Oh let the thread run.....Seems like quite a few members want to talk about Trump this and Trump that......Hillary/Obama this and that, democrat this and republican that,.....Far Left/Right/Left/Far Right....Communist this and Fascist that.....Socialist this and Progressive that....Black lives matter, White lives matter, Everyone's lives matter, Radical Nazi Extremists, and Radicalized Islamic Extremists (kinda the same thing)....Antifa Marxist/Leninist/Trotskyite snowflakery, and card carrying, jack-booted, goose-stepping, Sieg Heiling Heinrich Himmler fan club members....it's all part of the wonderful world of American politics.
....So long as this political talk doesn't leak out into the other forums to distract the membership from what they do best......I'm all for it.
....So long as this political talk doesn't leak out into the other forums to distract the membership from what they do best......I'm all for it.
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