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AceHaze on the grail chaze


After 16 weeks I harvested the ICC Madness and the Thai Frankie. Unfortunately all the big tops of ICC Madness had mold inside, had to throw away at least half of the plant! The Thai Frankie had zero mold and had a great yield.

Thai Frankie, pile of Haze:giggle: Smell is very strong Haze terps with a Diesel bottom. I´ve already harvested 3 big Colas before, so really nice amount of buds


I also took a tester of the SSSTN#2 and was pretty impressed. Pure Sativa rush, tingling in the spine with good euphoria. Made me workout in the night, ´cause I could not think about sitting on the couch or going to bed:LOL:


ICMag Donor
After 16 weeks I harvested the ICC Madness and the Thai Frankie. Unfortunately all the big tops of ICC Madness had mold inside, had to throw away at least half of the plant! The Thai Frankie had zero mold and had a great yield.

Thai Frankie, pile of Haze:giggle: Smell is very strong Haze terps with a Diesel bottom. I´ve already harvested 3 big Colas before, so really nice amount of buds
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View attachment 19037367

I also took a tester of the SSSTN#2 and was pretty impressed. Pure Sativa rush, tingling in the spine with good euphoria. Made me workout in the night, ´cause I could not think about sitting on the couch or going to bed:LOL:
Thai Frankie Looking great , nice work taking her to 16 weeks , that must of been very ripe and potent as ours only needed 12 weeks on most phenos from clone, and longest was 14 weeks from seed plant.
we had some amazing phenos running these and reports are flowing in now and people are every impressed with the Thai Frankie and Dankincense project in general , very exotic weed.
My most Incense/Frankincense project I currently offer.

That sucks about the Ice cream Cake Madness having Mold, has been insanely hot and humid in the UK last month so I don't know what it's been like in Germany.
Hopefully you still can sample some flowers from it and let us know how she was and which way she swings to , more NH/Mullum or Ice cream Cake Diesel side


Thai Frankie Looking great , nice work taking her to 16 weeks , that must of been very ripe and potent as ours only needed 12 weeks on most phenos from clone, and longest was 14 weeks from seed plant.
we had some amazing phenos running these and reports are flowing in now and people are every impressed with the Thai Frankie and Dankincense project in general , very exotic weed.
My most Incense/Frankincense project I currently offer.

That sucks about the Ice cream Cake Madness having Mold, has been insanely hot and humid in the UK last month so I don't know what it's been like in Germany.
Hopefully you still can sample some flowers from it and let us know how she was and which way she swings to , more NH/Mullum or Ice cream Cake Diesel side
Thanks OJ! Yes, the Thai Frankie is definately recommended to all Frankincense lovers! I smoked some tester buds and it´s already tasty and very hazy. The High is quite clear and rather improves short term memory than the opposite. She´s not so speedy in effect, you can feel the Diesel side in the high. So this pheno is not for those, who want a no body/non sedative effect. I think she could have been faster, looked a bit overflushed at the end- close to harvest the plants in the 15 liter pots looked healthier than the ones in the 11 L pots...

Yes, we had really shitty weather over here too...very damp, rain everyday. The ICC Madness also had a lot of long Colas, def. a solid yielder. The buds had a tighter structure than the other Hazes and rotted close to the stem. The smell was 90 % NH x Mullum with this pheno, she smelled a lot like my last pheno of Australian Dead Head. Only a touch of Gas added. I only smoked an early tester, to early to evalulate further atm. She also wasn´t fully ripe at harvest, not grown to full potential due to environment...


Today I started harvesting the SSSTN. At least some of the Tops, the remaining parts can have a week longer ´till harvest.
SSSTN#2 on the left and #1 on the right.
Totally different phenos. The #2 still smells like overripe orange with a touch of puke. Appealing and repelling at the same😅 greasy and loud!
#1 changed the smell to a more thai like smell, hard to describe. a bit lemon but more herbal. Def. nice and very huge, quite unique bud structure


SSSTN#2 only a small part of her, there´s a lot more to come down next week



learning and laughing
Way to go Ace, looks like a nice haul, despite the weather 👍🏼
With all these interesting Hazes you can fly through the mediocre sumner 🦅

Love the last pic of the amorph bud (SSSTN#2). Had something like this for the first time last grow (on the Honduras x Panama and NewCaledonia).


Way to go Ace, looks like a nice haul, despite the weather 👍🏼
With all these interesting Hazes you can fly through the mediocre sumner 🦅

Love the last pic of the amorph bud (SSSTN#2). Had something like this for the first time last grow (on the Honduras x Panama and NewCaledonia).
The amorph bud or grinspoon type of bud structure is really interesting. super easy to manicure and perfect mold prevention. Still high resin count and good yield. She flopped all over, def need a screen for her. She still pushes white pistils but without any leaves left, she´s not progressing much anymore. I´ll keep an eye on her for the next week and decide then, whether to cut her down or wait a little longer...


Active member
Just across the board of interesting varieties. Your dedication for Weed is inspiring.
A little like the big book of buds with first hand flowerpics, grow- and smokereports. 😁

Thank you for the good read.


Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
Wow, a beautiful sativa stash to end the summer and see you through into autumn! Those colas are incredible, very resinous for such wild genetics. I bet they will smoke lovely after a cure.

Will you make any extracts from the trim?

Bet it feels nice to harvest a crop now the law has changed, hopefully the rest of EU follows Germany’s lead. 👍
