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$$$Air Pots and Smart Pots Club$$$

Has anyone tried out SquareRoots yet? The only thing I dislike about my smart pots are that they're circular (space inefficient) and not very deep; Looks like these solve both of those problems....

Thanks for the link. Great idea that I should have thought of....

The only reason I buy Smartpots is because I'm too lazy to figure out how to sew a circle to attach the bottom to the cylinder. Now all stitches will be straight and I can make my own 1.5 gal bags instead of only growing by the sizes I'm offered.

Thanks for waking my stupid ass up bro!

I've never tried any other root pot or smart pot but I have Air Pots and they are killer, havent harvested yet but coupled with Blumats these things produce some serious roots

I have roots growing out of the top of my coco all over the place its wild

I havent harvested yet this is my first go with this set up but I will post root pics here in a couple months
Thanks for the excellent thread and appreciation for the informative contributions from many here.
My current grow is in Wallyworld bags, all organic in my own mix of super soil:

I lost out on some volume by switching to flower earlier than I should have and the grow room has frequently been way to cold, but I think the quality is going to be pretty good:

This is exactly what my 2 Woody Kush's I just harvested looked like! Ive never seen anything like it and Ive been using smart pots for 2 years now. Air pots are Much better IMO. Im starting to see some cheaper designs in the stores now. Anyway Im going to gradually switch over and only use Air Pots.



Great thread. :)

Running 3 gallon smart pots in a 4X8 with coco and 2K dual arcs.
4 strains rep'd, including: white widow (stretchy bitches need serious LST), purple frost, hash plant and bubblegum. :dance013:

K.I.S.S. and keep it real! :wave:


I made a combo unit and love em! I'm an LST guy so a cloth pot would be a pain. But I wanted to go low and broad and was worried the airports seemed narrow and tall compared to a 5 gal bucket- so worried about tippyness..

So I combined them- drilled the eff out of some 5 gal buckets and lined them w a circular fabric pot I found that fit right in and I now have best of both worlds and the girls are growing like weeds!


if it smells like fish
chicken wire and weed block fabric or milk crates....been doing it way before these products were around.......yeehaw

heady blunts

prescription blunts
wow deep dig!

i fucking hate airpots now btw. fabric pots FTW. i use geopot brand with handles currently.

also fabric pots are the best for lst, just use velcro cable ties. the scratchy side sticks to the containers.



Holy guano- didn't even think of that!!! I will definetly try that next round as I already use those long balloons for clowns to make animals out of with Velcro on them and my containers...


Ripped since 1965
I tried em all, like these best- called Thin Blacks and made by Root Pouch. So thin you can see your hand through them. They let the roots out easier and the water evaporate faster. 75 cents each so you can throw them away after every use. Much better than the thicker fabric ones.


Farmer B

started with 7 in 4x4 room and had to go down to 4 plants. 5 gal 4 th week of 12/12 and there packed with roots. Almost to small of pot


Active member
Cheapest smart pot out there, the only downside is they only come in one size! At .50 cents a pop use them once and pitch them.


Active member
Walmart reusable shopping bags sorry they weren't facing forward so I just wanted it to be clear we use this exclusively and love them, again downside is you are limited to p,ant size due to root space.