Amazing smell on the Ghana. Its handling things a lot better than the Swazi. Though the Swazi was stressed just after I put her in . Due to some overspray. Doh.!!!she will probably do a lot better as a clone and topped a few times early.Beautiful Tang on Snow moon too.Just sampled some fresh Congo. Very smooth thick floral smoke . Very unique taste.It reminds me of Destroyer.!Only a lot more floral tang . Great smell . The high comes on quick and warms up your face and instantly puts you in the mellow chair.Comes and goes in waves of mellow visuals. This plant seemed to lean towards PCK , with the leafyness and the unique taste and smell. Not overly strong , but a great warm high for chilling on a Sunday morning or snuggling with someone.Highly Recommend .!!That Ghana is going to be huge buds, and the swazies are supposed to fill out massive buds too. Your driving well so far, I also like to see how much pushing I can do. Yours is working a treat at the moment, very envious over here.
Mixed fem freebies. All three have beautiful red stems