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32 200gal smart pots


Active member
good advice on the autos but i dont think Aero is a fan of the Iranians lol....we AMERICAN in this bitch....but aero how did the quality of those 6 look? did you have to pull premature or are they packing nice frost.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
not sure how well they'd do if you get them into a marsh-type moist area to wick up water.

I would have got at least 3-5lbs per plant off the bog spot where the 200gals were submerged about 4-6 inches into water constantly. it was like outdoor hydro bro. I plan on doing the same next year but hidden really well. im actually planning on doing a few 400gals aswell! i figure 100 200gals and 5 400s should do me just fine come spring.

As for autos FUCK THAT waste of time unless of course u do a 1000 of them. but then ur way over the limits. fuck that. my point of only doing 2 huge plant per spot was to keep me safe. if they caught me it would have been a small fine and thats that. under 5 is civil infraction i believe.

i do love the idea of gettin her done before the choppers start flying but if ima do a 1000 ima get an earth auger with 10in bit and goto fucking town. 1000 4-5ft plants 8oz a plant. minis dont appeal to me. lol "keep it in the closet kids"

joe fresh

Active member
just curious, if you come out the woods with 1000 cut branches and get caught.....how do they(authorities) tell the diff from it being all from a few plants or 1000 plants?

i would think that with out the roots they wouldnt be able to tell?

and if its not on your property then how can they prove that YOU grew 1000 plants?


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
if they got roots they count them. i get kinda nervous with my 110 site aerocloner. always puts me over the limit. but in a good way =)
That shit is so out into the open!. You got a big black pot that's not camouflaged, white buckets, & tall plastic posts. It just screams to get ripped man. Any half-blind pilot, or pita can come out there; and, well need I say more?

Echo Lake Seeds

New member
Ive been lurking this thread since the beginning. Always seemed to be BS. Then, surprise, suprise, no monster harvest. No shit, it was all talk from the beginning. Aero always posts about his buddies did this, or he did that, knows somebody that did it big. it's all bs.

dude really just had 6 bagseed plants in some pots, didnt inflate his ego enough so he had to go and say it was 32...

now he claims hes going to 100 and going to booby trap and kill people?

dude is a liar.

probably lied about the cruise he took too...

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
Ive been lurking this thread since the beginning. Always seemed to be BS. Then, surprise, suprise, no monster harvest. No shit, it was all talk from the beginning. Aero always posts about his buddies did this, or he did that, knows somebody that did it big. it's all bs.

dude really just had 6 bagseed plants in some pots, didnt inflate his ego enough so he had to go and say it was 32...

now he claims hes going to 100 and going to booby trap and kill people?

dude is a liar.

probably lied about the cruise he took too...

LOL.... well in case you did not know, LYING is a big part of being a successful grower... dont be salty because you were unworthy of the truth and had to get lied to like the bitch boy you seem to be...signing up just to out a dude you know because your feelings were hurt because you weren't included.... real stand up human being you are... schmuck

aero, looks like you need to do some FBI work....followed up with some DEXTER work..


Weed Robot
Ive been lurking this thread since the beginning. Always seemed to be BS. Then, surprise, suprise, no monster harvest. No shit, it was all talk from the beginning. Aero always posts about his buddies did this, or he did that, knows somebody that did it big. it's all bs.

dude really just had 6 bagseed plants in some pots, didnt inflate his ego enough so he had to go and say it was 32...

now he claims hes going to 100 and going to booby trap and kill people?

dude is a liar.

probably lied about the cruise he took too...

Aero is a real dude bro i know him he does his thing shit happens in this game i once lost 9 lbs right after dry how can you be so angry bro when it wasnt your lost.and go ahead and call me a fake people will laugh at you,Aero keep doin your thing

Echo cheer up


fuck containers or they'll fuck you, they just don't fit outdoor guerrilla in so many ways.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
I can't find any pics from the harvest.

i didnt think 6 plants was worthy of a harvest shot.

and after losing everything else i was heart broken. kinda just let the thread fall off... its all good tho. next year is going to be killer. you win some you lose some..


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
Aero is a real dude bro i know him he does his thing shit happens in this game i once lost 9 lbs right after dry how can you be so angry bro when it wasnt your lost.and go ahead and call me a fake people will laugh at you,Aero keep doin your thing

Echo cheer up

hey thanks bro... can already taste that mango


Active member
echo, shut the fuck up. you think dude is just bullshit? is his indoor thread a lie also? plenty of pictres over there. i cant believe you would use your first post to talk shit about someone who just lost 80% of what could have been a nice take down. dont you get the vibe at this site?

aero, keep killin it.

and to el presidente, gypsy. put this ECHO on notice. he doesnt deserve to even lurk at this site, if that is how he is gong to introduce himself. guy signs up 15 months ago and doesnt post until now? get lost.

ps. i dont post pictures, does that mean all my gow talk is bullshit?
I don't know echo, or aero, or what they done, & if I did, I'd never post or tell anyone. What I do know; however, is when someone talks about setting boobytraps, showing off their arsenal of weapons, do not reflect too well for the community here. What you do is your own business, and if you want everyone, (including big brother) to know your motives on hurting people, (even rippers), then you should create your own website & put it in there, not here! Seriously, IC MAG doesn't need this kind of heat. We don't need to go down like OG did.
Please don't be offended aero, I got no prob with gun ownership. It just doesn't mix well with the goings on here.


why would u say fuck containers? Do you guys not see how big Aero's plants were?? If theres rippers or hunters around your spot and there are plants that big they are going to see them...container or none...I'd like to see u guys dig a 200 gallon hole. how the fuck are u gonna do that? Bring a fucking excavator to your spot? If u want multiple pounds off of one plant I don't see how you can do it in anything but a container.

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