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A Guide to Fishsticks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:watchplant:alrighty,done for the day in veg...12 rooted clones into cups,9 plants prepped for flower,fed with BB,rootwise,and top dressed with insect frass and sprayed with lost coast...everything got the BB and rootwise today,meant to do more up-pots but screwed around this morning,went and got groceries,and hauled medium and a new 4 inch exhaust fan...gonna grab an ac infinity clip on fan for the 3x3 tent,and hopefully some build a soil 3.0 and just go with 5 gallon pots for now...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:watchplant: looks like the garden is gonna keep me busy and suck up some money this week...gonna need to move 18 plants and put them on the floor...hate to do it but everything is out of hand tall...really i need to swap some lamps around and put the hlg rspec scorpions in the main flower room and take the mars hydro lights out and put them in the led room...i can use that space for pheno hunting...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...another day with lots to do...still need to get the new rim to the bike shop,and get the weedwhacker out and deal with the back yard for the doggos...and tonight move the plants onto the floor in the main flower room...then another busy day tomorrow...it will almost be a relief to work at the shop on saturday!


I sent her to Dubai and almost ready to flower Pink Sour Peaches (3x left) and Pink Bacio (7x right) for december run

Good night and Blue Velvet


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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:toohot::watchplant:alrighty,got the yard weedwhacked for the dogs,did more cleaning in the grow,bagged up rootballs,and got the 3x3 tent set up...100 zip ties later...


new 4 inch fan and the lightbar kit from ac infinity,still need to fiddle with the light controller and get that programmed...the exhaust fan is impressively quiet....still need to pick up the 6 inch clip on fan...after that i'll be all set except for 4 bags of build a soil...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Do yourself a favor and pick up some of their craft blend too. Especially if you're going to be running in 5-gals.
i was gonna get the humate nutes from bokashi earthworks along with their cal/sil and also do teas with roots organic terp tea with some quallija extract,rootwise and the occasional beauveria bassiana and insect frass top dress


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...another day of garden work...after a grocery run...at least 18 up-pots to deal with,and shuffling plants around,got too many plants right now so some will get trashed or cloned to death...

back to work tomorrow,the dogs won't be happy about that....spoiled creatures that they are...you should see the fancy food they get,chicken,rice,sweet potatoes,peas,eggs....they sure do seem to like it though...

the shop will be open monday,and a 20% off sale,so it could be busy...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:watchplant:almost done dealing with veg,just need to clean up some plants in early veg and get the watered...big burst of garden work then cruise control for a while...got 22 plants up-potted,killed off 4 since i have no use for them,cloned one to death...sprayed with microbe+,top dressed the up-pots with insect frass,they just got rootwise and BB wednesday...

gonna need to pick up a few things at work tomorrow...another can of dr doom,more lost coast,and 2 bags of 3.0....

got an ugly stack of pots to wash once the doggos are gone....


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...back to the frog mine today...almost a relief to get away from the garden for a day...so i can buy a bunch of garden supplies! gonna need to haul the trailer down today,not as bad as hauling a bale of medium...
nice and cool this morning,and won't even hit 90 again today...just might be that summer is mostly over,i'm sure it will get hot again though...

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Is the food the dogs are eating made by the owner or bought?

I have been giving my dog the Farmers Dog food for the last 6 months and the improvement in his overall health is astounding. I can't say enough about the farmers dog. Plus it shows up at my door once a month. Less dicking around is always a bonus.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Is the food the dogs are eating made by the owner or bought?

I have been giving my dog the Farmers Dog food for the last 6 months and the improvement in his overall health is astounding. I can't say enough about the farmers dog. Plus it shows up at my door once a month. Less dicking around is always a bonus.
he makes it for them...they sure do like it,they scarf it down like they're starving....bailey has lost weight,seems to be less hip pain for her too,more playful...they gave a pretty frantic greeting dance yesterday when i got home from work


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...back to the grind,garden chores to deal with today,and finishing up the 3x3 tent and getting it fired up....and errands to run...pretty nice out today,only in the mid 70's right now...
the doggos go home tomorrow night,they've been good this time,leaving me enough space on the bed,they are getting fed 4 times a day,pain in the ass that they are...and they are their usual love sponge selves...