hi ty knives, i didnt checked the total weight, the only time i checked it was on my second hydro 1 plant 200g / 400w / 60 days hmm 2 years ago was a bit failed overfeeded ^^
Hmm This time i will check but some plants will be ready at day 60 and some others 75+ so ...
also have (add it to the last list in prev. post)
- belladona (unsexed)
- white rihno (male)
- mango (unsexed)
- haze special (unsexed)
- 2 blue ghana (unsexed)
Here more details about the "selection" test i made for some plants in my garden;
Selected them on the germinate and start veg stages, the 2 best plants after 1 week grow of the 28 best in germinate of 400 seeds homemade...
Actually the result seems to be strong and fast plants, much vigor.
Now the flowering stage is interresting (unknow indoor mix 2005 ssb * unknow indoor mix 2005 ssb)
Seems such selection give more earlier flowering plants but im not sure yet ^^
Mango (unsexed yet)
Is the smallest, had to cut parts on neightbours to maintain a decent light on her.
male White Rhino
still not took any save cut, will wait a bit more ^^
Now a 2 plants pot with
- homemade selection #3
- "Jack" (cut)
The "jack" wasnt selected in my environment, seems to have some problems to compete with the #3, then i cutted a bit the #3 leaves, this "Jack" would flowering in 3 months, 1 thing im sure is its hability to make heavy lateral branch, very typical ^^
well i spayed a bit with silver nitrate one of the jack branch to get some male flowers ^^ I would test the cross with a very productive and early specimen (selection 1 2 or 3 dunno yet)
The grow looks amazing WB, I'm getting ready to grow all out, hopefully much like you. I love the info in your posts, very easy to understand whats goin' on. I'll be back to see how the sea fills up. Good growing.
Hi ty tree top flyer for encouragments
Oh my English is really stoned style but lets hope its understandable for the majority ^^
I will illustrate this post with "Jack" since i heard that "Jack" is maybe a really nice plant, i think it's 75 days one but we will see...
For sure now this will be my next grow, hydro ;D
In first step i gave her an advantage by cutting down a bit the #3 that was going to dominate her too much.
First i would talk about Brimex; i bought this to erradicate thrips, its also designed to kill red/yellow spiders. It works fine but require regular spraying (every 2-3 days for 2 week) even on the downside of leaves. I cant understand a shit about composition but i suspect its synthetic pyrethrenoids. Any that got more info is welcome ^^
Now the cloning area with 28 cuts, i also added (referring to previous post list) Haze Special, Mango, Belladona, and a white Rhino Male.
I plan to let is slowly root, except a jack cut that i will extract and transplant in perlite, cleaning it for my next hydro
My purple #2 is the best i have, yet, is deep purple and got really nice wood fruits aromas, from a re-veg.
Now the Selection #1 and #2; those plants have been selected in germinate and start grow (10 days) on over 400 seeds, the nice news is that the #2 seems to be a purp ! is really vigorous plant, im curious about its evolution.
I failed horribly on pruning ;D
Finish this on the Jack cut of course, a bit special to grow, need some nutes, and as i heard will need even more nutes in flowering stage.
specials congratulations for the work of pure selection on "germinating and growth speed" you've done WnB. it's a very proffessional job.
i'm not a specialist at all in breeding but, i think that when you work from seeds and not from clones(also from clones but in a different way),the selection stage ( of the seedlings and young plants a bit later) , is one of the most decisive phase about the uniformity and then the quality of the entire grow.
i plan to polinise some NYCdiesel with some biggiesmall (as soon as he would like to give that FU....g pollen!!!) wich is 100% old style-heavy-indica and could make the flow time of my diesel a bit shorter maybe, then if i manage to do it on a few branches ,i'll have lot of seeds and a big rational selection to make... on the seeds first and on the young plants one week after or so ( i wish to keep 30% of the initial amount of plants at the end , including potential males... )
do you know where i could find some silver nitrate on the web or in france ??
i could find on the web by myself but maybe someone already have a trusted and easy shipping source...
congrats one more time WnB, and KEEP THEM GREEN !!!
Need more nutes than the rest, look how dark green became the other plant in same pot... 1/3 of nutes are grow ones, dunno if it's a good idea but seems it reduced the fast yellowing. Others plants in this grow do not have this special "veg nute adds".
N° 5
N° 7
N° 1,2,6,7
Select n°1
Select 1 & 2
Select 2
Mini grow space (~1 month of mini-veg)
Much cuts i will have to throw out, due space deficiency
How about doing the "Jack" in hydro for next grow session? :smile:
Also im looking for next grow that -would- be 1 jack plant.
Soil => Hydro then i cleaned a bit roots and tranplanted in perlite yet, next step will be some bubbler recipient