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A Guide to Fishsticks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor


D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Well 1 gram of 65% bubble hash is lasting me 3 days and costing me $55. Wish I knew a guy that lived in the desert or something that made cheap bubble hash 👀


Well-known member
Went over the bars for the first time on the squishy bike. Caught my tow on a root and went into the next drop crooked and wobbly. Then ate shit. No major injuries. Just a scraped knee and shoulder and one more set of peddle prints on my calf. Had to pick some leaves out of my helmet. I expect a little soreness by the end of the day. Overall still a very fun ride.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Went over the bars for the first time on the squishy bike. Caught my tow on a root and went into the next drop crooked and wobbly. Then ate shit. No major injuries. Just a scraped knee and shoulder and one more set of peddle prints on my calf. Had to pick some leaves out of my helmet. I expect a little soreness by the end of the day. Overall still a very fun ride.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers... we got some more rain last night,must be up to 7/100ths of an inch so far! really slept in this morning,just like my halcyon days of cowboy growing! so of course now i have to scramble to get everything done today,including going to get a bale of medium...good times...at least it's not 100 out again...heck,the forecast for next week has temps in the 80's for highs! positively arctic! looks like i'll have to suck it up and ride both directions at least a couple of days...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed: back from grocery shopping and a grow store trip...guess where i spent more money!:) it was the grow store,still more expensive than food...time for lunch


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:smokeit::watchplant: who knew growing pot was so much work?:bigeye: almost like a job today,and i know since i have experience lol
anyway,got everything up-potted that needed it,a bunch of rooted cuts into cups,chose out 6 plants for the next round after this one that's about to go in,harvested 4 plants,think i'm gonna get pretty close to 2lbs total from this run...busy day...aside from sleeping until 11


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...off to do laundry in a bit,then more grocery shopping...looks like a good chance of rain all next week,and fairly mild temps...gonna try and ride both ways on tuesday and thursday since i don't need to deal with the garden at home those days...so i'll have time to not rush the ride then consume mass quantities of food to recover...plus it should be good for the plants at work,pretty sure plants like natural sunlight and rain,think i read that on the interwebz somewhere:)
hopefully good news on mary the pup tomorrow,jane is doing well,got that fat puppy belly going now,much more sociable after a week...
went through almost the entire bale of medium yesterday,probably should have gotten a ride,or the owner offered to haul stuff to the house for me,but i was being stubborn...i've spent more time in cars over the last month than in the previous 3-4 years!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
alrighty,done with chores and errands for the weekend,clones cupped,up-pots potted,plants harvested,rootballs bagged up,workshop cleaned,veg areas cleaned,house more or less cleaned,laundry done,and two grocery shopping trips...looking forward to getting back to work so i can take it easy!:bigeye:
even had time to play bike for a bit,got the timberjack put back together after taking a part off for my friend...got the el con cleaned up and ready for the commute...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed::badday: rainy mornin campers...yup,it rained overnight and looks like more coming today and tomorrow...should actually be pretty nice riding this morning,only in the 70's...and the humidity will slow down drying the plants i have hanging so it could work out perfectly to spoil my weekend by forcing me to trim:bigeye: anyway,it should go quickly,cherry cookies always goes fast,and the ogkb should go quickly as well...the white truffle i'm gonna keep a bunch of myself i think...the 4 plants seemed pretty heavy so i might be stuck trimming a full pound...
and i have a big ol' stack of dirty pots!:jump:
maybe i can haul them to work and get paid bank to wash them!


Bug Scissor Hand
:tumbleweed:mornin campers... we got some more rain last night,must be up to 7/100ths of an inch so far! really slept in this morning,just like my halcyon days of cowboy growing! so of course now i have to scramble to get everything done today,including going to get a bale of medium...good times...at least it's not 100 out again...heck,the forecast for next week has temps in the 80's for highs! positively arctic! looks like i'll have to suck it up and ride both directions at least a couple of days...
i get that much in dew setting over night ,dew to my high temp/humidity here lol but i did get several inches of rain the other day an the day before


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:badday: rainy mornin campers...yup,actually rained overnight and this morning...going to be an interesting ride to work...hopefully not as friggin windy as yesterday...have to see how it goes,might go ahead and ride home today,should be nice and cool out,no garden chores at home so i can take my time,just need to bring extra food and sports drink mix...and dry clothes for work...plus i get to feel snug for owning snap on fenders!