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Anti surveillance thread

Space Toker

Active member
I was told here that I am limited to 5 instead of 6 smilies, got a visit from the mail woman, and some dictionary language add-on thing from firefox all while typing this message! and thanks man, I hope you enjoyed the holidays as well. I have actually been quite relaxed lately with the events in Colorado and dramatic downturn in air traffic. Now I have to get back to garden planning and being more evasive with the NP! :D

Space Toker

Active member
well guess what happened? Can you take a wild guess? I mention here that this or that is the case and the opposite happens. In other words, lots of air traffic where there had been none for the longest time. At least 3 choppers and more planes in short order! I was about to go back into full panic mode like the bad old days, but then I figured fuck them bastards, I will do what I will do and what happens happens. So once again, fuck them!

Space Toker

Active member
Well things have been peaceful again lately for the most part, but geez a couple days after posting that last message, we went out to try to see the northern lights as we usually don't see that, and there was this very low hovering aircraft that turned turned us and hovered some more then proceeded to follow us to another town before fucking off. Wtf? I am no FBI most wanted so what's up with that? Went into another town and noticed a statie right on my bumper but pulled into a lot and he did not follow. Then many days of peace. Today, I was groggy and not myself and did not notice until late that there was a bucket truck and cop at the bottom of my driveway! My brother came home unexpectedly early and confirmed it was a town cop and that same cop and truck had been doing tree work for days gradually working up the road. Still didn't make me feel too much better, I was thinking in fact it was a slight possibility they did all that to spy on us. The guy in the bucket was really high up in an ideal position to peer into any window he wanted, and my bro thought they were earmuffs but I could have sworn that guy had a borg-like device on the side of his helmet that could have been a camera. All I know is they spend like a week meticulously working their way up the road and then as they just get past my drive they take off without a trace? (not working their way up the other 1/4 of the road? Directing traffic on this road where normally the only traffic are squirrels and cows?) Anyway maybe I missed something but freaky nontheless.
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Space Toker

Active member
well this was an odd day to say the least, a day or 2 ago the garage door opener died and today I went to check the mail in a truck that had a light on top and barely fit into the garage. Well the door seemed opened to its max but I guess not, broke the light on top off (warning/strobe light or something like that? orange light that twirled and flashed when plowing). Ok so I get all kinds of radar beeps and then nothing, here in the middle of nowhere. I go to the post office to sign for a package (yeah that kind of package) and get more radar detector beeps as I go there, then they stop. I get what I need and come home, to see a guy appearing to set up ice fishing apparatus at a pond really close to me, I stare and we both wave. The pond if you can call it that is like 10 by 20 feet or something similarly like a large puddle and never saw no one fish there ever! Literally 10 minutes or less and he was gone! More radar beeps as I put away the truck. Then just over 3 hours ago, a really low chopper whizzes by really fast directly overhead preceeded by a few low noisy planes. Now I always think all kinds of things initially and by 1 hour later I am totally calm, but I was really wondering about all this for sure.


so this has been happening since 2010? can't get boring that's fer sure

Space Toker

Active member
whatever you want to believe
all I know is the flying pieces of well, you know, they were really having their fun this morning. 2 regular choppers, then 3 olive double propeller military choppers really low, all within 2 hours!


Active member
your not Osama or a cartel leader... I don't know if I could deal with paranoia like you do daily.... good luck man

Space Toker

Active member
Exactly man, I have been dealing with this off and on for like 15 years, not 4. I would not lie to you or anyone. After that post, There were choppers and planes all day. I was away from where I could keep track of noises, but while I was where I could hear and see things, there was 2 choppers flying in tandem one right behind the other in the distance. I saw the state chopper and a black and green one I have not seen in a while too. I was trying to relax and eat my lunch and stlll sounds of a few more choppers. I took a certain action and then they stopped finally. So like you say, exactly, I am not whitey bulger or osama or a cartel and they treat me as such. I know they can't have evidence of non-existent wrongdoing, but they have been engaging in a harassment campaign against me for some time and it is time those pieces of shit pay! As in I sue the state and federal government and every oppressive government for like "one billion dollars" as austin powers says but no, adjusted for inflation, "one hundred billion dollars" . For all the harassment and potential years they took off my life, I easily win my case and help the poor and save the world and all that! Hell I can dream can't I? Or dream of what I would do to those mofos if I could get my hands on them! ;) They pulled their BS, made their point, for hours on end near constant flyovers and circling, now they will jack themselves off to the memories and leave me alone for a good long while until they do it again. Hopefully I can make them pay someday. Until then, I will enjoy the hawks swooping and circling, all the birds at the bird feeder, my undisclosed ongoing "projects" I love so much and will give them a bug F.U. as I always do! :D peace


Well-known member
When I was a kid there was someone who would always cut through the corner of our yard(we lived at a three way intersection) and my dad took some old wood strips, put nails through them, and would laid them through the corner of our yard every night and pick them up in the morning. About a week later, we had tire tracks through our yard again, right over the nail strips, and that shit NEVER happened again. HAHAHA.

strange, I have a neighbor that is physically unable to put his car in reverse. if he pulls off of his driveway into his yard, he just drives through mine to get out on the road. I think i'll go with the ghetto spike strips myself...:tiphat:

Space Toker

Active member
hey I am not crazy, almost maybe but not quite there! Yeah that is the understatement of the century right? :D well all is well in my world lately, thanks for caring or laughing or whatever! ;)

Space Toker

Active member
There is a guy in shades in a tinted window SUV sitting a little ways past my drive (facing away from my house but close enough to cause serious concern, just past a neighbors drive across the street, why did he not complain?), and the radar detector went nuts when I went by!
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Space Toker

Active member
He finally took off after 20 minutes or more! He was wearing shades at night! Looked like a damn CIA spy or something! Sitting there like a big stone statue, motionless and not looking toward or away from me or down at something, but straight ahead again like a big stone statue! Regular plate that had NY written vertically and then some symbol or a few letters/numbers I could not make out. I am not from NY, and this was a civilian plate from this state. WTF?
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Space Toker

Active member
he just took off again less than 10 minutes ago, I think he noticed me looking through binoculars as he was out of the vehicle around the back passenger side, looking in my direction. I don't know why the neighbors did not report it, how do they know who that guy is or his intent?

Space Toker

Active member
The other thing I hate is all the calls on the phone that register as "private caller" or "incoming call". I used to answer them and there would just be static on the other end. They never leave messages. I don't see the point, well yes unless I let paranoia control the entire thought process. I never saw yesterday's visitor before, and after the fact thought it was just some big guy with glasses who was lost. But then why would he sit there so long, then drive slowly around the block and come right back to the same exact spot? But why would a spy be sitting there with headlights on either? I think to pretend he was a vehicle stranded in the snow or something. That neighbor has vehicles sitting in his driveway for long periods with headlights on before leaving, I used to think that was normal, not so sure. A couple summers ago, there were flashing cruisers there but nothing came of that. He is a rev, so extremely unlikely he'd be breaking any law and more likely he'd be cooperating in "fighting crime".


if it smells like fish
or he could be screwing kids like the priests do lol maybe they been watching him all along and your not paranoid