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ACE strains , outdoors at the farm.

el mani

Well-known member
¿ Y no se comen las plantas las gallinas o las tienes a raya ? por que mira que son cabronas :LOL:

¡ Qué gusto de lluvia por Dios ! 🥰 🌂
Pues fíjate si es curioso, se comen casi todo lo que pillan, de hecho se zampan sin contemplaciones el estramonio, si se escapan no pillo un tomate, las lechugas desaparecen.... pero puedo poner las plantas directamente en el gallinero que no las tocan 🤷‍♂️...
Cuando era pequeño en la masía de mis tíos siempre había un par de plantas en el gallinero.

Qué falta hacía este agüica primo...

el mani

Well-known member
Good morning, Today it's time to transplant to the field, there is an official team and a full bench, as well as a coaching staff.
We start with those that go to the field drippers...
Maha mextasy and grandfunk, mango haze (old bach), oaxaca A5 and super Panamá hz from my friend @dubi



Aquí otra oaxaca A5 , está es la que salieron gemelas , ayer le quité a "Kuato" y la puse en un tiesto con una leshaze de vecina y un atado de semana Santa
Here's another Oaxaca A5, this is the one where twins came out, yesterday I took "Kuato" from her and put her in a pot with a neighbor's leshaze and a holly bound



Some males (coaching staff :cool:)



I'll save some polen from this male, ssh98 x o79 /oaxaca... Smells make me cry

A currar, que hay faena

Luego más


el mani

Well-known member
Good morning to all the cousins.
We have returned from resting for a week on the beach and the plants are stretching like crazy. They will soon begin to flower and are leaving space

First we have Ms. Mani's CBD#1, it reminds me a lot of the NYCD "tangerine" cutting when the stem is rubbed.

Here is a group in a pot. SK/HZ x kalichina, o79s1A5 and leshaze




Super Panama hz

A little queen mother of Mario

A leshaze between orange trees

Mango haze

Some plants from @MAHA KALA , grand funk and mextasy

And also some rain here

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Even your Sativas will start so early?.

I'm thinking that mine won't start to show until early/mid September.

I'm missing our twice weekly trips to the beach; it's at least 5c cooler down on the coast.
Yesterday was 41c and difficult for us, but then I think of the people in India with 50c and no running water. We are So lucky...We have a alberja/pool.

el mani

Well-known member
Good morning cousins. Last week of July and here everything continues as planned.
The plants continue to stretch and I have already had to bend and tie the o79 a5, soon it will also be the turn of the Super Panama ...




The CBD plant #1



A hidden Mango hz.



I don't know if it's because of the influence of what you said @dubi but it seems that I notice some jasmine in this leshaze.



Ooold reina madre from Mario



Mextasy and grandfunk from maha



It's been good morning to refresh the canines and let them play without problem




Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
@el mani -- everything looking perfect in your garden there.
Happy healthy plants, great color, nice shape too.

You mentioned about when the sativas/hazes start to flower.
On July 13 you said 'soon about to flower'.
End of July / early August?
What's the approx day/night light period at that time? 14/10?

@Hombre del mont -- you say your start to flower around early to mid Sept.
It must be pretty close to 12/12 by then, maybe 12.5/11.5?

Obviously different cultivars are going to have different light period triggers.
But I'm trying to get an idea of the light cycle to start my own girls into flower.


el mani

Well-known member
Thanks for your interest @Maria Sanchez , I wasn't referring to the beginning of flowering as in an interior, where the moment the photoperiod is reduced to 12/12 you can see the changes, that's why I said that "they will soon start to flower"
In these lands the nights start to get longer around San Juan, which is June 24th, as soon as they notice that drop in hours the plants seem to stretch first and then harden to start flowering around mid-August.
As you said, it depends a lot on the variety, the age of the plant (clones always go faster), if you prune a plant they usually also tend to be delayed... but in general outdoor plants here behave more or less the same.
Here are some photos of a previous O79A5 crop, August, September and October





el mani

Well-known member
On the other hand, you can easily trick plants with a timer and lamps, outdoors it is more complicated...
Talking with Mario Bellandri, he had a method to force plants outdoors and gain them time. If I remember correctly, when the days began to shorten, he would put them in the dark for 24 hours and then take them out normally. I'll try to see if I can find it.

el mani

Well-known member
Hello fellow collaborators, for those who have the right conditions, I suggest trying a type of cultivation that allows you to harvest early and abundantly.
It involves raising the plants as much as possible indoors or mixed (I give them a terrace during the day and indoors at night) until mid-June. If they received less than 24 hours, you put them on 24 hours for 5 or 6 days and then you give them 36 hours of darkness and then you leave them with sunlight. Well, the idea is to activate flowering with a sudden change in photoperiod, from 24 hours of light to 36 hours of darkness so that the plant begins its flowering coinciding with the days that from this moment on become shorter. You can now leave the plant with natural light either in the ground or in a pot and it will continue its flowering without any danger of reversing. The long days during flowering will make the harvest greater. Be careful not to expose the plant to sunlight. After 36 hours of darkness, the shoots are very tender and not accustomed to UVA rays.
Regards, mobi50

Hola amigos colaboradores, para los que tengan las condiciones adecuadas, sugiero probar un tipo de cultivo que te permite cosechar temprano y abundante.
Se trata de levantar las plantas todo lo que puedas en interior o mixto (yo le doy terraza de dia y interior por la noche) hasta mitad de junio Si recibian menos de 24 horas, las pones a 24 horas durante 5 o 6 dias y luego le das 36 horas de oscuridad y a continuacion las dejas con luz solar. Bueno, la idea es activr la floracion con un cambio brusco de fotoperiodo, de 24 de luz a 36 de oscuridad de manera que la planta empieze su floracion coincidiendo con los dias que a partir de este momento se hacen mas cortos. Ya puedes dejar la planta con luz natural ya sea en tierra o en maceta que seguira su floracion sin peligro de que revierta. Los dias largos durante la floracion haran que la cosecha sea mayor.
Cuidado con la exposicion de la planta al sol, despues de 36 horas de oscuridad, los brotes son muy tiernos y no acustumbrados a los UVA.
Un saludo mobi50

Era algo más complicado :cool:

All Cacti Are Beautiful

Active member
Nice thread, especially because you're also growing outdoors in full sunny spain. I have the same problem every year, having to choose what to grow and what not because of the limited amount of plants grown. But I would say you have made a beautiful selection. Dubi has been spreading some fire genetics and you're a lucky guy to call him your friend.

Recently I have been reading into alternative strategies for lighting for mainly maintaining vegative stage using as little energy as possible. There's some interesting strategies for inducing flowering too that are different from what I knew.

Basically it comes down to this:

Keeping vegative stage you can supplement with light during the dark hours, the whole plant needs to receive light but a simple low wattage cfl or similar is enough.

1 minute, or even a few seconds if you can program it, every 2 hours during darkness keeps the plants from flowering.

Doing the opposite should induce it, so covering the plants for short periods or even once during the middle of the day.

Starting somewhat late this season I want them to grow until they naturally start to flower so I haven't really looked further into this side yet.

However, I have been trying my plants down so they bush out to not attract too much unwanted attention if that's your concern Maria.

el mani

Well-known member
Gooood moorning
Primo @Eltitoguay , Sombra es sumamente valiente y acuático, en cuanto te ve con la toalla ya va buscando su bolica para jugar, le encanta nadar...

Por aquí ya he atado la súper Panamá hz que ya medía más de 2mts





Karels hz x kalichina





Reina madre

Grand funk y mextasy



Mango hz


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