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An American Dream White Picket Fences.


Well-known member

Arrgggg a Male.


Boy bits for sure down low shaded from the light.

Boob McNoob

Well-known member
I've always wondered if you were to top and train your outdoor efforts, would you notice any difference in either yield or quality. With indoor pursuits it's almost a requirement to maximize potential but I haven't noticed many outdoor enthusiasts bothering with the process.

Boob McNoob

Well-known member
The rare attempt at a close up with this early stage flowering gal; looking like I've finally fallen into a system that should keep the wolves away.

Mid flower

Finish line weeks away
Last edited:


Well-known member
Back in town and everything is well sexed.


An all female show.


Males, males and more.... males.




Was too late to start chopping so I'll get after it in the morning. Looks like of the 8 most recent starts I've got 2 females and 6 males. Sigh..........

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
View attachment 18956824

We came up for the rain anonderland d got snow late yesterday. 4 to 6 inches.
I'm guessing this winter w
View attachment 18956824

We came up for the rain and got snow late yesterday. 4 to 6 inches.
I am guessing this winter wonderland is up in Big Bear or maybe Lake Arrowhead, based on my other presumption that you reside in Orange County. This scene reminds me of my wild and crazy days skiing Mt. Baldy in the dead of winter. Not that I cared at the time, but the danger of navigating that winding road up to Baldy Village, flanked by steep drop-offs, was even more perilous than skiing with reckless abandon in white-out pea-soup conditions


Well-known member
I am guessing this winter wonderland is up in Big Bear or maybe Lake Arrowhead, based on my other presumption that you reside in Orange County. This scene reminds me of my wild and crazy days skiing Mt. Baldy in the dead of winter. Not that I cared at the time, but the danger of navigating that winding road up to Baldy Village, flanked by steep drop-offs, was even more perilous than skiing with reckless abandon in white-out pea-soup conditions

Crestline is the snow location. The home base is a couple of miles north of the OC border. Did all that stuff I'm not supposed to today. Starting and running the snow blower. LMAO the wife can't pull hard enough to start it. 30 seconds of wrestling it and she's like "Screw this shit"


Well-known member
After searching and asking friends in the medical industry / profession it looks like we'll go with the first option and the Veterans Admin Vascular team. They do have all the records / CT scans going back 5 years of the growing aortic aneurism. Head of the team has a major practice at UC Irvine and does the VA part time. Keeps me close to home for both recovery and post op visits.

That candy cane hook that sits on top of my heart is ballooned from slightly under 1 inch (2cm normal) to the size of a beer can (6.3cm). In fact, the whole damn thing is expanded clear to my groin and will need further attention in the near future.


Well-known member
Sorry to hear about your health issues @BrassNwood. Modern medicine is pretty amazing. Sending positive thoughts your way.
Thanks for the well wishes. We've been watching it grow for the last 5 years so it's not like a surprise or anything but damnit I've been under the knife so to speak 3 times already and don't look forward to more of it.
The joys of aging. Hell, I'd have been dead 12 years ago if not for modern medicine when my colon exploded. 50 years before then and I'd have died an excruciatingly painful way.

This should be stents inserted via the groin arteries and not have to crack me open or so I pray.


ICMag Donor
Plants are looking good, a male isn't always a bad thing, if used correctly. Just don't pollinate too late and you can have a couple seeds in each flower. I cull males at about pencil eraser seize female flowers to minimize seed.

Praying for you, BrassnWood! Keep the hope, that would be great if you could get it taken care of in a non-invasive way!


Well-known member

Back in town for a few days. Medical appointments the next few days. I could see a couple of plants leaning over that'll need to be staked or..

6 weeks in flower so far with 4 more to go.


Not too shabby


For outside in the dead of winter.


Swamp Thang

Well-known member
BrassNWood I dream of the day cultivation for personal use is legalized in my Third World backwater so that I too can grow huge Xmas trees in my own garden at home, as opposed to hiking deep into a parasite infested tropical swamp just to grow my home remedy for insomnia that is never sold, gifted or even discussed in polite company here. I have a dream...


Well-known member
BrassNWood I dream of the day cultivation for personal use is legalized in my Third World backwater so that I too can grow huge Xmas trees in my own garden at home, as opposed to hiking deep into a parasite infested tropical swamp just to grow my home remedy for insomnia that is never sold, gifted or even discussed in polite company here. I have a dream...

Trust me that I count every day as a gift for being able to grow my own medicine. California went legal in 1996 but then many cities banned growing, and many growers had to stay inside or underground. This City came out publicly and said grow if you want and now, they really can't backstep. Safe for now.
I'll pray things change and soon for you, my brother.

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