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African photo thread


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""Sydney - Ancient Indians migrated to Australia and mixed with Aborigines 4,000 years ago, bringing the dingo's ancestor with them, according to new research that re-evaluates the continent's long isolation before European settlement.... ""

In the news today... Those old indian traders were traveling alright, would any self-respecting stoner go on a couple month cruise on the high seas to an exotic foreign land and not bring a smoke stash with? I don't think so.. :) They brought their dogs, so it makes sense. In fact I wonder about the genetic relation to the ' afrikanus' dog to these indian dogs. The transkei strains are also very similar to the Reunion Island strains but that is my speculation based on common unusual sativa traits and with no real study to back it up (may just be enviromental factors or genetic selection through common cultivation methods). Ganja moved around the world in ancient days more than we realize that is what I do know.


Dr. Narrowleaf

""Sydney - Ancient Indians migrated to Australia and mixed with Aborigines 4,000 years ago, bringing the dingo's ancestor with them, according to new research that re-evaluates the continent's long isolation before European settlement.... ""

In the news today... Those old indian traders were traveling alright, would any self-respecting stoner go on a couple month cruise on the high seas to an exotic foreign land and not bring a smoke stash with? I don't think so.. :) They brought their dogs, so it makes sense. In fact I wonder about the genetic relation to the ' afrikanus' dog to these indian dogs. The transkei strains are also very similar to the Reunion Island strains but that is my speculation based on common unusual sativa traits and with no real study to back it up (may just be enviromental factors or genetic selection through common cultivation methods). Ganja moved around the world in ancient days more than we realize that is what I do know.

I was also wondering about that, could Australian cannabis be 4000 years old? African weed interestingly is. Surely they must have reached other lands besides Australia. African dogs, like dingoes don't really bark like Eurasian dogs do, so there could be a connection there. 4000 years also coincides with the Indo Aryan invasion from the north, maybe some Indians were driven out at the time. Unfortunately we don't know if the dravidian cultures used cannabis or not.

Physical anthropologist have speculated about the partly Indian origins of aboriginals for a long time, it's strange that they only figured it out now. The genetic input is estimated at 10%

Now what they should study is where exactly from India were they!


Dr. Narrowleaf
I just harvested some seeds from my Peru x Ethiopian, the father being a pure Eth, I now have a stash of 3/4 Ethiopians, plus three remaining pure ones. I could not find a female the last two rounds so atleast I can preserve the genetics in this form. I hope the pure Ethiopians pop when I have the time. I'll be hiking in Spain soon so it will be next summer.

I also have some of those Swazis Roms :) African seeds version too, good memories! How do they differ in your opinion? I think the AS ones looked more Indian when I grew them, while AP Swazi looks rather typical South African, what ever that means.

African Seeds Swazi "Rooibart"


Well-known member
I don't really know how differs AS and AP's Swazi Red stuff but i don't think that they had the same source... To me AP had the best Swaz landrace deal but i never try AS to compare, but as you said it seems to be more influenced by the Indian's Duban and Cape town SA mix. Mustafunk has the AS ones too and i know he wants to explore the line. Peace for yours Thule, bonne suite.

About the origin of SA strains there is also my little theory more deep in the past before the Bantu and whites migration. I mean antediluvian times...
So as you know I think about the bushmen Khoisan who arrived from Indonesia to Madagascar (austronesians).
Indians, Arabics and whites pop arrived far after... A nice track with the dogs is the old genetic Ridgeback, present only in South Africa and...
Thailand. :smoke:


Well-known member
Macho Angola roja x banghi(LMN).



Well-known member
Buenas tardes compañeros.
aqui dos hembras de anola roja x banghi(LMN).
saludos desde Chile.



Well-known member
I come back with more details about the two kinds of shape Swazi Red (Afropips), small and lance ones... On the 2nd pic small Christmas tree one is raised! (12/12 from seed, 2010 run)

Blue greens and faster flo noted too ;)
(SR is more a cultivar since decades centuries? than the others wild landraces as Kerala and Caribbean ones on the bottom of the last pic).


Well-known member
Bud fun around 12 weeks, lance pheno. Soft honey floral smell with a touch lemony...Taste is darker opposite!



Active member
ICMag Donor
Really good thread ... Thanks Roms and all for sharing your experiencies . Really enjoi reading the lasts pages... Been a bit off the net lately... So is been a nice surprise .. Really like those barbas rojas jj.. Hope to explore and know more the Roibars... But first will try to germ and reproduce some Durban.. Only a few and old seeds..
Saludos and best wishes


Brand new oldschool
Nice observations Roms, I've found that too, I liked the branchy ones ;)

Hey Nachillo, nice to see you around brother. Best vibes for those Durbans. We will reproduce interesting african lines soon if everything goes fine.
