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A Guide to Fishsticks


ICMag Donor
You’re very organized (I am not. ) It’s very easy for things to get out of hand around here. Nothing drives me crazy like when I can’t find something that I need.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...i'm not super organized by any stretch of the imagination,just more organized than the guy dealing with the warehouse before...besides,that's where i park my bike during work!
also,i hate being bored,and it's decent pay for what is usually a low stress job...although i seem to be cursed with rushes of last minute customers...just annoying as i try and make sure the shelves are stocked up before closing...

anyway,think i'll go do laundry today,need to do a bunch in the garden tomorrow,and it's payday/grocery shopping day and i'll have a harvest to deal with friday night...want to be free to go ride sunday even though it's a garden day...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed: having a lazy day i guess...got the laundry done at least,i guess i should do something else useful before the group ride tonight...aside from giving the bike i'm riding a quick once over to make sure the bling is at maximum blinginess...and the lights all charged...

gonna be a busy day tomorrow,9 plants to prep for flower,8 to up-pot to #5's,a bunch of clones in cups to go into #1's,and more rooted cuts into cups....then a harvest and reset of 9 plants...

plus 2ish hours of grocery shopping...and should have enough money to order a set of carbon humate nutes and microbe+ from bokashi earthworks...


ICMag Donor
having a lazy day i guess


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed: mornin campers...slept in pretty late today,now i need to hustle and go get groceries and get home to deal with the garden...and it's summer hot again today...maybe not summer summer hot but dammit 96 is no fit temp for the end of september!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:watchplant:almost got everything done in veg...need to haul medium home again somehow..i swear i just got a bale of medium and 3 bags of build a soil last week...and i swear free cooling season should be here,but the 90's are hanging tough...
looks like i have enough plants to do a good build a soil run in the led room once i get like 3-4 more bags...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...back to work for a whole day...gotta haul medium home today,gonna be a pita to get the trailer to work since i go through the farmer's market on saturdays so the road is blocked off...gotta keep things rolling along in the garden though...gonna have a decent sized stack of pots to wash by next weeks days off...


hello, friends,

I have still the same issue with sanlight evo 5, when I replace it for different light type problems dissapears, leaves looks like this every time, ro water with calmag buffer ph 5.9 and correct ppm value, what can be the problem ? my other led kit california lightworks works well
light dimmer for 25% out of 100%



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