Yea, dehumidifying can be a real challange. Fortunately, our girls prefer the humidity. Running full capacity, my room will generate 30 gallons of condensate per day.
It's all a balance. I used to adjust the water temp in my fresca sol fixtures to ad more heat to my room to keep the AC running instead of the dehuey. The dehuey would heat things up and then both units would be running and the RH would start to swing.
The more I tried to scale up. The more problems I started to have. That's when I did a 180 and went open hood with proper AC.
Not a dis on your setup. Looks tits! getting dialed and producing is what's important. how we arrive there isn't
I don't feel disrespected at all, indeed thank you for your perspective and thoughtful comments. There are some fundamental differences between running a water cooled air handler and a fresca sol water jacket. These have to do with the ability of the WCAH to effectively draw sufficient moisture from the air.
I dig that you run higher humidity, as I'm a big believer in VPD theory. Again, I get that it isn't everyone's bag, just saying it's how I'm doing things here. I will run my RH as high as 75% @83f in peak bloom, and wow they love it! In order to maintain my RH at that level and no higher- yes, my girls want to push it higher!- I need a larger capacity air handling unit. I will need to cool a room with 8 bare bulbs, so what capacity would I need? Is three Tons enough? Four?!
When doing this with water, you need surface area and a substantial temperature drop. Instead of hot exhaust of any kind, the only output from the WCAH is cool moist air, having just been hot air pulled from near the ceiling.
In this way there is no heat buildup- but there is also no controlling RH without an outside source of heat, be it light bulb or otherwise.