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another example of why it's risky to go to hydro stores in non-med/legal states


Active member
Wow, that's pretty crazy. We have no rights in this country. Cops just do as they please.


These cops are just lazy thugs. Watching hydro. stores are easy ways to pad their statistics of "cracking down on crime and drugs." by going after low hanging fruit like guys who might be growing a few plants for their own use. What if the guy had been growing a few plants, so what? Are they really doing anything to "stop crime?" No but it adds to their statistics and that's how they justify the cost of having them around. Here are some statistics for real crime in the state of Kansas:A five year average based on statistics from the Kansas Bureau of Investigation-Violent crimes per year, murder 66, rape 950,robbery 899,agg. assault 6,489, total 8.454. Property crime five year avg.: Burglary 14,009, theft 47,861,motor vehicle theft 4,126, total 65,996. With a clearance rate(In criminal justice, clearance rate is calculated by dividing the number of crimes that are "cleared" (a charge being laid) by the total number of crimes recorded. Clearance rates are used by various groups as a measure of crimes solved by the police.) of 15%.
So to pad their abysmal statistics of solving only 15% of all major crimes they decide to hang out at hydro. stores and do nazi raids of people brewing tea. They are so fucking stupid it's amazing. How about they try to figure out to prevent and solve all the other much more serious crimes they already have? Idiots!
These cops are just lazy thugs. Watching hydro. stores are easy ways to pad their statistics of "cracking down on crime and drugs." by going after low hanging fruit like guys who might be growing a few plants for their own use. What if the guy had been growing a few plants, so what? Are they really doing anything to "stop crime?" No but it adds to their statistics and that's how they justify the cost of having them around. Here are some statistics for real crime in the state of Kansas:A five year average based on statistics from the Kansas Bureau of Investigation-Violent crimes per year, murder 66, rape 950,robbery 899,agg. assault 6,489, total 8.454. Property crime five year avg.: Burglary 14,009, theft 47,861,motor vehicle theft 4,126, total 65,996. With a clearance rate(In criminal justice, clearance rate is calculated by dividing the number of crimes that are "cleared" (a charge being laid) by the total number of crimes recorded. Clearance rates are used by various groups as a measure of crimes solved by the police.) of 15%.
So to pad their abysmal statistics of solving only 15% of all major crimes they decide to hang out at hydro. stores and do nazi raids of people brewing tea. They are so fucking stupid it's amazing. How about they try to figure out to prevent and solve all the other much more serious crimes they already have? Idiots!





if it smells like fish
what a bunch of idiots...cops have low iq...they need those easy busts,,,,,,,,,,, and fuck Kansas..should be able to sue due to incompetence...totally fucked up case and all the cops fault,,i don't put any leafy matter in my trash my worms get it or compost pile...old habits die hard


Active member
Those people were probably folks Who believed in the myth that Cops are good Guys, who are there to protect and serve.

I bet They have totally different opinions now, for sure.

27yrs ago My Wife was among the Sheeple that believed This myth of protect, and serve.

She seen Me harassed because of My Biker appearance 3 times in the 1st 1.5years We were together.
Then She spent 10yrs driving a truck over the road with Me and got a taste of LEO's justice all across the country.

These FUCKING PIGS don't realize, or for that matter care that for every one of these abuses of power, They are either creating, or reinforcing the image of Stormtrooper Fucking NAZI"s that They really ARE.


Peace; 1TT


Active member
It's NOT only the Cop's, but the lazy assed DA that went along with this BULL SHIT.
It is also on The Judge that signed off on the warrant.

Bunch of lazy Zealots.

Peace; 1TT


if it smells like fish
its time to start hiring smarter cops...they need to up their standards a bit....this is what happens when only the stupid are hired...the iq level for cops is below average..if you cant tell tea from weed you shouldn't be making drug busts


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
this is a flat-out outrage!

this is reason #1 that i don't have my car (or anything else in my name, for that matter) registered to grow address...

cops can data mine just as well as a collector, you know...


Active member
Some guys get into Law enforcement for good reasons, then the System teach's them what IT expects, and these good guys make BAD choices to go along to get along. They justify staying to do Some good. All Bull shit. By this time the POWER of wielding a gun, and badge starts to make them believe THEY ARE THE LAW.

Most however were The Hall Monitors in school, or the Kids that got pushed around, and now it's get back time

The ones Who do dare to buck the system get labeled RATs.

Just hiring Smarter Cops is a good start, but until a few Top Dogs (Chiefs, Sheriffs) have charges brought, and stand trial before a Jury of Their Peers, and subsequently sent to jail for their abuses,,,, well aint SHIT changing any time soon.

Peace; 1TT


The only problem with hiring smart cops is that smart people can see how screwed up the legal system is and they don't want to be cops. The problem is that the laws are made by people who are protecting other people's interests and not ours. The only way to change that is to change the political system and the only way to change the political system is to educate yourself and others.
The main problem with our political system is money on politics and nothing will change until that is changed.


Active member
Grow shops exist under the legal presumption of innocence, given that their products are used to grow a variety of plants. Therefore, no reasonable suspicion can be assigned to anybody visiting one, certainly not to the point of digging in their trash on that basis alone.

It's absurd, and pure Karma that it blew up in the cops' faces.

As always, it's a mistake to characterize cops as stupid. They are not. In that respect, they're mostly like the rest of us, some smarter & better trained than others. They suffer lapses in judgment, we all do, amplified down through the ranks when those lapses occur at the top.

In this case, it started when Missouri authorities condoned information gathering wrt grow shop customers in the first place. That's improper training, to say the least. It's improper for Kansas authorities to even receive it, let alone act upon it alone as basis for further investigation. Visiting a legal business is not grounds for any police action whatsoever.

The Harte's perseverance & courage through this are remarkable, a service to us all.


Its not about being intelligent cops are people, crappy ones, but still people with varying degrees of intelligence.
The problem is cops are just strait crooked.
It would be one thing if they were the good guys an went by the rules you would know what to expect, kinda how it should be.
But they dont THATS the problem. They are more crooked in their pursuit of crooks than half the so called crooks they pursue.
What happened to not being able to break the law to enforce it???
They are much closer to the old school mafia. Big on intimidation while claiming "protection"
Cops expect free stuff and perks everywhere they go too.
I used to love doin their direct tv. If it was a game day even better.
They would ask for the hook up id tell em they are fonna get the same hook up i get from the cops...
So I charge em as much as possible act like a prick about it waste their time and tell em sorry man im just doin my job....lol


if it smells like fish
police deptmartments don't hire the really smart folks...its easy to be overqualified by having a too high iq....... they are somewhere around insurance salesman in needed iq......no lie folks if your real smart and think for yourself your overqualified...


Active member
dayum i have been to the hydro store in Johnson county...in kansas and its right above oklahoma...who has life sentences for making concentrates...the asshole of the US...both states LEO sukkkk....they sit outside of head shops too..lived there for 3 years when i was DJing there..dj


Cops went from defending the public to becoming public enemy #1. Lack of discernment, lack of common sense, lack of compassion, lack of integrity, lack of having the sense to protect and serve. If they are breaking fed. Law by not releasing info, where is the government? Compassion clubs are raided cuz govt. Don't respect states choice to make legal buy the vote of the people, where are they here? Everyone is screaming for help cuz the injustice being done here. But govt not intetested.... A bit.


But to be fair also. I have met a couple of good cops that were really after the real bad ones. Rare, but there are some out there that do do it for the right reasons.


i'm not sure if these are the same folk but i think these are the ex-cia husband n wife. the same story in the same place, anyway. i read it about 1 year ago, they swore they would fight it till the end simply because they had the means and know most people don't. they realized how screwed up the laws really are.


Active member
i'm not sure if these are the same folk but i think these are the ex-cia husband n wife. the same story in the same place, anyway. i read it about 1 year ago, they swore they would fight it till the end simply because they had the means and know most people don't. they realized how screwed up the laws really are.

There's a link in the OP's article to a piece offering that the Harte's are, indeed, retired CIA.

Which means the cops didn't do any homework at all. They can easily acquire a great deal of information about most anybody through perfectly legal means.

"Ex-CIA? Uhh, hold up a bit guys. Did that plant material from their trash go to the lab? Tell me when you get the results. We need to be sure about this."

Too easy. Now the whole operation comes under extreme scrutiny, as it should.