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5x5 Setup - AG Grow #1


This will be the start of my first grow log here on ICM. My current plans are to run a 5x5. The tent will be in a room that’s pretty much empty besides a folding table to hold my bags/containers of coco and bottled nutes. Here’s a list of what I plan to run.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tent Setup ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tent- AC Infinity CLOUDLAB 866

Light- Mars FC-E8000 with smart controller (if this is too much light without Co2, lmk. Have no issues saving money here. I figured get a better light that I don’t have to run at 100% and gives me room to grow if I wanna do co2 later on)

Inline Fan- Going with the AC Infinity t6 smart 6inch inline vent out into the room beings the room will have a portable AC to control humidity and temps if heat is an issue.

Clip Fans - Most likely 4 Hurricane 6inch. Definitely going Hurricane but number of fans is still up in the air. I want to have fans for under the canopy as well as above. Beings I am in an apartment atm, airflow will be crucial and keeping the plants moving is always ideal.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Medium - Mother Earth 70/30

Nutrients - Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur A&B’s for Grow and Bloom

Additives - Voodoo Juice (root system), B52, Big Bud Coco, Bud Candy, Overdrive, Bud Factor X, and Sensi CalMag Xtra (photos further in thread)

PH Kit - Dave Oceans Standard Hydroponics PH + and -

PH pen - Apera Value Series. Using PH perfect connoisseur base nutes, I didn’t have to ball out this first run on a top notch pen. I am also running nutes around half strength to avoid any ppm issues. My local water comes out around 150ppm.

Humidity Control - portable AC and a room air purifier for the lung room if necessary

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Power ~~~~~~~~~~~~

NTON 25ft 14awg surge protector strip

KW47-US Electricity Monitor

This setup will be costing me around 1200 bucks and anything you experts see as overkill/unnecessary is welcomed to be discussed and recommendations will be taken with open arms. Thanks!

*edited due to change of materials*
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Well-known member
Hello friend, welcome. Sounds like a good setup to me. Let us know when you get it all set up. I will ride with you.


The light has been acquired, tent should be here next week sometime. Everything is coming together! I might be MIA for a week or two due to my best friend passing away and handling the service and etc but rest assured things on this thread will keep getting better and better. Gonna make sure this crop is absolute killer in every way possible. Glad to have you guys apart of it and guiding me along the way


So, tent has been acquired and set up. I am still grabbing small extras like carbon filter cloths, some cable ties and the power strip and electricity monitor.

However, I am looking to change away from Athena pro mix which is dry salts, to something bottled due to PH and simplicity. Athena blended line is a bit out of budget for now so I’m looking for a solid line of nutes that don’t have a super complicated feeding chart and as of now I am looking at Remo’s Supercharged kit. Open to recommendations tho!
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Well-known member
So, tent has been acquired and set up. I am still grabbing small extras like carbon filter cloths, some cable ties and the power strip and electricity monitor.

However, I am looking to change away from Athena pro mix which is dry salts, to something bottled due to PH and simplicity. Athena blended line is a bit out of budget for now so I’m looking for a solid line of bytes that don’t have a super complicated feeding chart and as of now I am looking at Remo’s Supercharged kit. Open to recommendations tho!
I just use the General Hydroponics Flora series. Nothing else.


So, as of now a few things have changed. I will edit the initial post as well to reflect these changes. A breakdown of some things I’ve changed.

PH pen - Apera kit. The AC infinity one was out of stock when I was able to buy it, plus my new nutrients give me a bit more options in terms of budget friendly pens, luckily.

Nutrients - Advanced Nutrients PH perfect connoisseur line. From my understanding and speaking to a few IG buddies that run these, they’re super reliable and having access to things like additional vitamins and enzymes that I can CONTROL the doses of will benefit me in the long run learning what works and what doesn’t. Keeping PH in the safe ballpark is always a plus too and I of course will be checking PH to be safe every watering. So far I have the Grow and Bloom A+B, and Bud Candy. I will be grabbing some others as well like Big Bud and their cal mag but still deciding what I want to run out of this vast range. Feel free to suggest your favorite products from their line.

Main things left to get are the Power strip, electricity meter, and some run off trays and elevators for the fabric pots.


Well-known member
So, as of now a few things have changed. I will edit the initial post as well to reflect these changes. A breakdown of some things I’ve changed.

PH pen - Apera kit. The AC infinity one was out of stock when I was able to buy it, plus my new nutrients give me a bit more options in terms of budget friendly pens, luckily.

Nutrients - Advanced Nutrients PH perfect connoisseur line. From my understanding and speaking to a few IG buddies that run these, they’re super reliable and having access to things like additional vitamins and enzymes that I can CONTROL the doses of will benefit me in the long run learning what works and what doesn’t. Keeping PH in the safe ballpark is always a plus too and I of course will be checking PH to be safe every watering. So far I have the Grow and Bloom A+B, and Bud Candy. I will be grabbing some others as well like Big Bud and their cal mag but still deciding what I want to run out of this vast range. Feel free to suggest your favorite products from their line.

Main things left to get are the Power strip, electricity meter, and some run off trays and elevators for the fabric pots.
Fire that baby up and good luck friend.


Little update and some photos.

Got the 5x5 ready and all set up now. Just waiting on the last bottle of nutes (Big Bud Coco) and some clip fans which will be here next week! Electrical stuff such as the electricity monitor, power strip and the AC infinity RJ11/12 adapter cables that were stolen off my porch last week, (fuck you neighbors, you got the boring shit ahahaha) will be here next week as well. Hoping this one bag of Mother Earth will let me fill 5 of these 5 gallon bags.

Initial post will reflect any changes made in these updates for future viewers but enjoy these pics!


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Hey everyone. So a bit of an update beings this last month was interesting to say the least lol.

So, I’m a bit undecided what strains I wanna grow from seed. I have tons of shit from CSI I’ve acquired, some are really cool like the 5150 TK x Chem 91, Flight Risk, Deuces Wild, and some others but also have a new dilemma but a very positive one at that.

I was able to get a verified rooted cutting of the Forum Cut Girl Scout Cookies that will arrive here next week. She’s one of my favorite smokes and the ONLY cookies selection I actually like. When I lived in Canada I had a FIRE connect who had her and had since lost her and where I’m at almost no one has a good cookie so I figured what the hell. I can preserve the genetics, have my own personal head stash and bless the homies every so often, and learn to take cuts and care for clones just incase I find any keepers from my seed runs. Now with my dilemma.

Part of me wants to veg this clone out, take a few more cuts and just load the tent full of the Forum Cut this first run. With some calculated LST and keeping the undergrowth trimmed to keep an eye out for herms, she’s a relatively easy grow from what my source says. It would take a few extra weeks but with her lower yield, and terp profile that won’t reek up my building - I think the few extra weeks it would take to actually flower some plants would be worth it in the long run. I could run a few more than just 4-5 plants and can just assist her as she does her thing without pulling my hair too much.

What do you guys think? I for sure want the experience to dial in the Cookies and I’d like to have a relatively good idea on taking clones come time for me to hunt thru some seeds. With a cut like this I for sure wouldn’t allow myself to get lazy and I’m looking at it from the stand point of “anything that keeps me accountable and on top of my shit is the best idea.”

Also any experienced forum cut growers that still have her around and don’t mind if I pick their brains, shoot me a PM! Always looking to chat and network as usual. Gives me more reason to come back here on a daily basis anyways. I work long hours so unless I’m usually mid conversation or have something really exciting I wanna talk about, I find myself forgetting to log in so apologies there.

One love!

Doctor Doob

Active member
Hey everyone. So a bit of an update beings this last month was interesting to say the least lol.

So, I’m a bit undecided what strains I wanna grow from seed. I have tons of shit from CSI I’ve acquired, some are really cool like the 5150 TK x Chem 91, Flight Risk, Deuces Wild, and some others but also have a new dilemma but a very positive one at that.

I was able to get a verified rooted cutting of the Forum Cut Girl Scout Cookies that will arrive here next week. She’s one of my favorite smokes and the ONLY cookies selection I actually like. When I lived in Canada I had a FIRE connect who had her and had since lost her and where I’m at almost no one has a good cookie so I figured what the hell. I can preserve the genetics, have my own personal head stash and bless the homies every so often, and learn to take cuts and care for clones just incase I find any keepers from my seed runs. Now with my dilemma.

Part of me wants to veg this clone out, take a few more cuts and just load the tent full of the Forum Cut this first run. With some calculated LST and keeping the undergrowth trimmed to keep an eye out for herms, she’s a relatively easy grow from what my source says. It would take a few extra weeks but with her lower yield, and terp profile that won’t reek up my building - I think the few extra weeks it would take to actually flower some plants would be worth it in the long run. I could run a few more than just 4-5 plants and can just assist her as she does her thing without pulling my hair too much.

What do you guys think? I for sure want the experience to dial in the Cookies and I’d like to have a relatively good idea on taking clones come time for me to hunt thru some seeds. With a cut like this I for sure wouldn’t allow myself to get lazy and I’m looking at it from the stand point of “anything that keeps me accountable and on top of my shit is the best idea.”

Also any experienced forum cut growers that still have her around and don’t mind if I pick their brains, shoot me a PM! Always looking to chat and network as usual. Gives me more reason to come back here on a daily basis anyways. I work long hours so unless I’m usually mid conversation or have something really exciting I wanna talk about, I find myself forgetting to log in so apologies there.

One love!
I did a few runs of the forum cut back when she was popular and fresh... If I remember correctly I had ran her two times and couldn't dial her in, so the third time I ran a different strain and just put the couple Forum Cookies teen plants I had as filler plants in the back of the tent ⛺
The first two times I grew her she didn't seem to like the same amount of feed I gave the other strains, she was a light feeder, and she also didn't like too much direct light, which is why I think the first two runs me trying to dial her in she didn't like me... So when I just threw her in as filler plants they were smaller and got kind of over shadowed by another strain I had flowering and I barely fed her. They were the smallest plants in the back. Then at harvest time, they were they BEST! She was the smallest plants, but had rock solid buds and gave the most weight. And the quality was too tier! I guess she just wanted to keep it simple and do her thing...
Sad part is I didn't take clones and I tried to reveg her but she didn't make it... But maybe others had different experiences with her 🤷‍♂️✌️