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5 months of sales and down sides of Colorado


Well-known member
This winter it seemed like every week someone was blasting to make BHO and took down the house, or apartment, or the garage etc. I am more worried blasting indoors will come back this winter when it is cold outside and some Politician will try to outlaw BHO or edibles for recreational use. They might try to make them so weak they will be useless to me for Medical use. The political types are getting hooked on the tax money already so I don't think they will whine about flowers.


Active member
The only person i knew of that ever flipped out on cannabis was a chick that was also on some other form of depression meds.

Long time ago .... in a galaxy far far away .... i believe i was 16 or so and she was only smoking, no edibles. Flipped out and ran thru the woods till she hit a house and woke up the owners around 1or2am. Coppers came and busted this rather large (well at least for the town it was in anyway) and harmless house party up that was pretty far off the beaten path that she was at prior. It sucked at the time but was rather funny later....cops found all kinds of buds hidden all through out the house from everyone there.

Not saying people dont flip out....just usually other substances involved that dont really get mentioned/noticed. I could certainly see it with certain sativas and large doses to the naive, the mind is pretty powerful.


Active member
anyone who freaks out,.. while on weed.. like he did an killed his wife.. probably wasnt on just weed .. or... was mentally ILL before taking wat he took.


Active member
This winter it seemed like every week someone was blasting to make BHO and took down the house, or apartment, or the garage etc. I am more worried blasting indoors will come back this winter when it is cold outside and some Politician will try to outlaw BHO or edibles for recreational use. They might try to make them so weak they will be useless to me for Medical use. The political types are getting hooked on the tax money already so I don't think they will whine about flowers.

A64 specifically allows concentrates & edibles, and only a vote of the people can change that. A lot of people we might not suspect really want A64 to work well, knowing they're stuck with it regardless. They seem to be working with the industry, not against it. I can't see Coloradans voting out any part of it rsn.

Edible potency is another matter. It serves the community & everybody else to sell them in single serving doses people can handle with rather clear instructions as well. Experienced users w/ high tolerance can figure out their own dosing from there. a 10 dose cookie or candy bar never really was a very good idea when we think about it at all.

40 years ago, I had experienced acid heads flip out from a batch of brownies I made w/ some nice red colombian. They found the experience to be absolutely terrifying. At the time, I had little idea they'd be that potent- ridiculously potent. Those of us with experience should all know better by now, try to take care of the newbs just like we did back then, only better.


Active member
Edible potency is another matter. It serves the community & everybody else to sell them in single serving doses people can handle with rather clear instructions as well. Experienced users w/ high tolerance can figure out their own dosing from there. a 10 dose cookie or candy bar never really was a very good idea when we think about it at all.

How about we let the market sort it out rather than having more gov regulations.

If someone gets alcohol poisoning from drinking too much hard stuff...should the gov step in and reduce percentages? I think not. There still is something called personal responsibility. Not a fan of a the nanny state....now give me that 8x cookie !


Sheriffs in neighboring states complain about stoned drivers streaming out of Colorado and through their towns.

They're really pissed because the tokers are scarfing all the donuts and other tasty pastries. None for you piggy, none for you.


there's a time to snack and a time to medicate...for me they are usually the same time

i did try those rock and roll caramels 2 50 mg pieces and would have liked stronger...350 mg is reasonable dose for regular users...so I'm supposed to eat 35 cookies?

"regulate like alcohol" does not mean watering products down...an ounce of tequila does not have the same affect as an ounce of beer...and we're not watering down the tequila


Seems to be an awful lot of quotes from law enforcement officials who couldn't really make a relevant point. A couple twisted facts here and there and that's supposed to be an argument?

I wonder how much money law enforcing agencies are losing due to legal pot. I believe that sheds more light on their argument than anything else.


Active member
there's a time to snack and a time to medicate...for me they are usually the same time

i did try those rock and roll caramels 2 50 mg pieces and would have liked stronger...350 mg is reasonable dose for regular users...so I'm supposed to eat 35 cookies?

"regulate like alcohol" does not mean watering products down...an ounce of tequila does not have the same affect as an ounce of beer...and we're not watering down the tequila

Retail edibles are not intended for extremely high tolerance med users. They're intended for low tolerance tourists.

We want them to have a good time, right?

BHO will obviously be available, as well, so you can spoon it onto your oatmeal like honey if you want. We just won't pretend that's a suitable dose for the uninitiated, OK?

The rest? People water down the tequila more often than not- make it into margaritas & other cocktails.


How about we let the market sort it out rather than having more gov regulations.

If someone gets alcohol poisoning from drinking too much hard stuff...should the gov step in and reduce percentages? I think not. There still is something called personal responsibility. Not a fan of a the nanny state....now give me that 8x cookie !

Huge difference. I know exactly how drunk I will get off a 6 pack of beer. Exactly as drunk as I got 25 years ago off a 6 pack of beer. It's regulated and I know how much to consume. Not going to drink a beer that floors me like it was grain alcohol. However...

I can't eat a brownie and "know" how it will affect me. I make my own so I can get close enough for my own comfort but it's still different each batch. More or less popcorn to leaf ratio, different strains, longer or shorter cooking times, etc...
Once when I was first learning to make my own butter I used 2 ounces of bud on a lb of butter, used way more butter than called for to make a batch, and ate 2 huge brownies. I was sweating and clenching fists and walking back and forth freaking out like a bad trip. I really had to walk it off. If I sold that shit to some noob without making sure they understood they might have gotten strapped down and I'd be in jail.

If you are selling edibles to people there needs to be a standard potency they can expect and which more importantly protects the seller as being within the law. This is important when defending civil suits. Because you know they are coming.


Active member
Huge difference. I know exactly how drunk I will get off a 6 pack of beer. Exactly as drunk as I got 25 years ago off a 6 pack of beer. It's regulated and I know how much to consume. Not going to drink a beer that floors me like it was grain alcohol. However...

I can't eat a brownie and "know" how it will affect me. I make my own so I can get close enough for my own comfort but it's still different each batch. More or less popcorn to leaf ratio, different strains, longer or shorter cooking times, etc...
Once when I was first learning to make my own butter I used 2 ounces of bud on a lb of butter, used way more butter than called for to make a batch, and ate 2 huge brownies. I was sweating and clenching fists and walking back and forth freaking out like a bad trip. I really had to walk it off. If I sold that shit to some noob without making sure they understood they might have gotten strapped down and I'd be in jail.

If you are selling edibles to people there needs to be a standard potency they can expect and which more importantly protects the seller as being within the law. This is important when defending civil suits. Because you know they are coming.

Well said. Thank You.


Active member
Huge difference. I know exactly how drunk I will get off a 6 pack of beer. Exactly as drunk as I got 25 years ago off a 6 pack of beer. It's regulated and I know how much to consume. Not going to drink a beer that floors me like it was grain alcohol. However...

I can't eat a brownie and "know" how it will affect me. I make my own so I can get close enough for my own comfort but it's still different each batch. More or less popcorn to leaf ratio, different strains, longer or shorter cooking times, etc...
Once when I was first learning to make my own butter I used 2 ounces of bud on a lb of butter, used way more butter than called for to make a batch, and ate 2 huge brownies. I was sweating and clenching fists and walking back and forth freaking out like a bad trip. I really had to walk it off. If I sold that shit to some noob without making sure they understood they might have gotten strapped down and I'd be in jail.

If you are selling edibles to people there needs to be a standard potency they can expect and which more importantly protects the seller as being within the law. This is important when defending civil suits. Because you know they are coming.

Sure....that makes sense. So then set percentages. 1x = so many mg's or whatever....8x = eight times whatever 1x is....just don't make 1x the ONLY option.


Well-known member
The guy was a likely a borderline flip-out before knocking back a couple of painkillers & munching down a multi-dose candy bar on top of it.

People offering edibles need to do some work on their products for the good of the community & for their own self interest.

They process the marijuana equivalent of floor sweepings into oil or butter, cook with that, may fail to account for varying strength & effects of the raw material.

Butter made from grade A+ Malawi trim will obviously have a different effect than that made from grade B Afghan trim, but who cares, right?



"start with a small piece and give it an hour to feel the affect" has been the standard mantra at coffee shops for years and, IME, are the instructions given by budtenders to EVERYONE who buys edibles...and its just basic common sense to begin with.

a lot of states aren't medical but have veteran cannabis users and veteran cannabis users with serious medical needs...the "out of stater" with terminal cancer can manage to eat one 100mg cookie but 10 cookies would be too much...

to say the recreational scene is set up for "low tolerance users" is just silly...unfortunately the rec scene is also comprised of out of state medical users paying too much money for their medicine...


Active member
Seems to be some variation on what it says on the package to what is actually in the edible also from what I have seen. Mostly weaker...but in a few cases stronger. This can play a part.

Honestly people are just impatient really....most newb's eat one....get tired of waiting for a 1/2 hour...then they eat another....then another.....by then it is too late... These are also the type of people who claim massive tolerances when in reality they are not.


Active member
"start with a small piece and give it an hour to feel the affect" has been the standard mantra at coffee shops for years and, IME, are the instructions given by budtenders to EVERYONE who buys edibles...and its just basic common sense to begin with.

a lot of states aren't medical but have veteran cannabis users and veteran cannabis users with serious medical needs...the "out of stater" with terminal cancer can manage to eat one 100mg cookie but 10 cookies would be too much...

to say the recreational scene is set up for "low tolerance users" is just silly...unfortunately the rec scene is also comprised of out of state medical users paying too much money for their medicine...

Like I offered, high tolerance users can buy BHO, spoon it onto their oatmeal. If out of state med users are paying too much, at least they can get the stuff w/ no hassle, no games beyond the 1/4 oz limit.

The rec scene needs to accommodate low tolerance users with enjoyable experiences. Lots of people are trying pot for the first time, *because it's legal*. From an outlaw perspective, that concept can be difficult to grasp. Some of them aren't into the idea of smoking, nor prepared to invest in a vaporizer. They see edibles as an alternative.

We're not making any new friends if that harmless looking cookie leaves them quivering in terror under their hotel bed, bet on that.


Active member
Man maybe im weird but it always seems like it takes me about 90mins on the dot to feel edibles.

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