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8k coco grow show


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Yeah I don't know.. I'm about to do some tests here because I just turned off my extra lamp in that closet and I'm going to watch the temperature now. If it doesn't do much ill try and take the paper down. If the extra lamp is the culprit I'll discontinue that closest. Shit.!


Well-known member
Ok …..just sent the pm before seein this so not sure now ?......thought you meant you`d hung curtains down the walkway so that was why I said airflow blockage and or diversion causing cooling to be impeded.....but ….I didn`t know the 3 degree variance you spoke of in the pm was 85 up to 88.....anyways.....

Let me know what you come up with and we`ll figure this shit out....


Edit : Just saw the pic with mylar all around the room so yes absolutely the reflective paper that`s bouncing and storing heat on the walls …..reflectix won`t do thet cuz it`s bubblewrapped foil covered insulation wrap.....Mylar has hotspots and wrinkles like a mofo plus a bitch to clean between runs.....


Active member
This reflectix is not bubble wrapped. It's just like mylar. It has wrinkles. Whatever the case I ripped it down at 3 a.m in the morning freaking out. Long story short, right now we have just hit massive summer. So at 10 at night it's still 85 degrees. So me keeping my HPS still running this grow I'm trying to exhaust my lights with 90 degree to 85 Degree air. This is making my grow room hot. I simply don't have enough BTU right now to deal with this grow room.. I think I got it handled though..it's amazing when you tell someone "I'll give you a thousand bucks to come get this done ASAP" how many people jump. So tomorrow finally one of my boys is coming to slap in the 36k that I have in the Box alongside the 30k that's running and I'm taking out the 18K that I put in. This should work.. these two AC's that I have had going though..this combo has worked this last grow just fine, but I didn't have temps as hot as it's right now though from the outside elements. it is so hot here it's unreal..!!! seriously, in the 20 years I've lived here I have not seen it this hot at this time of year ever... so I'm hoping for the best. I'll have 66k of btu now after this. If that doesn't work I'm going to rip this room down and call it a day. sucks because I ripped down all my reflective paper and trashed it already because I ruined it while I ripped it down. If the AC all works and everything I'll put it back up because I can move my tables and move around.. fuck.!! Grow room life.! It never ends. Thank for the response DHF. I've been a basket case today. Hardest thing to swallow is when your room is running perfect for several grows then all the sudden you have heat issues after you have put so much money into trying to fix those issues. Thank God I have a 36k still in the box waiting.. so now a 30k and 36k side by side. Taking out the 18k.


Active member
Ok …..just sent the pm before seein this so not sure now ?......thought you meant you`d hung curtains down the walkway so that was why I said airflow blockage and or diversion causing cooling to be impeded.....but ….I didn`t know the 3 degree variance you spoke of in the pm was 85 up to 88.....anyways.....

Let me know what you come up with and we`ll figure this shit out....


Edit : Just saw the pic with mylar all around the room so yes absolutely the reflective paper that`s bouncing and storing heat on the walls …..reflectix won`t do thet cuz it`s bubblewrapped foil covered insulation wrap.....Mylar has hotspots and wrinkles like a mofo plus a bitch to clean between runs.....

No that wasn't about hanging Curtains Down the walkway. I didn't hang any Curtains Down the walkway and still have these heat issues. It's the temps man it's because Hawaii is baking like a pizza right now


Active member
If the reflectix is just like mylar, then even the tiniest crinkle or crease has the potential to act as a kind of magnifying glass and create hot-spots which can burn plant leaves, the light is just super-focused in the areas where the crinkles occur; unless you can achieve absolute perfection with mounting it, it's probably best to remove it.

With all that light in that room, I seriously doubt that light is your "limiting factor" anyway, so it is always good to figure out what your "limiting factor" is anyway, is is nutrition (probably not), is it water (probably not), is it fluctuations in temperature (possibly) or is it CO2/atmosphere?

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


Active member
It's the outside temps man. Literally in one day Hawaii just gained 10 degrees. This is my culprit.. and also having my last 4 HPS lights still running.. I'm exhausting those lights with 90 degree outside air. So yeah.. thank God tomorrow I have my AC guy coming and we're going to slap in this 36k. I currently have a 30k and a 18k running side by side. Now I'm ditching the 18 and putting in the 36. I should have enough to move forward. Jezz. Grow room life.!! I literally never ends. Just when you think you have it covered.. nope..

My post earlier was me early in the morning freaking out not knowing what's going on. After waking up at 3 a.m. to my temps being almost 90 in the room. Getting up buck naked ripping down paper .. lol today has been an emotional mess. I'm going to cut half of lights off tonight so I can get through without burning them up before I put the new AC in..

I've lived here for many years and I have never ever seen temperatures at midnight at 85 degrees. So this is why my room is overheating. I'm also in a single wall house this is an Old Farm House built in the 50s. I don't have insulation. So my only means to rectify my heat is overkill on the AC times 10. Let's hope this works..you never know.. it could still be shit. I don't know.. I've learned to expect the worst and hope for the best no matter how you think it will turn out.. ugh.. thank God I dont drink anymore. Lol


Well-known member
That`s not "Reflectix" Bro......Reflectix is sold at Lowes and Home Depot in 4' x 50' rolls and it`s bubblewrapped foil covered insulation …...I sent the response to your pm before I ever saw the new update with mylar on the walls , and last we talked about Reflectix was about doing reflection down the walkway and that`s where my pm response came from.....and now.....

Yes.....Overkill is underrated …..especially where environment is concerned , and rule of thumb for cooling is 5000 btu`s of cooling per 1000 watts of HID lighting with 3400 btu`s coming from the bulbs and another 1600 for all other environmental equipment such as CO2 burners and dehueys that both spew heat as they do their job , so again as stated above overkill is underrated with growin dope......anyways.....

Summertime`s a bitch for croppin where I live and mostly anywhere inside . and that`s why all my setups were in basements , but in an un-insulated farmhouse in Hawaii even you`re seeing that 48000 btu`s of cooling was failing miserably runnin wide ass open with the extra 630 in the closet for a total of 7150 watts of light that should only take 35750 btu`s of cooling to handle shit , but you were runnin 90 degree air thru your 1 k hoods and I`m sure that did nothing but add to the problem......regardless...…

If 66000 btu`s that`s over 5 tons of cooling won`t handle it then you`re fucked...…:moon:……..LOL........that said.....Sorry you freaked out and ripped all that shit off the walls but it`s a waste of money …..I only advocate the reflectix and prodex brands of reflective insulation , not that mylar lookin stuff you had up , but the orca film is supposed to be the best....dunno….......and lastly......as you said it`s no biggie cuz the new run`s just begun and all things come to pass with dialage my buddy …...the ac upgrade will save your ass and when things calm down , both units won`t haveta work as hard down the road thus adding life to said units , so........Keep strokin and …..

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Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
DHF is speaking about reflextix that lowes, menards and all the big box stores carry. It comes standard in 25' rolls of 4' width. Its more rigid and wont flop down like a curtain like the stuff you used.
Its this stuff on the wall behind the flower. Its basically bubble wrap, wrapped in reflexctive material. Like DHF said, orca is supposed to be some of the best, but reflectix is a good material to use because it diffuses the light so less bad hot spots.

I made miscalculations when sizing my ac for my grow. You also have to calculate in your cubic feet of space that you have to cool on top of light and equipment cooling requirements. So if you have extra sq ft or tall ceilings, you need to add more cooling to account for it. But if the grow space matches the light wattage to completely light it, DHF is on target with the 5k cooling per 1k light estimate, being the max needed usually.

Oh, and I see DHF mentioned your running outside air thru your hps lights? Hes right, if you open those up, and take the glass shield out, you will get more light out of them, and require less cooling for the room.


Active member
Damn MM that's a beautiful plant.!!

Hey thanks guys for the info and clearing up the confusion about the reflectix. I got the wrong shit like a dummy. I'll get the bubble stuff for the walkway curtains. I'll just let this run go with the panda film like I have been. I'm done trying to work in there around the tables. I'm beat. This past 3 days have been a anxiety infused mess. Lol..

Okay so the new AC is in.!! Cost me a 1000 bucks and the old 18k ac.. to the guy who installed it.. jezz. Oh well. At least I never have to worry about heat again. The 36k and 30k running together is magic.! With all my lights running and the CO2 running and everything on in the room with it being 86 degrees outside, my room is still running right now at 79 80 degrees.. bam.!!! Overkill and I'm loving it.! Thank God I had that AC just sitting in the Box waiting.. it's so cool in there now. So back on track. My plants look fine. I just dimmed my HPS lights down the last two nights and my room ran about 83 and I didn't run CO2, so the plants didn't get stressed at all..

Ian is a happy man. ( my name is Ian btw guys.)

Thanks again for all the responses everyone and the knowledge you share. I greatly appreciate it..it's great to have a place to go to learn new things and talk about techniques..




Power Armor rules
Your room is looking great, best of luck this run. I will admit that your grows throughout this thread have motivated me to give coco a try, and all I can say is why did I wait so long. Keep up the good work.

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Active member
Your room is looking great, best of luck this run. I will admit that your grows throughout this thread have motivated me to give coco a try, and all I can say is why did I wait so long. Keep up the good work.


Yeah man. Coco. It's a win. I've tried everything over the years. Getting 8 to 9 oz plants in 2 gallons pots says it all.. I'll never do anything else now. I've never had results like this.. I'm stoked for you to try it man..! You'll be hooked.


i converted to coco earlier this year and have NO plans of ever going back to soil. switched to advanced nutrients too and i'm super happy with how everything is going now. so simple and the plants are insanely happy and healthy.


Active member
Aloha my friend's. I've been lazy on updates..

My room now is running at 78 degrees at all times during lights on.. it's ridiculous how badass the cooling is in there now. My last clone run didn't work out too well.. I cloned over a hundred clones and I took the best of the best and I still lost six plants. ( I knew they were not going to work when I planted them. I had to try anyway.)They just wouldn't take, and all the rest were towering over them so there's no use in trying to keep them going, because they'll never work ever. So hopefully with the more light the plants are getting now that the ones are taken out in that section then it will make up for it.. probably not but Oh well, I don't think I'll be hitting my 20-pound Mark after losing that many plants on this run, but hey, we still have a damn grow moving forward so it's all g.!!.

Dosido is a beautiful plant. I have been having fun watching these girls grow. She likes to Branch out and shoot up pretty fast. As you can see now this is only 15 days veg. And I usually go 21 days veg so I might have to even pull the plug this weekend. we will see, but they are shooting for the sky that's for sure.. big fat branches, nice fat leaves, she's a Hardy plant. So all these plants aside from the six that I had to yank out two days ago, are just completely rocking. roots are flying out the air pots, I stripped branches today as you guys can see..

2 of the six lost we're out of the new closet I opened up with the 630 over them. So now I have 4 under the 630 CMH in the closet instead of 6. Let's see how that rolls. Because the ones that are left over in there are really really nice and Hardy fat plants..

I am now deleting the bottom net that I usually had throughout the last grows I've had. The top net now is going to be the bottom net, and I'm going to add another net higher than that. I need more topnet space to hold the colas.!

I already ordered my next and last 4 CMH lights. I am so sick of growing with HPS air-cooled lights. I am so over it, and I will never ever grow with air cooled HPS lamps again. I don't need to be exhausting my lights with the outside air and worried about temperature in that factor. Best to close the room up and not have to worry.. and besides, I am not happy with the larfy buds I get from HPS after running CMH. And not to mention the half pound a light more.. lol I guess I'll sell all these puppy's on Craigslist or something... fuck a bunch of bulky ass huge hoods that have to be air cooled. Over it.

I'll add the reflective curtains on the walkway in another week or so.

15 days veg.




Active member
Oh yeah and I did slam my 630s all the way tight to the ceiling. I need about 3 feet canopy space when all is said and done when they stop stretching. Wasn't liking the hot spots last run. I will get a better spread now with this way..


Active member
Another CMH convert. It will take a lot for me to convert from Gavita, but I can't argue with the results you're getting. I just hung my third 6/750 DE yesterday in the new flower room. I have one more light waiting to be hung, but I won't need it for this run. Only have 16 in flower now. Next run will be 20 plants, and then I will hang the last Gavita. This is the first time I'm flowering out in a purpose built room and not a tent.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you can pull out of the hat this run.


Active member
Hey issack how you storing all that bud...

I have a big refrigerator dedicated to just weed storage. I vacuum seal it. I just run a strip as long as what a pound will fit in. Then just vac it till right before it starts to crush the buds. Then it can sit for months in the fridge and still be fresh when I open it.

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