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800 Watt Romulan and Affy Hydro


Genetics' hunter
This is what i call an hardcore stretch :D 50 to 80 in 7 days, it's gonna be hard to control this furious growth...
Cheers for stopping by guys!

Yeah that is one hell of a stretch and no end in sight! I can see these girls reaching 120 Cm's within the next few days. I dont mind as I said before I'm not the biggest fan of ultra fat cola's, they always end in mold for me. The plants were initially sold to me as Romulan but Im sure they cant be a predominantly indica. The leaves are very thin and the plant is very stretchy. Who knows. A mate has some that are around a month ahead of me and he reackons they're meeting up nicely and COVERED in trichomes, so aslong as they're nice smoke I dont mind.

Duug...I know how fucking cool is that!?!? Her whole family is mega cool anyway!

Anyway til next time take care everyone! There will be much more frequent updates coming up as this starts to get interesting!
Hey there everybody.

I meant to get photo's last night but by the time I was finished in there I was exhausted! I went in last night and changed the res and did a massive lolli poping session. The plants are much more open and airy now! The oscillating fans air powers through the plants really well.

I get paid next wednesday so I'm going to get a 250 watt CFL to hang one end and I'll hang my other 125 watt CFL up the other end in amongst the plants like


250 125


Ill hang them around the bottoms of the plants so I get some relevant nugs down there! I'm also going to grab another oscillating fan to set up on the other side. I'm going to grab a dehumidifier and set it on a timer to come on when the lights are off because I think the fans running during lights off are causing the temps to possibly get a little cold.

Anyway I'll be back with pics tonight.

I'm off to my mates to take clones today ready for the next round so many strains to choose from, Affy, Affy Gold, White Dutch, Romulan (supposedly) or even clones of my random soil plant. :chin:
I'll take a few of each anyway and see how these Rom's and Affy look closer to the end. I was very fond of the Affy Gold and the White Dutch after my last round but I don't know what these strains look like yet. They may be the greatest strain I've ever got my hands on!
Good evening ladies and gentlemen

This tent is a fucking JUNGLE! It's insane in there! The tallest girl is now 96 CM's after 10 Days into budding. She was switched at 50 CM's so thats an average of 4.6 CM's a day, you could almost sit and watch them grow before your eyes.

Anyway I got the bits and pieces I needed. A mate hooked me up with a spare CFL he had lying around. It's to bad I cant put pics of his grow up cause its KILLER loaded up with all the fancy gear!!! So I now have two CFL's hanging in amongst the girls as vertical lighting. I put a dehumidifier in there but it needs to be switched on manually so is no good on a timer switch and if I leave it running all the time it will over heat the room. So I pulled it out and decided to let the fans run 24 hours a day in there, besides isnt it proven that colded night time temps in flowering equal better colouring of the buds?

Anyway enough of my rambling time for some pics!

Some group pics with all the lights on



New Lights


Shot from the side of the back two plants (Affy closest Rom 3 on the other side)


Shot from the side in the middle (Soil Plant closest Romulan 4, massive one, other side)


Shot from the side closest to the open end of the tent (Romulan 1 on the far side, Rom 2 and res closest)


Romulan 1



Romulan 2



Romulan 3



Romulan 4






Soil Girl



I'm sorry the pics are starting to get confusing people it's just the plants have gotten so big they've all kinda met with each other and formed one big green canna mass! Bring on the buds! They're all forming little nugs at the nodes now and they're getting lots of hairs. I can see the carbon filter is gonna come in handy soon.

Untill next time take care everyone, stay safe!
Hey guys!

Time for an update. I've been rather lazy and stuck at work a whole lot just lately so I've been a bit slack.

Anyway things are ticking along nicely! The plants stretch seam to have slowed however this may just be because Ive stopped raising the lights and the girls have now grown into the shades! This can only mean one thing...MASSIVE Colas! Im starting to see trichomes which I'm very impressed with as they're only 15 days into budding .

The affy has stayed very short, as has the soil girl. The romulan's are a magnificent looking plant although a little stretchy. I havnt grown such a sativa dominant strain before so I'm keen to see how these girls turn out.

Time for pics

Group shots





Romulan 1



Romulan 2 (excuse the fuzzy pic)


Romulan 3



Romulan 4 (My massive girl! Cant wait to see what this one yields! Her main cola's grown right into the cooltube)




Soil Girl (excuse the state of her she was overdue for a water when this photo was taken)


And finally time for some random bud porn from around the room. It's nowhere near as impressive as alot of what I see but, remember, these girls are 15 days in and probably have anywhere from 54 to 70 days left to go!









Until next time take care and stay safe!
Hey there people.

Sorry I havn't been around a whole lot lately theres been a major earthquake here in NZ. Other side of the country to me though but still used alot of my time.

Anyway people theres not a lot to say. Things are coming along nicely. Buds are starting to join up ready to start fattening out! LOTS of crystals, fuck I love Canna Boost!

So EC is relatively stable around the 2.2 mark and PH sits at 6.1 constantly. Temps are quite low like 24.9 degrees celcius during lights on and 23 during lights off, humidity is quite low however it fluctuates as the room sucks fresh air in directly from outside.

Anyway time for some pics. Unfortunately because the plants have grown huge and all joined into one it's hard for me to say specifically which plant is which.

Random group shots






Some shots of the new veg tent I built. Theres a 2X2foot fluoro fixture that the clones sit under and a 125 watt CFL that the rooted clones sit under. Currently I have a batch of Affy Gold, and White Dutch in the bubble cloner and some Affy and Romulan clones rooting in jiffies and some more Affy and Romulans already rooted and growing in a mix of perlite and vermiculite. This is the first time I've used a bubble cloner and I built it myself so Im hoping it works!






And now...Time for everybodies favourites...BUDSHOTS!!!!!











Alright people. Until next time take care, stay safe!


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
looking good man!
yeah, canna boost is legit/for real - it turns everything 'up'
loving the pics

sorry bout the earthquake - hope your friends and family are ok

Cheers for stopping buy Grey! Yeah all my friends and family are ok. A Good mate lost a rather massive grow and what's worse is it's inside the cordon area so he can't go in there and atleast try to clean it up before the rescue squads come through. So he's rahter upset as he lost his house, his grow, and after all is said and done probably his freedom!

This earthquake is massive by NZ standards. They're estimating 250 dead and a $16 billion dollar cleanup deal. Not good!

Canna Boost is EPIC! I've noticed I get lots more trichomes, and the buds are heaps more solid! They smell better and taste better! I love the boost even with the $240 (NZ) a liter price tag!


Real nice setup and grow :tiphat:
It's hard to tell by looking at the pics so far but that looks like romulan to me.
Happy growing

Cheers bro!

Are you sure? Cause when I read up on Romulan it said its nearly pure indica and those Rom's have ultra thin sativarish leaves? Maybe its just a rare pheno?

Who knows, thats one of the problems we face in NZ with prohibition. Because we dont have medical dispensaries everybody thinks its cool to name strains whatever they want and you can never quite be sure if its genuinely that strain.

Doesnt matter anyway cause its really crystaly and looks like a reasonable yielder so I'm happy enough. I thinks Im gonna run with 6 Affy Gold's for my next run. I had one out of 6 in the system last time (by accident too!) and it was the smelliest and best hitter by far.


What I'm going off of is that my romulan looked like yours, the growth pattern and the red tinge on the branches. I got mine from a collective in Cali known to have the real deal. But only seeing the full grown buds will tell for sure.
Hey there everyone.

I just wrote a big message and the fuckwit computer lost it.

Anyway I'll have to write all this shit again.

Apologies for the profanities but my wife let my son tip coffee all over me this morning and has spent the whole morning being a nuisance and then the computer lost like 15 minutes of work on a day that's already packed with stuff to do and then...on Monday I get to wake up at 3.45 am to go to work and start it all again! So much for days off!

Alright. So there's not a lot to say. Plants are budding nicely. They're maybe not fattening out as much as I might like them to however I feel that with the skinny sativarish leaves that they've got I reckon they'll go for 10 weeks at least and they're only five weeks now. So I'm hoping they're gonna pack on a lot more girth!

The Affy and the soil plant arent anywhere near as impressive as the Romulan but I think that's because they're short and as a result are quite a distance from the lights. The 250 CFL seems to be lighting them up very effectively. Infact talking of the 250 I reckon it's really helping all the plants cause the buds around it are getting super fat and trichomy!

Anyway time for some pics

Group Pics first








Affy (as I said not all that impressive)




Soil Plant. This one is massively unimpressive with hardly any trichomes, however we'll see it's early days for this girl yet











Active member
Cheers bro!

Are you sure? Cause when I read up on Romulan it said its nearly pure indica and those Rom's have ultra thin sativarish leaves? Maybe its just a rare pheno?

heres a little history i found...

Roumours and guesses on the parentage of Romulan abound. Claims that the Romulan is a pure Indica (Afgani/Kush) are mistaken. While there may be some genetics from Indica (Afgani) varieties, anyone who has tryed the Romulan knows that the mind warping effect is that of plant with strong sativa traits. `Romulan Joe` and I have had many conversations on the origin of this strain. According to him the original breeders started growing in there backyard and greenhouse in the 50`s, after being introduced to cannabis in the Korean war and bringing home seeds to Victoria. They struggled to grow and acclimatise these seeds selecting the faster flowering shorter plants from the tall lanky Korean strain. When the late sixties, early seventies rolled around they began trying Columbian and Mexician seeds and hybredized varieties from these. In the mid 80`s when the Afgani strains sweept into North America they breifly tried hybredizing with these but eventually when back to selecting the traits they liked in there old genetics. They worked mainly with Sativa genetics but always selected shorter squatter phenotypes which has made many people think that it is purely Indica strain. But whatever its true geniology is, I`m sure we can all agree on its great taste and high.

Over the last few years NGSC has grown several seed varieties from Columbia and has reported on one the was remarkably simular in flavour and affect as the romulan


:biglaugh: Sorry to laugh at your misfortune but you fell through that hole in the ceiling twice? Ouch! It couldve been worse tho... couldve wiped out the ceiliing fan too. Hope the arms okay and the repairs go safe and sound. :ying: Plants lookn nice and lush buddy. :tiphat:

Stay safe.

I have to admit i thought it was hilarious the nice big hole in the kitchen ceiling! It was made more funny by the fact that ive had similar experiences (not quite as bad) but where i bent the ceiling by putting too much weight on it.

Hey nice work in the tent there Kronikal those girls started out a bit slow but they have really taken off now! Should be a mean harvest bro enjoy! :dance013: Any smoke reports from the Romulan or is this your first time running her?


P.s You shoulda just fixed that hole yourself bro you can learn anything from Youtube / internet these days and you woulda got back in the wives good graces by not having to pay some builder to do it! :) How much did he charge you if you don't mind me asking...?