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4,000 watts 64 plants, Ready Set Grow :)

Space Toker

Active member
hey first of all, excellent job man! I noticed at least a couple other people asking the same 2 questions that I have been dying to know, questions that screamed out for answers. I don't know if you are purposely avoiding them for some reason or just didn't see them, but you already say you are using 4000 w and 64 plants, so I can't see any possible advantage for not answering after stating that.


1). How big is the room? (I would like to know for yield efficiency purposes, like grams per watt or ounces per square foot, or that kind of thing, to use as a benchmark for what to shoot for should I ever try anything even a fraction as ambitious)

2). What strains are you using??????


Wow blaze.. You really are an inspiration to so many! Great job and Im glad im back just in time to see this one really blow up.

Very nice! REp+++


Active member
Enjoyed a big joint of amnesia and read this whole wonderful detailed thread !

Really love your grow dude

Sending good vibes for your amzaing grow :)


Registered Medical Patient
hey Blaze...any word from NZJay!!??havent seen that guy around in a LONGGGGG while!!!Peace bro, looks great in here

- Z


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
nice bro,love them shots.im workin on a new spot now,i think imma use this mix so its easier to maintain.peace


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Rosy Cheeks said:
I'm in love with your growroom Blaze, can I marry her?

:laughing: :muahaha:

Johnnyblaze326 said:
thanks for the great pics of the co2 set up..Great details...Great work

Your welcome man! :joint:

Doctor Who said:
This thread gets better and better!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to blazeoneup again.

It will continue to get better and better all the way through harvest!

steppinRazor said:
pfffft My room loooks 10 times better!!!

haha jk man, very clean set up lookin great!
some nice healthy lookin babies
4k eh??? what are you expecting to yeild?

keep up the good work and stay safe

There is room for improvements as with all growrooms lol...

Herbalistic said:
Pro show :yes:

Have to tag this one for sure. Very nice room :yes: :yes: :yes:

Thanks man!

JackPackage said:
Mother Of God

Your setups are always so impressive. The cleanliness is amazing.

:) lot of work goes into it do should be!

LearningTheWays said:
Just keeping reading this thread over and over... want that exact same room in my basement! How loud is that room? Outside of that room can you hear the fans running or anything?

You can clearly hear the ac and the vortex blower outside the room yeah! You can hear anything outside the basement though which is all that matters no one who shouldnt be in that basement will be :) So little noise outside the room isnt an issue!

Tonatiuh said:
wattup blaze,nice grow bro.
i'll be watchin this one for sure yo.

Going to work out nicely so keep your eyes open!

Johnnyblaze326 said:
Hey Blaze sorry to bother you again....... i just need a little help ... could i get a couple of GOOD pics of the 3.8 cf bag of pro mix, 2cf bag of miracle grow organic, bag of foxfarm ocean forest what size?, miracle grow blood meal, miacle grow bone meal,Dolomite lime, kelp meal,chunky perlite... yet again im sorry to bother you with this request ... i just couldnt make out some of the pics on the 1st page of this post with what you are using .... if you could do this it would be greatly appreciated ...and what of each amount are you using ...have you done anything diffrent with this batch of mix..anything you would do diff or add??? plz help!! :fsu:

I dont reccomend the mix I am using in this 4k room, This is the first time I have used this mix, So i will not reccomend it to anyone.

Check out my blazeoneup hits the dirt thread, The mix I posted in there is the mix I reccomend because I have used it many many times and always successful with it.

Here's a link!

vindiesel said:
nice setup :)


bat1327 said:
I love it

Me too

Space Toker said:
hey first of all, excellent job man! I noticed at least a couple other people asking the same 2 questions that I have been dying to know, questions that screamed out for answers. I don't know if you are purposely avoiding them for some reason or just didn't see them, but you already say you are using 4000 w and 64 plants, so I can't see any possible advantage for not answering after stating that.


1). How big is the room? (I would like to know for yield efficiency purposes, like grams per watt or ounces per square foot, or that kind of thing, to use as a benchmark for what to shoot for should I ever try anything even a fraction as ambitious)

2). What strains are you using??????

I guess you didnt really look much for the answers...

The room is around 14x10 with a 14x8 section. I will post up the exact measurements sometime in the future! The strain is urkle of course!

jtk707 said:
Preach on brother blaze

I'm no preacher lol!

Everyone else thanks for your replies, I appreciate them and have read all of them! Until next time be safe and take care!


Simply amazing

Your room is so neat, so precise, so clean... Im amazed by your skills every day..

I am honored to see your grows and learn new things everyday.. I love it man

Thanks for inspiring and updating :)


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
ZeusOGrefugee said:
hey Blaze...any word from NZJay!!??havent seen that guy around in a LONGGGGG while!!!Peace bro, looks great in here

- Z

Nzjay is alive and well. Times are a bit ruff for him but he will be ok!

Space Toker

Active member
blazeoneup said:
:laughing: :muahaha:

I guess you didnt really look much for the answers...

The room is around 14x10 with a 14x8 section. I will post up the exact measurements sometime in the future! The strain is urkle of course!

Well I read most pages, skimmed all the rest, I guess I missed it. thanks
Space Toker said:
Well I read most pages, skimmed all the rest, I guess I missed it. thanks

I couldn't find the room dimensions either, read the entire post looking specifically for that...could be da bong hits though.

Amazing looking project there Blaze, you are true perfectionist.


exceptional gardening skills blaze, :bow: they should let you take charge of the superbowl pitch :canabis:


Active member
Hey BLAZE :wave: I'm lovin the new room. Not that I haven't loved all the rooms you've done. everything you come out with is absolutely amazing. You're setups are always so well done. I like the idea of simplifying things with that soil mix of yours. I've simplified from the old DWC setup that I used to run to a coco/ drip setup. Though not as simple as yours it's still a much easier way of doing things compared to dwc and end results are just as good but nothing matches the growth rates of dwc. I'd love to do another with it but I don't see it happening anytime soon. Unfortunately.

Anyways I'm pullin up a chair and watchin the show :lurk:


Gene Mangler
Beautiful! So clean it looks minimalist, but its sure not.

Can I pick your brain on a couple things?
1. How many hours of UV per day?
(I'm trying a couple 7% lizard cfl's real soon)
2. Urkle aroma at 30days 12/12 & finished?
(I have a Urkle/TW at 30days 12/12, its smelling like funky orange rind/peels, not a good orange, like a big overpowering bite of bitter rind.)
I'm hoping she'll sweeten up a bit in the last 30.

Again, cleanest setup I've ever seen! ;)

Rock on!

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