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4 Bruce Banner Ladies PPK Style.


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We have passed the 8 week mark this week. I took a reading from the sub irrigation and the PPM was climbing. I am not surprised as I think these girls are about two weeks out. I decided to swap out a few gallons from the sub irrigation and add back to bring the PPM’s down a bit. I also am going to stop feeding the calnit at this point as the need for nitrogen is pretty much done. The add back included some Fluvic and Kelp which I am hoping will help with the nutrient uptake for the next week or so.

Other than that not much change in the tent. Thanks for stopping by and checking things out!


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Active member
Back from my fishing trip and we are in the sweet spot! I unplugged the lights this morning and will be cutting these down tomorrow. I pulled a popcorn bug and put it under the scope.

I know there are a few white hairs on this lower bug but the tops are all brown.

Here is a close up of the trichs


24 hours and chop chop chop chop!



Well-known member
I like your lil setup Bro........Can`t beat a dialed in PPK system for a K . I . S . S . set it and forget it dope growin machine......That BB#3 looks like a good bit of foxtailin but hey it all burns and fucks you up and that~s all that matters right ?.....Maybe that`s the way those nugs are supposed ta look dunno , just seems to me the swellage is lackin but again , who am I to say what`s right and what`s not.....anyways......Good lookin run Bro , so...........

Keep strokin SG......Good luck , take care , and .......



Active member
I like your lil setup Bro........Can`t beat a dialed in PPK system for a K . I . S . S . set it and forget it dope growin machine......That BB#3 looks like a good bit of foxtailin but hey it all burns and fucks you up and that~s all that matters right ?.....Maybe that`s the way those nugs are supposed ta look dunno , just seems to me the swellage is lackin but again , who am I to say what`s right and what`s not.....anyways......Good lookin run Bro , so...........

Keep strokin SG......Good luck , take care , and .......


Couldn’t agree more about the PPK system! I finally got all of the components working in unison.

I ran this strain once and had light troubles mid flower. Fucked up the grow. Thought I would run it again to see it through. I am stubborn. I am disappointed with the foxtailing as well.

I suspect I still need to work on environmental issues the next round. I think my RH was to low in the early part of flower. I will be introducing the inkbird duo (temp and humidity) controller as well as thinning out the lower branches better. Every grow is an opportunity to learn.

Peace! SG.


Active member
Well the plants are now hanging by their necks. Tucked away in the tent. I struggled with some things in this grow that caused issues with the development of foxtails in flower. While this could be a bit genetic, as all of these girls displayed it and they were all from the same mother, here are a few things I am looking at.

Poor distribution and airflow. I did a slight defoliation just prior to flipping and I think I should have done more. During the third week of flower I tried to defoliate again but was unable to reach the back plants.

Low RH during the first half of flower. If memory serves me right I was below 60% most of the time. And then towards the end of flower I was around 50%.

Poor pruning of the undergrowth. There was a lot of undergrowth that never got the light love it needed. This took energy away from the upper portion of the plant. I always root for the little guy and feel bad cutting them off. I then regret it when trimming!

Lessons learned.

Here are some pictures of the cutting and hanging.

I watched a video from Build a Soil about slow drying which I am implementing now. The idea is to keep the humidity at 60% and temp at 60 and then let the girls hang for 10 to 14 days. I have always dried to quick and ended up with a loss of terpenoids and flavor. After the drying it’s straight to jars and no burping needed.

I have an FC3000 in route and have decided to start a new journal with this light. I am drowning three gorilla glue seeds for the next grow and will pick the best two to send to flower and keep one for a mother.



Well-known member
Live and learn SG......90% of growers have a hard time gettin rid of shit that light will never get to thus stealin vital plant energy from the uppers that need all the help they can get to be all they can be by end of cycle......Also , most growers move from strain to strain without ever really getting to truly know each plant`s "different" growth characteristics , how far they`ll stretch in the first phase of the flower cycle and how much they`ll bush out and compete with light as well as environment with each plant next to em , so don`t beat yourself up bro......

Runs under your belt beat certain things into your brain after awhile and you tend not to make the costly mistakes twice.......so.......Here`s hopin the next run goes more smoothly for you and hey.......Next run once stretch is completely over and done with , start takin off ALL fanleaves with a stem , and continue to do so until they stop poppin out in all new growth and it`ll help with airflow through the plants as well as light depth penetration.....and lastly.....

If you can keep RH up in the 70 % range your plants will reward you in the long run......bet on it.....BUT......You HAVE to make sure airflow in the grow area is at an optimum to prevent any airborn nasties durin late bloomage , on top of the most important factor of NEVER lettin lights on and lights off temps vary more than 10 degrees F or else when they cool off durin lights out , condensation will form and THAT`S where budmold , powdery mildew , and other shit can form and fuck up your nuggage....anyways.....

Take care , good luck , and.....



Active member
Today is day 5 since the girls were hung back in the tent.

The typical wet hay smell is now gone and I am happy with this drying method so far.

I am using an inkbird IHC-200 humidity controller Tom regulate the humidity in the tent. It is usually pretty dry where I live. Somewhere in to 20-30% range. I have had several great grows that ended with just ok bud in the jar. Usually from a quick dry and missing the window to get them into jars for curing.


I set the controller to 59% and have it connected to a humidifier in the tent.

I am starting to check stems for the snap but believe it will be another 5 days minimum.



Well-known member
62% RH is the magic number where you can jar your nugs with no fear of any anaerobic activity during the curing process to preserve your terps and flavor bro , but most potsnobs like their shit around 58% for the most smell and taste , and...... that also makes your product on the verge of crumbling and being TOO dry imho , but that`s why that make chocolate and vanilla ice cream , cuz everyone`s got their own personal preference.....Me ?.....I prefer to PRESERVE my nugs IN the jar , and take some out and let it sit for a lil while and THEN load my bong .......anyways......

My 2 centavos from all those yrs bro......Not tryin ta tell you what to do , just triyn to help.....so.....Take care , good luck and......



Active member
DHF, I am on the same wavelength with you and appreciate your input my friend!

I will be increasing the RH in the tent over the next day to hold at 62%. My RH meter in the tent is currently reading 63%.

It is a fine line we walk between dry and too dry, wet and too wet.


Active member
Well, the girls have been hanging in the tent for 10 days and are ready to get their final trim and into jars. I thought I would take a picture of the tub that a few of them are in and get on with the getting on!

I am going to do this in manageable bights over the weekend. The tent needs to get ready for its new inhabitants.




Well-known member
Now those don`t look too foxtaily SG......Looks good from over here bro......Good luck on your trim job , doesnt look like it`ll be too hard to get rid of what sugar leaves are there hopefully......anyways......Good luck , take care , and......



Active member
Now those don`t look too foxtaily SG......Looks good from over here bro......Good luck on your trim job , doesnt look like it`ll be too hard to get rid of what sugar leaves are there hopefully......anyways......Good luck , take care , and......

Thanks DHF! It has been a long day already and was only able to get through one jars worth tonight. Top buds were pretty dense but there is more popcorn then I would like. I tend to get impatient after a while and start stripping larf for bubble hash. I may invest in one of those mini washing machines though.



Active member
Two full days of trimming. All total it was just over 13 ounces going into jars and an unknown amount of larf. I hate dealing with larf and always tell myself “remember to get rid of the shittt in the bottom and open the plant up next time”

I am overall happy with the grow. My wife and son smoke some the other night. The gave me the giggled approval so for me that is success. They indicated that it was smooth on the throat, had a good taste, and the buzz was relaxing. That is all I need to have it be successful.

Peace fellow growers and on to the next chapter for me. I have three gorilla glue seedlings getting ready to move into the tent!
