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33 Suspected of Overdosing on Synthetic Marijuana in Brooklyn

33 Suspected of Overdosing on Synthetic Marijuana in Brooklyn

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    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 24 66.7%
  • I can't remember....

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Somebody get these idiots some REAL medicine.

There is a word that local residents and workers use to describe a group of drug users whose presence they say has grown around a busy Brooklyn transit hub: zombies. What was once a few familiar faces has turned into a tribe of strangers, walking around, staggering and looking lost, in the throes, it is believed, of the ill effects of K2, a synthetic drug that officials in New York have been working hard to eradicate.
The problem in the neighborhood has gotten to be such that a manager of an urban farm nearby, tired of the smoke wafting onto the property, posted two hand-painted wooden signs with a simple message: “No Smoking K2.”
On Tuesday, the longstanding problem became a local crisis on this gritty patch, on the border of two developing neighborhoods, Bedford-Stuyvesant and Bushwick. In the area around the subway station at Myrtle Avenue and Broadway, emergency workers transported 33 people who were suspected of overdosing on K2 to hospitals, the police said. The powerful drug, also known as Spice or synthetic marijuana, has grown in popularity in recent years despite public warnings.
Eight people were taken from the Stockton Street area to Woodhull Medical Center suffering from “altered mental states,” lethargy and respiratory issues around 9:40 a.m., a spokesman for the Fire Department said. Others were found in the surrounding area.
“It’s like a scene out of a zombie movie, a horrible scene,” said Brian Arthur, 38, who watched three people collapse as he made his way to work in the morning and began live-streaming the episode on Facebook. “This drug truly paralyzed people.”

Even hours after the first call came in, a few erratic people could still be seen staggering around the streets under the train tracks. Some fought back against gravity by bracing their arms on parked cars or light poles. A few toppled to the ground. A video that Mr. Arthur streamed on Facebook captured responders helping an unsteady man into an ambulance; nearby, another slumped soporifically against a fire hydrant.

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Well-known member
yup. i tried it over a period of a few weeks when it was at least similar to weeds buzz. it was a LOT like pot, but it was ALWAYS the same, no change in flavor etc. no soul. i have done nearly any drug you might name except ayahuasca & flakka in my lifetime, and that fake weed was the closest thing i ever tried to actually being physically addictive. when i saw where it was taking me, i threw the shit out into the yard & threw the bottle away. it was nice not having to worry about failing a drug test, though...


ICMag Donor
A friends brother brough some with him on a visit. A few friends were sitting around & he broke it out & asked if anybody wanted to try it. Of course, it was different so everybody wanted to at least give it a try. We were all smoking weed already so it it was nothing to load a bowl.

I can't say I got any higher but I did get a wicked case of cotton mouth. It was worse than I ever had from buds. Maybe a little elevation change but not much.

Fuck that shit though.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
The title is wrong, it's not synthetic cannabis like Maranol or Sativex, it's "legal highs" quite different

Legal highs are now banned here in the UK, although you can still buy the chemicals from the Internet as "laboratory experiment"

Prior to the ban there were long queues every morning outside the headshops that sold the various preparations, one of them called Mamba was being used by at least 2 people I know of who were injecting it in preference to heroin, they were totally fucked, forever

The yoof were quick to find a street substitute and were snorting H&G Shooting Powder, which is now no longer available over the counter in Bristol and South Wales

All this is very depressing as it's becoming more normal for people to have a powder instead of a flower as the introduction to altered consciousness :moon:
Yes there are hundreds/thousands of different analogs some with full affinity to cb receptors (unlike thc which is partial) thus there being no limit to their effects on the cns. Because of this there have been confirmed deaths over the years. Cardiac arrest being one of the main causes.

Couple this with no standardization over application of the chemical to leaf material, and a lot of the chems being highly active at 1mg, makes it very easy to overdose.

Sad byproduct of prohibition and the analog act.


Well-known member
Quite right, this stuff has no right calling itself anything cannabis related. Not tried it, I would rather have the real thing.

All 'new psychoactive substances' are banned in the uk now in an effort to stop people changing the formula of existing drugs slightly to avoid prosecution. So now it doesn't matter if what you are taking is illegal or not, the fact that it gets you high is enough to prosecute.

As I've always said, is against the law to be happy or high in the uk.
You are meant to be miserable, pay your tax then die.

Well fuck em.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
These synthetic cannabis compounds are giving the real 'erb a bad name. They are making this stuff seriously physically addictive, and it turns people into zombies, by the looks of it.

I found this video, which seems to have be made by some air-head, who films and comments about these people in NY who got totally whacked on it.

Looks to me like when they mixed this fake 'erb crap up, they made it strong enough to 'Zombify' a score or more victims...



Active member
ICMag Donor
The original article is the "reefer madness" of our time. It's sad that people believe this stuff. There are thousands of new synthetic cannabinoids, each one with a unique high. JWH-018 is as beautiful and valuable as any pure sativa in the world. It's just as much of a medicine as any plant.

Low active doses can make it easy to "overdose", i.e. get too high. There's still a ridiculous margin of safety with most of the popular synthetics. Users would be better off acquiring the pure chemicals and dosing properly through volumetric measurement. 500 mcg of JWH-018 gets me to the same place every time. Smoking "fake pot" with unknown ingredients and concentrations is more risky.


Bad batch of synthetic weed creates Zombieland in Brooklyn, NY.

Bad batch of synthetic weed creates Zombieland in Brooklyn, NY.



Pleasantly dissociated
i was on probation and found a kind i liked, new dimensions i think was the name, it was the stuff that came out when they changed the laws to outlaw k2, so i guess it was k3, it was very similar to weed, but way way way more addictive , i could feel it grAB ahold of my brain like some weird metAL pumping in the blood rush . then i tried other kinds where i had full on psycadelic experiences and thought holy fuck this shit is legal and kids try this, ive done loads of wonderful delics, and the trips were always real dark and twisted smoking strage blends of rcs , they were never full of love and light , some dangerous stuff. i remember a story where 2 teens smoked it, killed their grandma for some piuzza money, thru her in the trunk and went bowling, they didnt even realize what the fuck they did. anyway the face eaters i think are injecting the fake X pumpit powder thats sold next to the fake weed


Not a fan. Almost had to take a life sentence to get my grankids out of harms way from their zombie parents... All some what better.. It sure did not "fix stupid "
It has to do with improperly dosed compounds , not that these compounds are inherently dangerous. The dose make the poison. The people who get "zombified" would take it to that level with any substance. Cannabinoid-like compounds are just very cheap so they use that over expensive opioids, cocaine, or meth.

About dose, would you eat 20 grams of hash in one sitting, because the doses for some of these compounds are very low and people ingest many times the active dose without realizing due to improperly and unevenly dosed material. One joint could be great but the next joint could have much more active ingredient leading to the psychedelic/overwhelming experiences people report with these cannabinoid-like substances.

Let's not start another reefer madness on a whole class of compounds that are very useful in studying cannabinoid receptors with some having potential to be actual medicines. Most of these compounds work on the cannabinoid receptors, in many varying ways. People huff paint, they will use whatever to get high. I think we have learned tough lessons about demonizing substances due to sensationalist reporting.


Active member
I disagree, weedaholic. They appear to be unknown poisons, constantly changing, becoming ever more poisonous. From what I read in that article researchers are not even convinced they are acting on cannabinoid receptors. Nobody with any brains would touch those chemicals. They have absolutely nothing in common with weed.
I work as a maintanence man in a large public housing complex here in nyc, i see people smoking this shit at 7 in the morning on a daily basis, i see them smoking crack with their kid in a stroller right next to them, i see them smoking angeldust and doing the dopefiend lean, if you dumb enough to smoke this shit you get what you deserve you dumb fuck. i watched a chick just the other day so high off dust she took off all her clothes and took a shit in front of about 10 people! all those assholes took time from others who might've needed medical care while emts are busy with them, this shit is everyday!
The reason these chemicals are the ones being used, is they ban every chemical before them. The good ones, JWH-018 JWH-073, we're made illegal in most places very quickly. Then the move to the less researched drugs, those then get banned. Finally your left with substances whose structure leads to believe they have a certain effect, but Noone really knows. The people making money, the cornerstones dealers, don't want to lose money, the addicts still want to get high. So these, "scary unknown substances" are demonized. I get that the unknown is scary, but the rush to judgement makes it very hard to reverse.

Cannabis was made illegal before it could be tested properly, just like many other useful substances. Why repeat the failures of the past just because something is scary. We can cook in our homes with highly flammable gasses. We drive multi-ton death machines everyday. We jump out of planes for fun. How is a random white powder so intimidating that we potentially ruin good medicine for the later generations.