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A Guide to Fishsticks


$$ ALONE $$
Sour Dubb s1 - 2nd flush ~


Next run is gonna be the plants I have in veg now ~
SLG x RoadDawg - NEW
GG#4 x RoadDawg - NEW
Gorilla Bubble #'s 6 & 8
OGKB 2.0

Then under lamp#2, three weeks later, will be all GG#4.
I need to take the GG4 cuts and get them rooting today or tomorrow. I also need to get some rooted cuts to another member so that means breaking out the 120 site. Its a bitch to set-up and breakdown. 20 gln rez.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:coffee: mornin campers...

a day of chores today,gonna try and make some bubble as well,but aside from that just a boring day of cleaning...
at least i get to clean the ICT,that i always enjoy...


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
no snow all winter & here it is April 4th & i gotta go shovel snow :needcoffee:

Not a happy Camper !!!!! :wallbash:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Have you old Knights read this yet ? its out in open now !!!!
posted by Gypsy in the Urgent thread ......

On the day after I was first detained (29th August 2013), I was taken from the detention facility, under heavy guard, to the head offices of the Bureau of Immigration in down-town Manila to see one of their prosecutors called Mr Arellano. I was very curious to find out just why I had been taken from my home 60 miles north of the capital the evening before.

Arellano produced a copy of a US Federal Indictment against me that was put together by federal agents and a prosecutor in Maine USA. He allowed me to leaf thru and read the document for 10 minutes.

What I was charged with on the indictment was:
1.Conspiracy to manufacture, distribute and posses with intent to distribute marijuana.
2.Conspiracy to import marijuana.
3.Conspiracy to export marijuana from the USA to England.
4.Conspiracy to launder monetary instruments.

I had never, ever even set foot in Maine USA, but as I read further into the document it reveled to me that these charges had come about after some busts in Maine of 2 entities that were referred to as CONFIDENTIAL WITNESSES 1&2, who had turned into snitches after their busts and implicated me.

The only 2 people I knew of that resided in that state were Dutchgrown and Rez, and as I read on, it became clear to me that those two could only be the confidential witnesses, because in the indictment it showed evidence of my communications with DG via Skype, and some e-mails, and concerned our trades in cannabis seeds.

I had nothing whatsoever to do with setting up any grow in that state, or any other. I never 'Conspired' to manufacture any cannabis, nor import or export it to the UK or the USA, or launder any monetary instruments. My business is solely to do with trading in cannabis seeds, and any funds made are made legally because I am a British citizen, and can legally trade in cannabis seeds.

Some time later I did a search using DG's legal name on the US Federal prison site, and determined that she had been jailed from July 2013 until July 2014, so she was only sentenced to one year after plea bargaining her prospective sentence, by throwing me under the bus.


Active member
Yeah man I hear you on the winter in spring, was snowing here Saturday and its like 30 degree today..and fuck the rats man if you can't keep your mouth shut when your doing shit gtfo the game sucks to have your life ruined because someone couldn't take the heat


Active member
There is definitely a market for the plates Hammer, but I did not make those. I had them made for me to specs I needed for heaters, thermos, etc. I believe the guy who made them has a waiting list of 100+ people because of how well he makes them....that and everyone is squsihin these days.

Morning gents! Opening day of baseball today...having some people over for the college bball national championship and also Cubs first game! Gonna fire up the ole BBQ since the sun is shining bright! Even got my lettuce, radishes, and spinach planted yesterday!


Active member
Have you old Knights read this yet ? its out in open now !!!!
posted by Gypsy in the Urgent thread ......
Some time later I did a search using DG's legal name on the US Federal prison site, and determined that she had been jailed from July 2013 until July 2014, so she was only sentenced to one year after plea bargaining her prospective sentence, by throwing me under the bus.
smh...That's nasty.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
DG aka "c*nt face bitch"....
hope yer enjoying yer little aroma therapy business,i got something you can sniff yah damn rat!!


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
:laughing: don't hold back Unc ! tell us how ya really feel lol

well , that sucked !!!!! but at least its done & cleaned up ! better be the last freakin time this year !! :wallbash:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
just like the barretta theme song says,"dont do the crime if you cant do the crime"...

i dunno,just like my ranting about crappy growers back in the day there used to be something resembling honor among dealers after a fashion,something you dont see that much anymore...i cant even count the number of people i cut off because they couldnt keep their word...i have never fronted to someone and said you have x number of days to pay,but the moment they say i will gladly pay you tuesday for a hamburger today then they have started the clock...when that clock expires and i still aint got motha f-in paid then you're late and have broken your word,and guess what? when that happens three times yer out...pretty simple...just like back in the day,you didnt show frickin empty handed unless it was all pre arranged..and certainly no dickering about price....and certainly no ratting people out to save your own skin....

courtesy and respect,thats whats missing from your modern criminal...no sense of tradition...

kids these days!


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Couldn't agree More !!! :tiphat:

my biggest fear about getting busted is what would happen to the wife ! i make sure she knows very little about it .... has never seen it & theres nothing around the house that can link her to it ! there has to be a little plausable deniability on her side if they ever do show up . I will of course scream from the top of my lungs that she has nothing to do with it & its all my doings . for as much as thats worth here in NY .
& i'm still looking for a spot outside the house to set up in .... but nothing yet . look how long it took me to find this place !:shucks:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:mopper: getting some cleaning done today anyway speaking of waiting around on people...got a batch of bubble going,slowly getting the house straightened up...lotsa dust after all the windstorms...big load of laundry today too...need to get some cooking going too,been trying to do 2 days a week with no meat so time to get some beans cooking...
took a little spin on the kruiser monkey,had them check a frame price and availability....only one 64cm purple sparkle straggler frame left,and two in black...the straggler is surly's gravel/road bike frame that takes disc brakes...it occurred to me it would be cheaper in the long run to not get a karate monkey frame since i would only buy wheels and a shock too...what i want is something just for cruising around,not another expensive mountain bike project...

Jericho Mile

Well-known member
DG aka "c*nt face bitch"....
hope yer enjoying yer little aroma therapy business,i got something you can sniff yah damn rat!!

Had issues with her from day one. We never cared for each other. She huffed and puffed about banning me...just because I didn't agree with her point of view on something that had absolutely nothing to do with her bullshit. My gut instinct was dead nuts...called her on her bullshit then..and now...pompous wench

the other one. Never had an issue with him. He was always cool to me. Shame what peeps will do.

* I have an old beach cruiser you can have.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
it is a shame...

well,lesson learned i suppose,part of the reason i keep the site at arms length so to speak...plenty of people on here i rather like but having been burned more than once i just dont go in for any clone swapping or the like which is a shame since theres plenty of stuff i would love to have but im simply not willing to risk it...

Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
Dan, I don't know about your state but here none of that mattered. Darlin was busted before I turned myself in. They charged her as if she was a partner. Even though she had nothing to do with it and I told them so. Didn't matter, they used her as a pawn to get me. All the way down to the wire. She had to plead guilty to all charges for me to get the deal. Fuckers even intentionally screwed up her paper work. She was supposed to only get 3 years probation and be sentenced under deferred justification, meaning she would not loose her right to vote and after the 3 years it would be like nothing ever happened. That was the deal I signed concerning her. She had a public pretender that somehow over looked all that. She was sentenced to the same 5 years that I was and you have to look really hard to find the parts where she was supposed to get deferred. Now she can't get in touch with the pretender and it looks like I will have to higher a lawyer to straighten it out. At the time of sentencing she was 60 years old and had never been in any trouble other then traffic violations. I was to overwhelmed that day to pay attention to what took place. It was the day before our jury trial and the least they would offer was 10 years in prison for me and 5 years prison for her. It came down to them giving me 30 minutes to decide or all deals were off the table. That's when I called John Wesley Hall back to tell him I needed his services. 1 phone call and a fax later they offered me probation. That cost me 8500 bux. If I would had the 40k to give him to fight it we most likely would have walked free. Problem was I would've had to pay the 40k that day because the trial was starting the next day. Bottom line is the fucksticks will do whatever they can to fuck you and unless you have a shit ton of money to fight em they will pretty much do what ever the hell they want and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
And I still don't buy it that they spotted 1 plant from doing a fly over. It could have happened but unlikely. During that same timeline jc and a few others disappeared from the face of the earth with out a trace. Only those that are in med states and myself are still around. Btw the dea was in the helicopter that day. Did the c*nt faced snitchin bitch have access to seed bay? I think so. At that time I was using my address for shipping because my safe addy wasn't safe anymore. That doesn't happen anymore.
And a word for anyone that reads this. If you have the address of any member for any reason. BURN IT NOW!!!!! No need to save it. If you ever need it for anything I'm sure they will be glad to give it to you again. Stay safe bruthaz.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
yup,like i have said before,friends is friends and business is business,the two things rarely mix well...

keep your cards tight,that way if something bad goes down your pool of possible people who could have talked or squealed is that much smaller...

:bigeye: my batch of bubble made a nice 8 gram chunk of hash so i said fuck it and ordered a surly straggler frame...there was only one left in my size in purple sparkle so a snagged it...what the heck,i have all the parts here already,by getting a road frame there will be no need for another mountain bike build project like if i got the karate monkey frame,for 600 bucks i get a nice road bike to cruise around on and not burn up 120 dollar mountain bike tires...


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Dan, I don't know about your state but here none of that mattered. Darlin was busted before I turned myself in. They charged her as if she was a partner. Even though she had nothing to do with it and I told them so. Didn't matter, they used her as a pawn to get me. All the way down to the wire. She had to plead guilty to all charges for me to get the deal. Fuckers even intentionally screwed up her paper work. She was supposed to only get 3 years probation and be sentenced under deferred justification, meaning she would not loose her right to vote and after the 3 years it would be like nothing ever happened. That was the deal I signed concerning her. She had a public pretender that somehow over looked all that. She was sentenced to the same 5 years that I was and you have to look really hard to find the parts where she was supposed to get deferred. Now she can't get in touch with the pretender and it looks like I will have to higher a lawyer to straighten it out. At the time of sentencing she was 60 years old and had never been in any trouble other then traffic violations. I was to overwhelmed that day to pay attention to what took place. It was the day before our jury trial and the least they would offer was 10 years in prison for me and 5 years prison for her. It came down to them giving me 30 minutes to decide or all deals were off the table. That's when I called John Wesley Hall back to tell him I needed his services. 1 phone call and a fax later they offered me probation. That cost me 8500 bux. If I would had the 40k to give him to fight it we most likely would have walked free. Problem was I would've had to pay the 40k that day because the trial was starting the next day. Bottom line is the fucksticks will do whatever they can to fuck you and unless you have a shit ton of money to fight em they will pretty much do what ever the hell they want and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
And I still don't buy it that they spotted 1 plant from doing a fly over. It could have happened but unlikely. During that same timeline jc and a few others disappeared from the face of the earth with out a trace. Only those that are in med states and myself are still around. Btw the dea was in the helicopter that day. Did the c*nt faced snitchin bitch have access to seed bay? I think so. At that time I was using my address for shipping because my safe addy wasn't safe anymore. That doesn't happen anymore.
And a word for anyone that reads this. If you have the address of any member for any reason. BURN IT NOW!!!!! No need to save it. If you ever need it for anything I'm sure they will be glad to give it to you again. Stay safe bruthaz.

:tiphat: Joe , that really SUX what Darlin had to go through !!!! & is exactly what i don't want to happen !!!! the laws here are a little more lax than they ever were .... but i'm in a township now where the cops are known major pricks !!! but i'm also pretty well hidden in plain site if ya know what i mean ..... my neighbors think i'm just a retired & disabled old cab driver :biggrin:
the few that have gotten to know me anyways .....

i have some cash stashed in case , but like i said , i want it out of the house ! just have to find the right spot !!! its easier to hide here than some garage or warehouse .... but i don't want anything happening to her !!! so i will find a spot sooner or later .
one good thing about the wife being here ..... she lets me know right away if the stink gets out even in the least little bit so i can get on it right away ! i may not smell it as fast as she can .

oh hell yeah ..... no real addys given or kept here !!! even emails & PMs are deleted right away !!!

Evening gents :tiphat:

puffthirty for me !!! :smoke out:
then down to the dungeon for chores
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