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Adventures in life with ICMAG Members :)


Active member
don't regret learning things the way you learned them, don't waste much time thinking about bad possibilities.

no point in sharing my stories, like..

earlier this year i took a camping trip near arivaca, which is by the mexican border. i broke my ride before i got where i was going, so i took my mountain bike out the back and started pedaling up the road.

sun's going down and i'm nowhere near the mountains so i pull off onto a hilltop. there's a residence about 1/2 a mile away in either direction, i figure, i'm on top of the hill with a white bicycle, no problem.

i forgot that i like to wear a poncho when i hike.

so 10 minutes later this guy pulls off the road and starts firing rounds at me (apparently from two different kinds of rifle) and calling me "amy" which i guess was like a joke. sun's going down and i'm glowing, white bag, white bike, white poncho. pushed my bike through a lot of rocky, thorny desert terrain in the dark that night.

obviously my dumb mistake.

but that's typical, in 2005 the ma$ons and u.s. government started harassing me covertly ("targeted individual", read about James Walbert in wired magazine), and my life has been constant "adventures" ever since.

i was in arivaca looking for a portal ;) that's how desperate i am to get away from ma$onic satellites and "managed" populations, i already tried the other side of the planet.

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