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a self pollinated F1, what might pop out?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Old thread but still holds true. Plants from herms or FEMS can be the best in our garden. Many keeper clones are from herms. A lot of the genetics we grow today at some point came from an intersex plant. Back in the 70s many of the plants we grew had herms. Plants with minor intersex can also have very high quality flowers. Breeding with herms is what we don't want. . If both parents have recessive intersex traits it can become dominant, we definitely don't want that.


Well-known member
and greetings to all on a fine Sunday evening
new plants are the topic, 2 chances for romances
genetic legacy is: (nl#5 x bw) #2
the bw was a brain wreck hermie, it's lineage was reported as arcata trainwreck x white widow
#2 denotes the 2nd plant
from seeds of nl#5 x bw cross that also hermied
the other seeds from the initial cross were pretty damn stable
so the question is, 'can I find happiness in a S2 grow?'
plant names reflect I'm a little skeptical




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Well-known member
so my head's in the clouds thinking genetics and traits of intersex
and some deficiency shows up on my doorstep, brings me back to earth


hmm, loss of color down low on the bigger fan leaf
seeing a little lightening on fan above, doesn't show so much
consult the sacred writings in the infirmary forum, joe's thread, highly recommended
smells like a magnesium lack, not bad yet but action needed
so epsom salt applied, had it hanging around for years for a mag deficiency that wasn't(so much younger then)
using peat mossed starter mix, did mix in plenty of dolomite I thought
but it's not my usual soil, made an impulse buy locally


Well-known member
greetings me hearties, lots of fun tonight
Folly2 is on deck and was put on 12/12 about 12 days ago
I'm seeing pistils, no roosters
I'd normally call that clean female, but learned to be a little more cautious
looking good is what I'm saying, Folly1 is a couple days into 12/12
the nasty spot on the chamber wall is from a flypaper for fungus gnats
reduced population, tough to get rid of them all


I do 3 pronged approach. I use mosquito bits and sprinkle on top the soil. Put up sticky traps, like you already did, and increase the dry back time in between watering events.


Well-known member
time to report - Folly2, she hermed
part of the game, but some interesting things
in the pic you'll see what looks like 2 main colas
it didn't top itself, one of the side branches had a growth spurt
and some of the side branches are trifoliate, others are normal, didn't know that was possible
another feature, this is just 20 days of 12/12
that's some impressive ripening speed
Folly1 still an unknown, stay tuned



Well-known member
Folly1 on deck, first pistils seen and no roosters
think I've said this recently, see pistls first and hermie free
this trait may be changing, pretty sure Folly2 showed pistils first, hmmm
anyways she is filling out the grow chamber nicely
the yellow parts are the from the first soil which didn't work out


Well-known member
and a good night for some genetic tales, I have a couple of good ones(I think)
first up Folly1, and I will say with good confidence not a hermie
she's big and broad, bigger than my micro chamber is comfortable with
thin stemmed and pretty viney, maybe channeling some arcata trainwreck, not sures ince I don't grow clones


Well-known member
next, back to Folly2, a hermie of the old school type
hermied strong which I became all too familiar with in the grows of the original S1s, it was a 50/50 with those seeds
but the roosters are drying up, scarcely able to find 1 today
roosters did not regrow up high, popped up down lower but less each time
I cannot see a single seed, never able to do that before
the herm trait has faded a bit in my humble opinion
a fierce ripener, 33 days of 12/12
that's some impressive ripening speed



Well-known member
time for some genetic reflections, what does this mean?
my numbers are small but with each grow I further see that this intersex trait is not a dominant one
can it be tamed further? that's what I'd like to know


Well-known member
pics in the grow chamber just aren't doing Folly1 justice
no roostering and buds as far as the eye can see
not bad for a seed from a line of herms
this about 3 weeks of flower, very decent performance that
quite a sprawler, seen good things about some sprawling plants
amazing she can be stuffed in my micro chamber



Well-known member
and a fine evening to all, the mood is good here in the hermie refuge
Folly1 remains clean and is ripening fast
but Folly2, the hermie outcast, is the star for tonight
he/she it may be, but there is much that is positive
rooster production has stayed low, just a few down low
smell has become lemon/pine, mighty fine
and looks like a 8 week ripener, that's great!
in short, Folly2 has a lot going for it except for a few roosters
I think I could have kept her totally seed clean, but she looked too good
and dusted a side bud of Folly1, high praise for a plant with humble prospects
the pic shows a plant that has quality imho



Well-known member
time for folly2 take down, been 9 weeks of flower
looks pretty ripe but has some quirks
a strong hermie, I blathered about having it 'under control'
but the he/she managed to slip a few by the goalie
thinking maybe 1/4 seeded, not bad but I did talk some smack
excellent nose, decent yield, and does show some glow in the pic
notice the right branch? green and ripening different than the rest
and some interesting trichs, colored but still translucent
folly1 is total stable, that balances the books on the grow


Well-known member
time for a concise vape report on folly2
no complaints, kind of a find under an ugly hermie exterior
pretty potent, give it an 8, and sativa-ish, a very smooth lift
hmm, the 9 week flower, thinking 10 would have been even better
and it was a drying miracle, weeks of 90+ humidity, miracle it didn't mold
haven't got to curing with the humidity, but thinking will be good
because the taste is vanilla, a damn decent vanilla at that


Well-known member
Buonasera y'all, another harvest in the books
folly1 has been put to the sword, must have been close to 11 weeks of flower
stayed rooster clean right to the end, but a nice side bud of seeds dusted from folly2
good yields, lots of small colas with tight bud
interesting nose to put it mildly, when touched a very strong sweet smell, can't really compare to anything I know in other odors
so I come into the room after a day's worth of drying, what's that strangely familiar odor?
smelled just like a fresh coat of paint! crazy, cannabis can create nearly any odor

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