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An American Dream White Picket Fences.


Well-known member

I finally got up the strength to do my cloning.


Getting down on my knees to take the lowest branch caused extreme pain and getting back on my feet took some real effort.


I did manage to fill the cloner. Didn't snap a shot of it filled.


Well-known member
Met with the newest physical therapist and got the evaluation out of the way. She seemed to feel I'll get near if not 100% of function back as all the nerve pathways are intact. All the muscle groups work to some degree.

I can do a drunken walk without the cane a few passes up and down the drive. Still favoring the leg but it's the best I can do at the moment.

Boob McNoob

Well-known member
Rather than the puppy I suggested, looking to the future perhaps an apprentice might be a viable option to get the heavy lifting done along with teaching your craft to the next generation. Bud Tenders at your local grow shop might be able to help with finding reputable candidates who might be willing to work for the chance to grow their own if their living arrangements aren't conducive to doing so in house.


Well-known member
1st round of the latest physical therapy yesterday was brutal with several new exercises learned that I got to pay for last night. Getting down on my knees several times put the hurt on the knee and hip, but I can do it and not be trapped although climbing back up to my feet still hurts like a sumbitch.

I've reached the target I set when I first got to my feet 7 weeks ago which was to walk with a cane at most by my 69th birthday (this week). I've surpassed that and can walk 100+ feet unaided even if I do stagger like a drunk doing it. I still take the rolling walker for long events like shopping as I tire easy, and it gives me a place to set down.


ICMag Donor
Glad you surpassed your goal of walking with the cane. Keep up the good work. May try some supplements like tumeric extract and could do cbd at night.

Yeah saw the caterpillars are out. I am holding off on spraying bt since I killed all the ones I saw and I usually don't have a big infestation of them.

I guess there's no issues using bt when making kief concentrate. Its just bacilius bacteria which some other types of bacilius are already there on the plants as they are ubiquitous.

Want to have a good result. Bud rot is a mess and want the crop to turn out good. Can't wait to see how they grew!


Well-known member

East Patio


Caterpillar damage on the center plant. This trio went into flower back on June 1st when I put them in the SIPs and they didn't get any light assistance.




East wall. Plants 1 and 3 are a narrower finger and showed flower 2 weeks later than the rest of the yard. Sativa leaning for sure.


ICMag Donor
Great looks like you salvaged the heart of the growing season! Glad you are able to keep the fresh resin rolling in. So is this the best harvest of the season as far as potency? I'm sure its all pretty similar even though being harvested at different times of the year if the plants are happy.


Well-known member
Great looks like you salvaged the heart of the growing season! Glad you are able to keep the fresh resin rolling in. So is this the best harvest of the season as far as potency? I'm sure its all pretty similar even though being harvested at different times of the year if the plants are happy.

Potency remains equal for all 4 of the harvests. As long as they get the basic 10 weeks of flower they are all the same near as I can tell. Remember even at the dead of winter I'm still getting 70 and even 80 F days. My coldest days are warmer than Fairbanks AK. warmest day of summer.


Well-known member
A younger Brass would have realized the obvious corny joke but it seems the anesthesia might not have worn off from your recent ordeal. My sense of humor has always been hit or miss so maybe the snarkiness is unwarranted as fewer and fewer see the irony in my posts.
I caught the irony my friend. I've known you long enough to get a clue to how your twisted mind works some of the time. LOL.

I'm all busted up this morning after the brutal 45-minute workout session with the physical therapist on Friday. WAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I HURT!

8 minutes on the bike with enough resistance to make me work and sweat. Then we moved to the leg lift for 15 reps, a short break and 15 more. Change machines and this one is reversed working the back swing.

Last was the curved rocking platform at stepping off and on it. Balance work.

We should drive down to the grow and at least water things as the heat has been intense with 108 here in the valley and high 90s at the beach / grow. More PT on Monday so it would just be a single night there.


ICMag Donor
Been using rosemary in my chili. Probably doesnt grow in the midwest at 40N.

Keep up the good work! Flowers are looking great, bet they have been getting thirsty! Amazing how well they take the heat!

Clones don't look like much, but I guess they will start growing soon since being rooted. How do you harden them off to the sun?


Well-known member
Been using rosemary in my chili. Probably doesnt grow in the midwest at 40N.

Keep up the good work! Flowers are looking great, bet they have been getting thirsty! Amazing how well they take the heat!

Clones don't look like much, but I guess they will start growing soon since being rooted. How do you harden them off to the sun?
They'll stay under the lights until I see real top side growth. At that point they can go out. The plants don't need hardening off. As long as the roots / pot is kept from direct sunlight they can take full sun.


ICMag Donor
Cool, cannabis are tough plants. They are pretty easy to take care of. What type of bulbs do you use for the clones? Are they different from the lights use outdoors?

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