/14, and am in the process of lowering the feed over the next week to start the final taper into the flush. I dropped the overall EC down to 1.8 from 2.2 for the first two days of the 13/14, and then down to 1.6 for the next couple of days, and will drop it again for the last few. It's new to me, so I'm just playing & watching....

Any tips are much appreciated!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Godzilla .... thanx for this man ..... i just recieved a free jar with my last V&B order & was wondering how much to use & how long . 1tsp per gallon & how long does your rez last ?

im doing weekly changes atm... my first mix includes the +size and then I ph to 5.8 maybe a little lower.. after that I have been doing small daily add backs of just RO water and RO Veg+Bloom to keep PH stability... by the end of the week maybe 10 days or so I will switch for another batch of fresh ph'd +size mix.. so far thats been working the best for me just so I dont have to keep adjusting PH. plants seem happy.. i think im getting more bulk then pure v+b...


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
you would have noticed right away if there were going to be any problems with full dose . glad ya didn't .... it sux when it happens BTDT .
Again ..... Damn nice grow & ladies brutha :tiphat:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
im doing weekly changes atm... my first mix includes the +size and then I ph to 5.8 maybe a little lower.. after that I have been doing small daily add backs of just RO water and RO Veg+Bloom to keep PH stability... by the end of the week maybe 10 days or so I will switch for another batch of fresh ph'd +size mix.. so far thats been working the best for me just so I dont have to keep adjusting PH. plants seem happy.. i think im getting more bulk then pure v+b...
does the Plus size throw the PH outa whack pretty bad ??? or make it fluctuate alot ? or am i missing something ???

Twisted pleasur

Active member
dang rives what strain is that lookin really chunky nice job? v+b only except for the pk dose you just did?

Ya I just added PK today for the first time I did 6ml too. my total was 800ppm so Ill be curious now to see if my ladies are ok with 6 or not. fingers crossed.

look forward to seeing how things are as of late dan. ya they damn sure filled out the tent brother lol...


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Thanks, TP.

It is some of Mosca's Tsi Fly. Pretty amazing plant. It's my second run with this particular plant. When I grew them from seed I popped 5 and had 2 that didn't make it, 1 male, and 2 females. One of the two females was problematic as hell, scraggly, and always looked unhappy while her sister beside her got exactly the same treatment and thrived. When it was all said and done, the little plant yielded 2.5 ozs and the bigger one yielded 8.3 ozs, far and away the heaviest-yielding plant that I've ever grown. These five are clones from the second plant.

In addition to the V+B and the PK 13/14, I did the KoolBloom "slam" per Rez's technique - 5.5 grams/gallon of KoolBloom powder on days 15, 29, and 36. I've had the KoolBloom sitting around for a couple of years and decided to try it out. I think that the buds might be a bit fatter this time around, but it's hard to say. This is what they looked like last time, about a week later in development (day 54 vs 46) than the above pictures, with nothing but V+B.


And here again at day 66 -



Last edited:

Twisted pleasur

Active member
Nice I love it wen I hear someone found a gem from seed. Those from last time look serious and love the color. Ive never tried anything from Mosca. He has some really interesting crosses. Would like to to try his moonshine and bubblegum. Have you ran anything else from him?

You can see a difference with this round though the are tighter and more full your definitely going to have a better round from what I can tell. Ive never tried the KB powder now the liquid used it for years and loved it. Your tech. has be thinking about giving the powder a go...thats a real cool idea.

I usually use carbs and b vitamins and other additives and Right now Ive been using a product from Green Planet called Honey @8ml per gal. It smells like honey and contains allot of stuff I always use and some other goodies. My store guy gave me some to try.

Then decided to hit them with PK. yesterday week 5. Allot to think about. Ive been using canna as a base only for a while now. I love it but hate how much it takes to get the ppm up. With my current mix on a 50 gal rez. it 350ml's so I go through it pretty fast.

From your experience Rives how many 50 gal rez can I make with a 25lb of v+b? just curious. Ill want to run at 1.6 ec most of the time correct?


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I've got some other Mosca strains in the refer, but haven't tried any yet.

I haven't played around with any additives because I'm frequently out of town for extended periods and need a mix that doesn't need constant diddling to stay where you want it, and since I use Blumats the stuff has to work well with them. That's why I hadn't tried any boosters or anything else up to this point - V+B alone works very well overall, and is very stable.

With my water, 5.5 grams/gallon gives me right around an EC of 1.6, which is also where I normally feed during flowering. My math says that at that rate, it would take 275 grams for a single 50 gallon reservoir, so you would get about 41 reservoir fills from 25 pounds.

Twisted pleasur

Active member
Thats wat my problem is as well. I need to be able to add something for a week and it be stable and not clog up my micro sprinklers sounds like we are in the same boat. Except my sprinklers are probably a bit more forgiving then your Blu's are.

Man with numbers like that the V+B is just sounding more and more like I need to try it.
Do you circulate your rez at all or bubble it at all.

When my pump kicks on to water there is back pressure in the system and the rez gets stirred up pretty well while its running. So Im thinking Ill have very little fall out.

Im wondering if I should stop bubbling mine. I get a little scuz but nothing harmful with my mix now. Ph is good.
Just wondering ware you were with that.

Also what medium are you in. Im not sure I read that any ware. I apologies if I missed any of this back in the thread.

Thanks for the chat and letting me pick your brain Im just anal about testing new things. I try to figure out everything I can before I pull the trigger these days I have so much crap and waisted money on the shelves that didn't pan out.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
My mom cabinet has a manually-refilled reservoir that has no stirring. The flower tents have large reservoirs at floor level feeding small elevated reservoirs that supply the elevation for the blumats to work. These large reservoirs each have an aquarium stir pump in them, and the upper reservoirs are set up with large return lines that dump the overflow back to the main rez after they fill, so some additional agitation comes from this.

I use Botanicare ReadyGro Aeration mix and air pots that are supposed to be 2 gallon "equivalent". They are actually only about 5 liter or 1.3 gallons - they have the red 7" base and are about 8.5" tall. I used to use 3 gallon pots, and was using the smaller ones in my mom cabinet, but discovered that the smaller ones worked just as well with about 1/3 of the media. They also have the benefit of tightly growing-in the blumats, which helps with runaways.

I'm happy to help however I can. Holler if there is anything that I overlooked.

Twisted pleasur

Active member
No that sums it up pretty good. sounds like a really cool setup and a one part such as the V/B is ware its at. Im going to give it a go. You ever do any flushing with that media or you find steady as she goes works just fine with the V/B? It seems for me I have to watch closely if not I get lock up around the end of week 5 and week 6 is slow. I need to play with PPM's like Ive seen you guys talking about dropping off after 4. and then kick in PK idk. frustrating. With that being said yield is not ware I would like but the quality is great and for that reason Im most worried. but you and Dans shots are making feel a one part can carry all the goodies (excpet a splash of PK) and make things a bit easy.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
No, I don't do any flushing until the end when I just taper off the nutrient level. I do use 1 ml/gallon of Drip Clean for the blumats, and I think that it probably helps quite a bit with buildup leading to lockout.

I would suggest that you get a water analysis so that you know which version of V+B to get - if you are on a public utility, the results of their water testing are frequently posted on their web site, or you can just request one. If you're on a well, you would have to send a sample to someone. I fought low calcium and magnesium forever, and finally figured out that it was because my water is right next to RO in mineral content and most nutrients are compounded on the basis of the mix water having a higher level of both Ca & Mg. Tsi Fly isn't really Mg hungry, but some of the strains that I run are, and I add a bit of epsom to the mix for them. I try and aim for about 60ppm of Mg for those plants, and it seems to work well. The nutrient calculator in my sig is invaluable for figuring out all of this - once you get your information on your water and the strengths of your nutrients at 1ml or gram per gallon plugged into it, it's incredibly easy to figure out exactly how much of a given thing you need to change in order to get where you want to be. It is also very useful at the end of the run when you are trying to dilute down a reservoir that is still partially full and hit a given EC level without a bunch of experimentation.

Twisted pleasur

Active member
Well I appricate that calculater Im going to make some good use of that. Ya Im r/o 0ppm coming out. I tell ya I was using cal mag for a long while with Nova and I was always having a mag def. I switched to canna at around 600-800 depending on phase and I havn't had a def. in some time. Im using Drip Clean as well in every rez.

I think I need to fine tune maybe the Green Planet Honey at 8ml per gallon every feeding starting day one of flower may be the issue. Then I probably compounded the issue adding more P/K

Also my run off was pretty much nule for a week. Ive fixed that now. That probably is part of a issue for me as well...they were a little dry by the end of the day. Im in coco so that isnt good.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Dans everytime I add +size ph drops significant ly. And fluctuates for days after. Adding back with just vb and ro seems to stabilize the ph at near 5.8 so I dont have to keep adjusting daily. This is in dwc.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
GG4$ at 44 days with nothing but V&B & RO water PH'ed to 5.9 . EC is at 1.6 in the pic & will slowly drop off from here to .01 EC for the 2 week leaching .





is that .01 EC or 0.1 EC?

starting week 4 here in a new space - 1000watters in 5gal E&F, they didnt like it until the EC was up to 1.6, going to take them up to 1.8EC this week, tap formula at 0.4EC water.

also started them on +Life and +Size

remember how the first batchs of V+B smelled like Gatorade? well +Size smells like hand lotion...

is anybody running a specific EC/PPM of +Size? directions say 1-2 grams per gallon but not sure what that works out to ppm wise. going to do some maths probably tomorrow to know for sure. label says 0-11-11 with some sulfur and mag if i remember correctly.

also glue is lookin killer dan, have you compared V+B glue buds with GH/AN/etc? thanks for sharing


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
going to do some maths probably tomorrow to know for sure. label says 0-11-11 with some sulfur and mag if i remember correctly.

JJ, if you don't use a nute calculator, try the one in my sig line. You put in your base water analysis, the guaranteed analysis for up to 7 nutrients/additives, and how many ppm you get for 1ml/gallon of mixed nutrient and it will give you some pretty damn close answers when you are playing "what if?" games.

As an old friend of mine used to say, "It's handy as a pocket on a shirt".

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