It takes 13 days to get Roots like that in my cloner. I take branches man. I take big cuts leave about 2 or 3 nodes and it works the best for me..the bigger the branch the bigger the roots. My moms are outside. All the cuts I take whenever I plant this room are from plants outside. And right now my outside plants look like shit because it rains here every single day where I live. so basically I just grow plants get them about 2 ft tall before they start getting blight and mold and take Cuts real quick and go into the room and then I throw the plant away because I can't pull off outdoor grows here anymore in my elevation.. I live in a rainforest man, it rains here every single day no matter what.. 90% humidity. I got blight and certain problems on my plants when I try to flower them outside that you have never seen in your life and not any other grower in the world has problems with because it's that bad here LOL.. outdoors for me is done..
Keep on rocking, thanks for sharing bud, I thought that Hawaii was a sweet spot for outdoor grows? Is it just the micro climate your in, that's too rough on them? It would be cool if you could plant some different seeds until you found some that could handle the high humidity. Might help create a very resistant strain to pm and such.
Also I wanted to ask about the sm90 and your res water. I was dealing with the same problems as you about the same time. Some high temp issues bloomed the dreaded algae that slimes crap up and grows the brown crap on your roots that suffocates them and lets things like pythium and fusarium take over.
I changed out all my feed lines, and cleaned everything real good, replaced all my filters, and installed a uv light before ro filter. got the water temps steady around 64f. So im dialed in pretty good, and thought I noticed a foul smell in one of the res's. The only thing I noticed that had anything on it was the ph probe tips. they had the white cotton slimy starting growth on the wicks. I noticed the black mold type material sticking to the silica barrier for the ph probe wont come clean. I feel that's the last growth problem ive had to replace. So I wanted to ask how you were liking the sm90? Ive used it in the past and thought that it left an oily residue on everything that I wasn't fond of? Is that your experience? I know you mentioned you clean your res every 5 days. Are you still doing that? And is the sm90 a mess to clean up when you do the res clean? I have been using bleach to keep the res sterile, but im not real fond of that option either since it is basic, and raises ph. Plus the biggest problem with chlorine is it dissipates so fast. At least with the sm90 route, its effectiveness should last the duration of the nutrient solution. Honestly id just like to go clean, and wipe down my res's once a weak. that's what im starting with after I clean and change my probes today. Just wanted to pick your brain a little on the sm90 usage.
Nice roots! What do you put in your cloner rez?
And when I clean my rez every 5 days I use heavy bleach to clean everything. I use to use 35% peroxide to clean when I did Flood and drain years ago and I would lose crops. The brown slime would never leave. But I also didn't have a chiller back then. But bleach for cleaning is the win.
Also. Sm90 mixed with axamax is a amazing spider mite killing cocktail.
thanks for all the info. I know DHF talked about using it in his regimen, but when I gave it a shot I had root problems already and thought it didn't work out. It''s certainly not a cure, but obviously a decent preventative. I think I may give it a shot. Your system obviously stayed clean and did very well.
Yes I was using 3 mills a gallon and then DHF chimed in about using 5 mills. So I started that regimen and haven't look back since. It's a amazing preventative. You will be happy.
Chime back in here and let me know how it goes for you when you start using it.. you will love the way you rez looks after sm90.
Currently I have a 630 cmh in my 4' 8" x 4' 8" tent that I absolutely love, I've done runs filled from side to side with 4 coco trees, another with a two plant scrog, and others topped and tomato caged. I admire your setup so much that you have inspired me to move beyond a tent and work on getting in to a room. I have access to a 13' x 8' room with a 10' ceiling that I plan to mimic as closely to the cmh side of your room as I can. My pondering question is, what size is your canopy for all 4 630w lights, how far apart are you spacing them? Do you have someplace that you have listed full dimensions and specs of your set up? I'm drooling over here.
It looks like some cloudy looking mr clean. Smells of a natural sanitizer. Ph did spike up a whole point, but that was corrected with .7 ml ph down per gallon. Ill let you know how it goes. Thanks.
so the cmh beat the hps in weight? damn thats awesome, cant wait to convert to either those and/or the ickybud leds, be nice to have a new color in the room other than orange lol
so Im going back to a drip system for the first time in almost 2 years, need to design it this week and have it built out in 2. my question for you guys is what do you not want to mix with sm90. ive heard different things and have seen different reactions with enzymes, bloom boosters etc.
my plan was to use tap water with jacks/calnit, hydroguard(2ml) on regular and then fulpower(10ml), enzymes komplete(3ml), rhizoblast(2ml),sm90(5ml) when the tank is getting low around 30-40gl
I feel like its too much crap in one bucket lol
Probably gonna grab me a bottle of sm90 next trip to the hydro store.Sounds like it couldn’t hurt. You said you use it at 5ml/gal?