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400watt champ in action


Active member
cadillachydro- thanks alot man...this grow was my first big grow since my first two were with fluoros.it has produced the same kind each time....very dense nugs...its amazing. i have no clue tho as to what it is. i love it tho. i might see about trying to cross it with something so i can keep her around for awhile.
here some shots of it from my fluoro grows

its a very easy plant to grow. and doesnt stretch too much. its a great indica.

well as for this grow it is slowing winding down. i have cut all the colas off the last cascadia, and am in the process of trimming them all up. i have also cleaned my cab a bit and switched the timers back to 24/7 light w/ the 400watt MH bulb. i also moved in my 12 plants and the two cascadias i am trying to reveg.
last night i cloned all 12 plants to determine sex and root out the males.i also tried to FIM for the first time so we shall see what comes of it. i have some cascadias, more of the bagseed, super-g, and some other random bagseed.

also for this grow i am getting some awesome new clones!!!! :woohoo:
i am getting grape haze and something called C-4. they are coming from a bay area club. so i am very excited about them. i will be vegging them for a few weeks till i get some clones... then we will be flowering all over again.
this next run should be even better than this one.....fingers crossed......
im not sure if i will make a new grow thread or not. might just keep this one going.

thanks for all the kind words everyone...and feel free to give me any advice..i am still learning.

i will get some new pics of the new clones when i get them tonight...or tomorrow.



Active member
well its official...tonight i recieved 4 clones from a santabarbara dispensery. i recieved 2- C-4s 1- Grape Haze 1- SnowCap(left to right)

they are under 26 watts of fluoros for the night then tomorrow they will go into little pots. i cant wait to get they ladies going.



Active member
well i hope everybody is doing well this new year. i know i am.

i have decided to continues along with this thread and post my new grow in it. as of yesterday i have transplanted my 4 clones(c-4(2) grapehaze,snocap)
into my biggest pots so i can begin lsting them and take many clones...then flower them.
heres s hot of the cab right now

i have the 4 clones in the white pots(i think they are right around 2 gals..maybe a bit more) i also have my last cascadia that i harvested revegging. it is doing amazing, it has only been in reveg for 11 days and it has incredible growth.

real nice single blade leafs.

i also have 12 other plants going that are whating to show sex. they are some cascadia, super-g, some of my own special bagseed, and some other random bagseed. we will see which are female and male and from there i will transplant some and give a couple others away. not before getting a clone tho :yummy: .
heres the 12 other plants

i am planning on doing the same type of grow style as last time, which is lst. with this method i yielded almost 10oz. i also have started topping to create more tops for my plants. its with these to methods that i hope to yield some where around the same as last grow.
i know that my clones will veg for at least 2 weeks before i even think of flowering them. i will also be starting them on a good nute regiment starting soon, using botnicare products.

heres some shots of my clones. they are doing very well.

back left- snocap .back right -grape haze .front two are c-4

i also am hoping to do a couple things to my cab before i flower these ladies. when i got my light i was in a rush to get it in and flowering so its kinda ghetto in there and the light footprint isnt very good. so i can going to take it down and hopefully make it a bit better.

well thats my hopes for this next run. i am excited to see some difference in growing more indicas under hps...i really only have grown the cascadia which is a heavy sativa....this is going to be fun. with the topping and nutes i am hoping to get more than 10oz. thats my goal.

thanks to all who have stuck with me on this thread..it never seemed to be very popular. oh well. i like it better that way.
have a happy new year .

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Active member
i would but the area where the bud is...is also the place where all the new growth is happening. this is why i only left a little bit of bud....give a little bud to be able to reveg this monster and clone her.



Active member
hows it goin? :wave: i hope everyone is doing well, and thaqt your new year is off to a good start. mine is for sure. got my cab kickin along. whats new over the last week.. :chin: ... well today i tied my clones over to begin LST. my revegging cascadia is doing amazing!!! :yoinks: as usualy there is even more growth. also the 12 various plant i have going are doing even better now that i started giving them proper ferts....sure doesnt take long for em to come to life. they are all starting to show preflowers and it should only be a few more days before i will be able to determine their sex!!! :woohoo:
other than that i am just trying to figure out how i want to deal with all theseladies i am soon to have. i waS thinking of doin a bonsai with a couple, and giving some away to friend....i also hope to flower at least two of them with the clones. or maybe put them in the cab a week or so behind after they fill out their pots. i would enjoy a little bit of a perpetual harvest.

well enough of my jibber jabber...heres some shots

heres the four clones...one c-4 was giving me trouble..but now all of them have rooted well and are really taking off....the most impressive so far has been the grape haze

(back two are c-4, frontright is snocap, other is grapehaze)

now ehres a shot of the 12 plants i have going in my red cups..soont o be sexed

it is really fun to watch the plants grow and make such an amazing canopy. it is so thick and lush...its great!!

now heres a pic of my revegging cascadia.

not bad for less than 21/2 weeks veg

finally a complete cab shot and close up of the clones tied over

i hope to be flowering here in the next couple of weeks. at least the 4 clones that are in there. although i know that there is room for atleast 1 more plant. i am kinda waiting on what i get out of these 12 plants.
i also had a question for anyone who read my thread..or who stumbles on it.....

i had seen on og that some one had takin a clone and after rooting put it into a red cup like mine, then they flowered it in the cup and still had a decent yield for the size..not sure how much tho.

has anyone seen this or done it??is it worth it>? would it even yield much?

i figure that if you got a decen sized clone in a cup and gave it a couple days to root in the soil then flower it...it could end up with some good bud. only problem i see is having to water it often because of the small container.

any thought???

well as always thanks to however takes the time to read my rants and side tracks. and comments and advice are always apprecited. stay safe.


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya DJ :wave:
Great looking garden DJ! Props to you on the reveg - I've yet to successfully reveg one of my girls, I keep trying though :grin:

Nice job on the lst - those girls have bush potential. C-4 - you like orangeade? :D Nice selection.

I'll just sit down over there and watch you work.... Here, wanna canna-cola?
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Active member
hey thanks for stopin by MGJ....first person in awhile....hehe
and the c-4 i havent heard much about to be honest, i got it from a buddy out of santabarbara so i didnt get much info on em.

and yes those clones are going to be bushes.....you should check back later tonight after i do my weekly update....should be a big change.

thanks again for stoppin by bro



Active member
well hello everybody!!!!!!! :wave: time once again for the weekly update. some things have finally come together. i have now identified 3 females out of the 12 plants vegging. i also think i found at least 2 males.

for some reason i am having alot of trouble distinguishing between my female and male...i know i need pistils to be female, but i dont know if they need longer or not. none of them really have clusters, like a male would need. so if anyone has pics of male preflowers pls post em up for me.

other than that the revegging cascadia is doing really well. it has started to produce some normal leafs, 5 blades. i think it has been reveggin bout 4 weeks now. i hope to be able to take clone not too far off. here she is, a few different angles.

i really like the last side shot....gives you a good idea as to how bushy its getting. its going to be alot of fun when i eventually reflower her.

now with my 4 clones, i have had them for about 24days. i have just continued with my LST. its amazing how in just 2 days there can be so many new braches to tie down.
here they are




they all are doing very well. great growth all around. another couple weeks veg and they should be ready for flower...and some extensive cloning.

finally a cab shot...before i got rid of a couple males.

i also recieved some of the mississippi mud seeds from JLP...which is gonna be awesome. i cant wait to get those goin. but thats a ways down the road from now.

thanks for all the comments...and for anyone who comes by.

stay safe



Hey man looking really good. Re vegging takes a while but as you say you end with such a bushy plant afterwards its great. I got some Cascadia on the way to my hopefully so i will be watching again very closely, i really cant wait to try sounds really good. Also got some Mud on the way too, as you i am not sure when i am going to be running them though.
That cab shot looks really lush, i appreciate you got to get the males out but by then i think the females will have filled that space really well. Its going to be a good show! :)
Good luck with this grow!


Active member
thanks for the support NEIL!!!!!!
its always nice to know someone reads your thread....hehe

and yeah youre really going to enjoy the cascadia, it is a very impressive strain.
i am hoping to maybe try crossing it with one of my club clones....or at least try some kind of breeding. we shall see.

take it easy bro

Well Darrin, there are others out there that read your thread. I remember loading the first three pages and reading them all at once but for some reason I have a devil of a time downloading this thread. Maybe because of how many photos you have on it (21 on this page alone) or maybe something else, who knows (I'm on dial up). If more people posted, you wouldn't get the chance to post so many pictures, hee hee. Funny, I remember before you starting building, you would ask lots of questions. Seems like the concensus was saying, Damnit Darrin, build the damn thing already.

Congrats on the nice box, looks like a lovely jungle in there. Don't you have roommates close by? Building mates? If so, you still able to keep everything hush hush?


Active member
well hey there ordinary joe, thanks for the visit. and yes i know i have lots of photos....but i love them. i would imagine that the reason for the slow loading for you would be because of the dial-up, once you go cable you never go back.

i just want to say joe that when i got to the end of your post i literally burst out laughing!! i think back and it makes me smile to think how excited i was to get this cab going, and everyone pushing me to get it built. man that was a fun couple months. then when it was finally done everyone one was so happy, it was great.

well to answer your last question i am still able to keep things realativly hush hush...
i have 3 other roomates, 2 of which live on my floor. one i have known my enitre life and he has grown with me before, and the other we met over the summer.
so there were only 2 ppl in the house that knew.
however i became really good friends with this other roommate and had wanted to tell him about it.....because there were a couple times where i thought for sure he knew.
then one evening he mentioned wanting to try and grow in his closet to myself....this is when i decided to let him in. when i showed him....he was shocked and had no idea what so ever that this thing even existed.
and our 4th roomate still has no idea and it will for sure stay that way.

i have been very proud of myself for being able to keep the grow unknown to those in my house and anyone who comes over to visit. i also am very strict with myself when it comes to security issues regarding the grow...i keep myself on edge sometimes so i dont get to comfortable, but thats hard.

it has been a challenege, but i love it. i know i will grow on for many years to come.

thanks for stopping by joe, it made my day.

Hey Darrin, Yeah, dial up sucks. Will be looking into cable real soon. Might have to go the whole route, cable, modem, phone for the price break. I still believe something is slowing down your thread though. Other folks pics dl quicker, even on the same thread.

What do you use for odour control? Looks like your box is in a closet and you are just venting in the dead space of the attic but in your construction thread, you mention venting out a window?

Does the vent in the back of your box pull air from the room the box is in or the space behind it?

I like the way you built your box. The 1x2's on the inside of the door to block the light is good. Also keeps the door from swinging inward. Not to make fun of you, but it is 'funny' how in the beginning you had grand plans for the box but in the end it became a simple box. The KISS method usually is the best. The cops usually don't comment you on box design when your busted. Knock on wood for us all that it never happens.
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Active member
well hello again!!!! :wave: i hope everyone is doing well and stayin safe.
for myself life is getting pretty crazy...school is rough. but oh well....such is life i guess.
well here goes the weekly update-

there have been some changes finally. heres a cab shot quick, then i will explain

so i got rid of a few males, and some females.....but the girls only moved 15 feet away and the boys will soon die. i set up a rubbermaid tub in our attic area so my roomimate can grow w/ some cfls. since i had a little extra space i repotted a female into a larger white pot. this female is one of my special bagseed.heres a pic if you dont remember

after i repotted it i gave it a tie down, it was way taller than the other ladies.i am trying a new method of lst. instead of pulling them down to the container i am tying it to itself.heres a look.


so it should grow in a little circle. i will keep adjusting the strings while it vegs. should be flowering her in less than 2 weeks i hope.
also in the cab are the 4 cuts, which are doing incredible. i have been more tedious with the tying this round. its paying off too....theres so many more growth shoots.

in the back right of the cab is me cascadia male, i might try to breed...not sure. and also another plant which i believe is a female, we will see. also on the right midde, kind of hiding is the cascadia reveggin(still doin awesome, nice 5 point leaves comin out). theres also on the right front 2 ladies that are some other random bagseed from a friend. i tied them over and they will be going to a friend really soon, they also will be grown under cfls.

and thats all for whats in the cab.
i feel like i just wrote a novel and still have more to write...oh well.
so i plan to put my ladies into flower in about 2 weeks, depending on their size. i hear tho that most ppl who go from clone only let them veg a week then flower, i am going on a month veg....or more.
i hope to just flower the 5 ladies in there....the 4 cuts and the bagseed.
i am going to try an experiment tho...maybe with a clone. i want to see what kind of yield i can get if i flower a plant in a 16oz dixie cup. i have always wondered. should be fun.

finally ordinary joe- i tried to keep this post short so you could get a faster DL...but i failed. now to your Q's

i dont use any odor control...except for smoking weed and nagchampa :yummy: ...and you are correct, my cab vents into an empty "attic" space, the same space that the rubbermaid tub is in. the air that goes through my cab comes from my room...which i try to make sure i ventilate daily.
i also laughed at myself when i was building this cab. starting out way complex and then cutting it down to almost the bare minimum. i really like it tho. its simple...but works wonders. the main reason i had to cut back anyways was cause of space issues.....go figure. also the 1x2s really help stabilize the box.....they were a very good idea, and not my own.

well i hope i didnt bore to many.....i sure enjoyed writing this.
i will throw some other random pics up during the week.

stay safe



Wow Liking that LST. I am sure you have seen what I am up to. I decided in Sept '05 that I was going to start building my cab. I had my first plants in the water in April '06. That was my first planned harvest date. LOL all that matters is that we get growing.
Don't worry about making the posts smaller, I'll deal. If I visit often, I will still have most of them in cache.

So your roommates haven't noticed the smell? That's cool. Attic must vent it away. That odd man out must wonder what you guys on the second floor are always giggling about. That and funny incense yall keep burning.

Hey ORPG. I have taken much longer to get my box built. Gathered up way more stuff than I would ever use too. Keep changing my mind on things and sometimes just being lazy. I know I need to make it final and secure. Right now my plan is to grow out a large op under my 400 and have enough for the summer. I'll see. Damn cutting are taking too much time to root! Come on girls, I'm getting paranoid!


Throbbing Member
Very nice. It seems like you are a very quick learner :)

I am happy that the Cascadia and the Super-G turned out to your liking. I am loving the odor of the Super-Gs(lemon) and the relaxing buzz.

Chimera has a C-4 line, so I wonder if the clones you got are the same?

Also, with any extra clones that you have, take a look around you for your local medical marijuana club and donate the clones to them. They will greatly appreciate it.

Good luck and have fun.


Active member
well howdy everyone!!! :wave:
hope all is well .....im doin great!!! the sun is shining and i couldnt be happier.

maj- as always thank you for your kind words...and thanks for stopping by.

ORpotguy- thanks for coming by....and yes the cab building/designing is such a long process. its a fun one tho. i really liked it too cause i got to meet and talk with alot of cool people here on the forums and got to get input from them all. also i have seen your LST. i really like it..really nice. i am going to try some like yours this round...tie the plant to itself as opposed to using the rubberband around the continaer..well i will use a mix of both. thanks again for coming by and for your comments..oregon rocks!

ordinaryjoe- last night i saw that you had commented on a post in a forum somewhere...i got so excited cause i knew that i would get atleast one comment that evening..jeje :woohoo: .anyways....yes the attic seems to do a fantastic job of cleaning the air....the only way the air gets out is through tthe roof....so yes its not bad at all...good thing cause i dont want to have to get a filter...at least not right now. and actually the "odd man out" doesnt really comment on the smell....we all smoke in the house and burn incents so its covered well. i will say tho that when i was harvesting last the person came into my room between sessions and commented on how bomb it smelled in my room :yummy: maybe cause there was like 5oz drying less then 15ft away...haha. thanks alot for commenting joe..i can always count on you..

bacchus- thakns for the info on my c-4. have been looking everywhere but have had no luck....now i know at least a breeders name. and your super-g and cascadia arent just to my liking....but everyone i have smoked with. i gave a friend some and less then 5 mins after leaving his place he called me and wanted to know where i got that shit.....said it was incredible. its the best bud i have ever had i believe. and i would love to donate clones to a med club..but we dont have any in Oregon. at least not yet.. so now i will be faced with the problem of having too many females and not enough room for em all. not a bad problem...well depend how you look at it i guess.. thanks for stopping by and thanks again for your amazing gifts.

alright well..not much else happening. i am thiniking of flowerin in the next week ..the ladies are getting bushy so it will happen here soon.

i will throw a few pics up later tonight when water them.
also i am setting up another rubbermaid grow using CFLs tonight. my gf decided she wanted to try..altho she doesnt smoke much at all...more for me..and she wants to make a lil cash..meaning i will buy her bud from her. should be fun tho.

well thats all for now.
