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4K vertical RDWC


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great show Mr. Lid

great show Mr. Lid

very nice and clean setup u got going there. gonna get some monster sized buds soon.

i grow vertically too, and i would suggest that you line your ceiling with chicken wire or something so you can tie up your branches once the buds start to pack on weight.

anyways, awesome job dude. keep it up!


Update. About 5 wks togo!!

Update. About 5 wks togo!!

Well here's a couple pic's of my ladies. They stand about 5' tall and are 6' wide!!


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Can you believe that room is 11' x 11' and 4 plants fill it to the brim. muhaha...


Can you believe that room is 11' x 11' and 4 plants fill it to the brim. muhaha...

Crazy wide plants.

I've been following this for a while and have yet to post. I like your style man, I'm doing something similar and will re-check my dimensions against your's as far as area per plant.


If you plan on vegging as long as i did i would recommend adding a couple more feet to the room. Maby 13'x13'. Its really tight in there.


I wish i could get a pic of my roots. Biggest roots i have ever seen. they reach all they way to the bottom of the trash can.


If you plan on vegging as long as i did i would recommend adding a couple more feet to the room. Maby 13'x13'. Its really tight in there.

Damn I had a good size post all written up and got kicked off somehow. Anyways I've got 14' x 14' x 10' to work with for flower. Yup, high ceilings. Everything I draw out has six plants as my starting point although I have a high plant count card but I like big simple trees. Right now I'm determining the best way to use all of my biggest asset which is height. Double stacked hydro setups are a bitch.

I'm actually a coco grower really, and go back and forth every day between doing a big-style DWC versus a large pot coco DTW. Tough call, makes for lots of good day dreaming.

How does your PH fluctuate day to day? How many PH adjustments are needed per week?


During Veg. my ph is very stable and sometimes i dont have to adjust for a week or more. In flower they can drink 15 - 20 gal. per day. As long as my nutrients are the correct elemental ppm it will swing a point one way or the other. Large rez. makes things very easy. I can leave town for week and simply have a friend top of my rez. every 2 days w/ fresh water. He simply keeps track of how many gal. he adds and when i get home i add nutes to get the ppm back up. One thing about large plants is Rh is always high. Even with my A/C and 40 pint Dehuy i have a hard time keeping it low.


During Veg. my ph is very stable and sometimes i dont have to adjust for a week or more. In flower they can drink 15 - 20 gal. per day. As long as my nutrients are the correct elemental ppm it will swing a point one way or the other. Large rez. makes things very easy. I can leave town for week and simply have a friend top of my rez. every 2 days w/ fresh water. He simply keeps track of how many gal. he adds and when i get home i add nutes to get the ppm back up. One thing about large plants is Rh is always high. Even with my A/C and 40 pint Dehuy i have a hard time keeping it low.

Nice note on the high RH, I've already got PM problems so I'll have to consider that and have a plan to counter. I bet the rise in RH is from having the huge amounts of perspiring foilage you have and less about the size of the individual plants. Looking at your four plants its crazy to think from wall to wall every direction and four feet off the ground its just thousands of leaves, its like having 30-40moderate size plants in there.

The PH flux doesn't seem too bad I think I could handle that. I do go out of town for several days at a time for work so I either need to auto topoff the rez or have an elf to watch the garden.

Thanks, I'll be sitting midcourt watching your tree's.


Day 28 12/12

Day 28 12/12

some pics


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You're the shit. Next time you're taking pics, please go off. I can't get enough of what you're doing here. 4 plants in an 11' x 11'? This is the way to go bro. As long as you pull 5 pounds, I'm switching to this setup for sure.


Hey everyone. Been real busy but an update is coming soon. I'm getting close to completion now. The ladies are doing good even w/ the recent heat wave and room temps hiting 93 F. I get some pics of the roots when possible. Cant rt now considering the plants are 6' wide. the stalks alone is 3" + thick.


4 6 foot wide plants in an 11x11?!? I cant wait to see this. I'm building a similar setup. I'm gonna put em in coco dtw in an 11.5x11.5. Inspired by you!

You have 2400w in the corners and 1kw in the middle right? Do you see any advantage to 1kw all the way around for 5k or is that overkill?


I dont think its over kill but i do recommend going mabe 13x13. My plants have over grown my room and are with in 12" of my lights. I dont see any ill effects with them near the 600 watts but near the 1k u can see some light burn.


One thing i can say about large plants is they are ALOT of work. Its can be a bitch being tidy and keeping things clean (i.e dead leaves, ect.) Hell i got some branches that are growing along the floor making it impossible to get back into those locations to clean.

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