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800 Watt Romulan and Affy Hydro

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen.

EDIT, Non HPS Glare Photo's a few posts down, Sorry People I know how much everyone hates HPS photo's! EDIT

This is my second run in this setup after running 4 white dutch and an Affy Gold last time. So this run Im going with two new strains. Affy (not gold) and Romulan. I've had family members over for the last month so I kept the girls alive in a mix of perlite and vermiculite under a 250. They've been growing pretty fast but kinda leggy cause I kept the light far away. The romulan are ultra stretchy so I'll keep a close eye on them. I'll be employing some form of tactic to get the most out of my lights. I was somewhat unimpressed with my yield last time (18 Oz's off both lights). This time I may run a scrog screen or LST.


Setup is 2X400 HPS in cool tubes. A 150 mm centrifugal fan cooling the tubes and another exhausting. Im running a cheap NZ nute called growzilla until my next res change when I get paid and then it'll be Canna all the way. Currently we're at an EC of 1.1 (tap water is 0.1) and a PH of 6.2.

Some pics of the setup anyway

Here We Go!



I put all the clay balls in the bath and soaked them in a strong sanitizer solution to kill anything that might have grown since my last harvest. I also ran the solution through all the pipework to sanitize that as well.


Then I got my new girls


And carefully pulled them out of their bags. Then I pushed them into the clay balls (while the buckets were submerged so the balls were floating and the jiffies and roots all kinda eased their way in).


After that I finished the setting up and sussed the res.


Affy 1


Affy 2


Romulan 1


Romulan 2


Romulan 3


And finally a shot of everything up and running!


I know it doesnt look like much now but believe me I've seen this all before and in no time at all it's gonna be killer!

Take care people!
Good evening everybody

Well I decided today that 6 plants were better than 5 so I stopped off and grabbed another bucket setup. I set it up with another Affy. I realized upon closer inspection the one of the clones I previously labeled an Affy was in fact a Romulan anyway so current count is 4 Romulan and 2 Affies. While I was at the shop I grabbed some Canna Vega and Rhizo so I changed my res to Canna nutes. PH sat perfectly at 5.7 without any PH up or down.

Plants are cranking along. Temps are sitting at around 26-29 degrees celcius which isn't bad with the hot summer we're having.

Anyway some pics of the group














The Romulan seam very stretchy. They were kept in poor light conditions (windowsill) for a couple of weeks while I went away for new years, before I set up. The Affy though were in the same conditions and they dont seam to have stretched at all! Very branchy plants.

Anyway till next time...
Take care
Hey there everyone.

Last night I decided the girls were getting to high but still not bushy enough to switch so I LST'd them (well the four tall ones anyway). Things are cranking along nicely in there. PH is relatively stable at 5.8ish and EC is 1.2. Temps vary from 24.9 celcius up to 29.5 celcius during lights on and get down to around 22/23ish during lights off.

The girls are well and truly over their initial shock of the transplant and are growing nicely. There is one stunted one (a romulan) but she is right next to the fan and gets nailed by the wind alot.The new affy I put in there stunted for a bit but her leaves have now picked up and shes well and truly away!

Anyway people time for some pics. I turned the lights off and used a CFL so you didnt get that yellow glare in every photo.

Group Shots





This is the little one thats getting nailed by the fan.


And the others (all LST'd)




And the Affies (only one these were LST'd)



Alright people. Take care.
Hey there everyone.

Well not too much to say here. Things are ticking along nicely. I'm going to do more LST tonight and tie down the main tips that have now grown a few inches from the initial tie. Plants are healthy. Temps are good. Canna is awesome, PH is pretty constant around 5.6-6.0. EC is 1.1. Im adding 2 mils per liter Canna Vega A+B and 4 Mils per liter Canna Rhizo.













Alright people. I plan to switch in a week or two. Cant wait!
Hey there

Well things are ticking along nicely. I'm gonna spray them with Nitrozyme tomorrow so they'll explode and I can turn them a few days after that hopefully.

They second affy I put in never quite recovered so I got pissed off and ripped her out. I've replaced her with a new Romulan clone.

The Romulan that seemed a bit runtish and was getting buffeted by the fan has taken off in a big way lastly! I LST'd her and she's looking like shes gonna be a magnificent bush, same as the other girls!

Time for some pics!






The first Romulan. Probably the biggest now, shes the healthiest and her laterals grow like crazy!



The second Romulan. She was probably the biggest (along with the next Romulan I'll show) when she first went in. Her laterals aren't growing as fast as the previous one I showed but she's certainly a fast growing healthy plant!



This is the third Romulan. She was also one of the two that were the biggest initially! She was very stretchy originally and her laterals aren't doing as well as they could but she's still a lovely plant!



And this girl...I'm very proud of. Shes the one I mentioned earlier had been thrashed by the oscillating fan and was the smallest when she went in. However in the last few days she's really taken hold and shot off in a big way! The other girls better watch out this ones definitely coming up fast!



This girl is the new Romulan.


And here is the only Affy remaining. A super healthy girl that's very branchy! Hoping this affy isn't too incredible otherwise I'll never forgive myself for only leaving one in the system!



That's probably all the LSTing I'll end up doing to be honest. I'll spray with Nitrozyme soon and they'll bush out like crazy over the next few days and then switch time!

I'm gonna go out and buy a 250 centrifugal fan and big carbon filter. I'm gonna hang them in my attic and cut a hole in the ceiling in my closet. I'll run that 250 into 2X150 so I can remove the fans in the room all together. I'm going to soundproof the fan in the attic big time so there's no more noise and no more smell.

Until next time take care!
Hey there everybody.

Well things have really taken off over the last few days. The girls are really starting to grow ultra quick! I sprayed them with Nitrozyme yesterday so in the next few days that will cause an even faster explosion of growth! Get ready for some monsters! I'm gonna switch once they've finished that explosion.

If you've been following my thread you'll know that there was an Affy that was added slightly later than the other girls. She didn't do well at all. I ripped her out and replaced her with a Romulan. Unfortunately the Rom hasn't taken off well either. Very droopy and slow growth. Luckily I have some huge, healthy, mothers. So if the Rom doesn't take off in the next few days I'll rip that bucket out all together and put a large soil mum in its place.

The runtiest ugliest plant (originally) that was getting nailed by the oscillating fan has taken off MAJOR and is the biggest plant now!

Anyway some pics




And here's my three mums. I'll have to pick one to take the place of the ugly Rom. Decisions, decisions


Here's the only affy in the setup. She's very healthy and growing quickly!



Here's the runt, that is now the fastest, healthiest, biggest girl!



This is the second biggest girl. Lovely tight nodal growth, and just a great plant in general!



This girls close behind. She was one of the biggest two but alas she's been caught up with and is now 3rd!



This girl was also huge when I put her in, however she had very stretch inter nodal growth and I think that was always gonna work against her. Still a magnificent plant though.



This is the incredibly ugly stunted girl. She's on borrowed time. She's got a few days to pull it together and then I'm going to replace her spot with a massive soil mum!


Alright people.
Take care!
Stay Safe!
Hey everyone

Well I got tired of battleing the heat. I always knew my problem was that I was inhaling air from the same room I exhaust into. I had the door open and every window open down that end of the house but it was still inefficient. So I went out and bought some new toys. I bought a 250mm centifugal fan and a 250X500 Filter. I also bought a baffle kit that sorrounds the fan and around a meter on each side of the fan with enclosed muffler type material. I bought a really good fan speed controller that is designed to start the fan at max speed for 5 seconds then slows it down. Apparently starting the fan at a slow speed damages it so this unit doesnt dmage the fan the way most speed controllers do. I climber into the ceiling and mounted the fan inside the baffle kit. I hung the filter up and ducted it all up. Then I cut a hole in the wardrobe ceiling so now I duct all my heat from the exhaust and cooltube directly into the ceiling and through a filter.

Unfortunately while fucking around in the ceiling I lost my footing and stepped through the kitchen ceiling so I'm in a bit of disgrace with the wife. Also this means that I have to dismantle everything on thursday for the builder to come and fix my balls up!

Anyway temps have dropped dramatically. Also now I can shut the bedroom door and just have the bedroom window slightly open and it does the trick. I have eliminated my very noisy exhaust fan that was inside the tent and just have the much quieter 150 centrifugal powering the cooltubes (but also ducting up to the ceiling with the 250) so now the room doesnt sound quite as much like a jet engine!



The girls are taking off in a BIG way at the moment. They're drinking 3 liters a day between the 6 of them. They also seam to be drinking the nutes. I raised the EC to 1.5 last night and by this morning it was already 1.1! I might redo the res to 1.8 tonight and see how we go!

Take Care everyone!
Will be back with pics in a few days


Active member
no photo of the hole in the roof? hahahaa bumma mate better buy the wife something nice
Here ya go my bro! As you can see it was a giant pain in the fucking arse! Already had a go at fixing it myself but gave up when I hit a beam. I tried ti finish the gib under the beam with a steak knife (rough as guts!) but eventually gave up.



Understandably I've been in a fowl mood all day due to this! Builder comes in a couple of days and a buncha cash later it'll be fixed. Not stoked at all!
Gidday lads!

Well hole's getting fixed on monday. Then I get to go up and fix everything up again. I fell out of the cieling the other day and wiped out pretty bad (this was after the initial hole incident, when I was removing everything ready for the builder!). I've destroyed my arm for a while so yeah...let the good times roll!

Anyway. Plants were switched this evening so thats day one budding. The litle hydro runt that I threatened to replace with a soil mum must of heard me cause she's taken off. She's still tiny compared to the other girls but I dont have the heart to kill her off now so it's gonna be 6 hydro plants and nothing soil. The rest of the girls, well. There's not too much to say. They're growing incredibly rapid at the moment, drinking 4 liters a day, and on an ec of 1.8 and a PH of 6.0.

So anyway pics

Some group pics/random pics first.






Heres a pic of my latest work. Keeps the room HEAPS cooler exhausting straight into the ceiling!


Affy Pics



The First Romulan.



The second Romulan.



The Runt Romulan.


the fourth Romulan.



And finally the fifth romulan. I've raved on about this girl in previous posts because she started out life so much smaller than the others and she was nailed by the fan. For so long she was the ugly duckling but she caught up and is now (by far) the biggest girl in there!



I switched them into budding tonight cause they're starting to get pretty big! I'm feeding Canna Aqua Flores, until I run out then onto Canna Flores (Canna stopped supplying aqua range to NZ) and 4 mils per liter of Canna Boost.


Take Care everybody!


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? Nice play by play they are gettin big.. yea the runt is way behind what happened to the soil mom that was going to replace her? She was a looker.. great work bbl peace n pufs

Hey there

Cheers for stopping by people!

Yeah I may change that runt for a soil mum in the morning. I've got three massive mums and all of them are ready for retirement. I felt a little bit stink cause that litle runt has overcome all odds and started taking off but you're right she is way behind the others and I imagine I'll pull maybe twice as much off one of the soil mums!


*Stoned User*
:biglaugh: Sorry to laugh at your misfortune but you fell through that hole in the ceiling twice? Ouch! It couldve been worse tho... couldve wiped out the ceiliing fan too. Hope the arms okay and the repairs go safe and sound. :ying: Plants lookn nice and lush buddy. :tiphat:

Stay safe.
Hey bro!

Nah didnt fall through the same hole twice. Infact I didnt fall through it technically the first time I put my foot through it. The second time I was climbing into the attic through the garage. The attic kinda opens into the garage cause theres no ceiling in there. I didnt have a ladded so I started climbing the nails that had been nailed into the wall and one of them ripped out!

Arms all good cheers though! Builder arrives tomorrow and $150 later I'll have my hole fixed. then I just gotta paint it.
Good morning everybody!

Well it’s day three of budding (technically day 2 I geuss). Things are ticking along nicely, plants are growing rapidly. I’m not sure if this strain is Romulan as it looks relatively Sativarish. This is the joy of living in NZ where it’s still illegal and we all need to trade on the underground market. The nodal spacing is quite long and they look like they’re going to stretch to be huge! EC keeps dropping rapidly. I’ve now set it to 2.0 and will monitor it closely!

Anyway pics time

Group Pics




Here’s some pics of the soil mum that’s going in there tonight to replace the runt.










3 (the runt, this plant’s pulling at my heart strings cause she’s come away and I kinda don’t want to kill her and replace her but the soil mum will, without doubt, yield substantially more)





5 The, now huge, one by the fan






All good people. Take care, stay safe!


Active member
I want your fan speed controller! The plants look great! Looks like you have your feeding schedule down they are looking perfect. I see you have been suffering this heat wave also :p The humidity been serious the last few days too.

One thing thats freaking me out is your electrics bro. All that water and surge board around the same level? Topping up your reservoir must be a little scary. One splash on those boards and it's all over. Just thought I'd point it out - Not saying your accident prone or anything lol.
Gidday ladies and gentlemen!

OG...Bro I kinda keep all my electrics up on plastic tubs around the room cause I'm worried that a line might burst or come loose on the hydro and the tent will flood soaking all the electrics. I know perhaps keeping some of the electrics on the res is perhaps not the best idea but I do move them if I'm gonna be going in there. And other than that there's no chance of them getting wet.

Well there's not too much to tell today. Plants are 7 Days into budding they're taking off in a MASSIVE way. When I switched they were around 50 CM's tall and now my tallest girl is 80 CM's! And they're only one week into budding! I imagine theres lots more to go! They cant get much higher than a meter before some serious intervention will need to go down! CF is floating around 2.1/2.2 Im feeding them full strength Canna Boost and slightly over 2 mils of canna aqua A+B per liter of water. PH is relatively stable around the 6.1 mark. Fresh growth is very pale yellow but I've heard this is the result of very fast growth and the plants look otherwise very healthy!

So anyway time for some pics






Romulan 1



Romulan 2



Romulan 3



Romulan 4 (This girl is HUGE!)






And the soil lady (unsure of strain but she's some killer smoke, plant was infact a gift from my in laws!)


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