With 3 Zams and 1 Trop mix fem remaining in hightland plot it was time to repopulate the plot with the pick of 8 mixed Ace strains which went in yesterday . Six of them went in with the surviving four using up all 10 holes in the patch. The smaller lowland plot has been let go to concentrate on the last 10. Looking for a chance of success this growing season. One to 2 inches fell over the past few days...slow soaking rain. But we need follow-up.
Here is some pic's of two Tikal juveniles that went in. Same age different growth pattern and look.
Came across Eco-Flo Dolimite liquid fron Bunnies. Watered in some last week and the Zamaldelica are all fine and upbeat...thought i might having overdone it a bit...but all good. Will use in concert with powerfeed and seasol. One month till budding starts ....hoping for rain and sun to stack on volume.