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A Legend Goes Down

Flower Pot

:joint: Harmonix thank you.. i am afraid though old mr. Jig is on his way out.. the tumor on his head is getting bigger.. it is even coming out of his eye making him blind.. but, even with his affliction he is still himself.. not grumpy or felling sorry for himself.. he still loves his food and lying in the sunshine all day.. unfortunatly the dog next door is now trying it on.. in the past mr Jig was the biggest, meanest tomcat around, he would take on any dog that trespassed on my land.. :dueling:
It would be too much if i posted a pic of him, i think it would break peoples hearts..goddam cancer.. :badday:
BOG i dont think your ideas about the pet waiting to come back are crazy.. i would love another cat, but now i have the freedom to follow the Spirit where it leads , before i have been tied down with the responsibilty of pet careing.. it was a big hassle getting someone to feed when i was away..
God bless all those who give love to our furry friends.. :joint:


I have had my cat for nearly 14 years now she has lived in two different countries with me but all my family know she aint go long left here with us. Its never easy to lose a friend..aint it funny that nearly all of us have cats and dogs it must go with a growers mind set to take care of everything around us.

I feel for you Harmonix...........


I love my Dog like she is one of my kids.... Heart felt sorrow goes out to you.
From one animal lover to another, Im sorry.


Active member
harmonix, i'm sorry for your lose. It does hurt more than one would expect. Unfortunately my dog of 10 years died last month, and i know the feeling all too well.


Hi everyone.

I rec'd F.T.C.'s ashes back today, nicely packaged with a sweet card from the service.

I'm really doing ok. I'm really remembering in vivid detail how much joy he brought to me. Wow how this thread has helped me move forward.

The outpouring of love has truly overwhelmed me. Also, so many of you have wished peace to me only to also convey that your pets too are getting older, are sick, etc.

As long as there are great pets, there will inevitably be grieving pet owners.

In so much I must ask that this thread take a slight turn..... :listen2:

DG / Admin - Can we please make this an ongoing thread for everyone to express their sadness when their pets cross over?

The title is "A Legend Goes Down." Aren't all of our special friends legends?

Me thinks yes.

Can we do this?

What does everyone think? :chin:

You can't buy this kind of healing.

Best to all.

Be Safe.



harmonix said:
DG / Admin - Can we please make this an ongoing thread for everyone to express their sadness when their pets cross over?

Sure we can...that's a good idea. :woohoo:

We so love our pets and when it's their time to go onward, is nice to have a place to get
together here and talk about it, do a bit of reminiscing, and help heal each other's sadness.

Hope things are going much better for you!

i feel for ya man, ive lost 2 cats, a hermit crab and a very special iguana in my life, which which somewhat my fault for turning the heat up too high, but anyway 12 years is a long life for a cat so im sure he lived a great long life