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A 71-year-old woman arrested for "special plant"

D Rock

I live in the great state of North Carolina. I often wonder if it will ever be legal here. Oh well......... :smoweed: ANYWAY!!!!!!


seeker of greater knowledge
:cuss: :cuss:thats pretty shitty aswell pathetic on the cops part actuallty arresting a 71 year old woman for mj posession ok i got to admit that a 4 foot mj plant in her front yard isn't the most stealthy but come on you donut scarfing bastards could of gave her a break they could of just cut the :rant: fuckers down no harm done but noooooooooooooooo :rant: :cuss: they have to drag this blue haired 71 year old granny into the system why???????!!!!!!????????? they have nothing better to do with their time and most importantly Tax Payers Money. :rant: in all honestly this story made me throw up in the back of my mouth a little :mad: :no: :moon: :jerkit: :jerkit:
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Microbial Repositories
Premium user
In north dakota the cops would have planted something for the other lady to be busted with also. and found people to say she was a dealer. :badday:

Bud Meister

There has to be more to this story. Think about it the Sheriff and the DA in that county are elected officials and any reasonable person would see that this should have never have gone this far and those two numb nuts will be looking for new jobs at the end of their term in office. Surely they are not this stupid. lol


Yes it should not have gone this far because the dumbass pig could have used a little discretion and told grandma to cut it down,end of story.The cops the moron plain and simple.


They will give any dumbass a badge and a gun so long as they clear the background check and have a pulse apparently.WTF.
thats really messed up, she is doing nothing wrong. Sometimes those type of situations make me want to move to another country with minimal prosecution. She was doing nothing wrong at all.


Around 12 years ago an elderly lady who lived 2 houses down from mine was caught growing 7 plants. The Police explained to her the law (of the time) provided she could only grow a maximum of 3, and they took the 4 smaller ones.

It was one of the most sensible things I'd ever heard happening.

I truly hope the spirit of the law isn't lost to this dear lady.
Why does her age and the fact she's a granny make a difference?

Aside from the fact that I think no-one should be hassled or arrested for using pot, She got caught doing something illegal. It sucks, but it's life.

Would you expect the general populace to have the same level of sympathy for a President of the USA who got caught with a personal grow in his garden? After all, isn't there a reasonable chance of there being a 71 year old being one of the most powerful people in the world this year?

My point is that I actually think it's insulting to the "gran" to give her special treatment just because of her age.
She get's all of my sympathy because she got caught growing pot. Full stop. Rant over. LOL.

The Uncola

how Ghastly! I smoke only for recreational purposes but, have been hasseled none the less. I have met people who have been using for only medical uses. I have done the best by keeping my big mouth shut!! I learn to keep it shut and grow for my own medical uses. I am the owner of the real cannabis material! It is the real deal. Just a small amount of cannabis is the best thing I've ever had. Talking to them is the worst.


A daughter who lives in the home was unaware the plants were in the yard and was not charged

my guess is Mom took the rap for her daughter.

and what's the bet the Nazis handcuffed that 71 year old lady for trip to the station to book her...you know, just in case she tries to make a run for it!

I wonder how many dangerous road rage maniacs, prescription drugged out zombies or shit faced drunk drivers the cops passed going there, apprehending her and returning back to their jail?


said he say the plant as he passed. think if u grow in the open like that ure asking for trouble. that goes for anyone.but we are making steps toward total legalization. look how many states have taking action compared to ten years ago.peace
Seed Buyer said:
North Carolina is pretty tolerant as far as the bible belt goes. I think she will be okay!

According to NORML web site, of all the Southern states, Mississippi and North Carolina are the most enlightened. They have decrim'd possession (again according to the web site). Other Southern states have really nasty laws like tax stamps, which I'd never heard of before checking out the NORML site.


maybe the old lady still has a grow hemp for victory poster in the barn and can claim she's helping the war effort and just maybe a jury would believe thats her
part in the war on terror and aqquit.... the poor confused old gal thinks growing it here create jobs in america and takes a penny or two away from the terrorists in afghanastan

she's a patriot eh....


zeeba amoeba said:
According to NORML web site, of all the Southern states, Mississippi and North Carolina are the most enlightened. They have decrim'd possession (again according to the web site). Other Southern states have really nasty laws like tax stamps, which I'd never heard of before checking out the NORML site.

mississippi has technically decriminalized it under 30 grams, so you can get a good ounce and only get misdemenor charges, but you will be arrested, even for a roach in your ashtray. they are fucking gestapo down here. if you have so much as a seed on a boat or plane, they will seize it and charge you with smuggling cannabis. thats how great we got it down here.


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
The dyckhead(LEO) is probably smoking weed himself. Asshole of major proportion!