thanks. i cant afford to buy premade units when i can build one with similar specs for a quarter of the cost. i love their lights but i just cant do it.
I hate to say it but I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing the weird deficiency issue with the COBs. I should have subscribed to your thread because I missed all the action. I must confess that I stopped reading after the first set of plants hermied on you. Definitely pulling up a seat now!
i think most of my issues(hermies included) are most likely from too much intensity. the second i move my lights away further EVERYTHING get really green and pretty again. ive cut out all my additives since they were fucking with my PH balance. that could have screwed me up as well. jacks is inherently stable but when you start adding stuff to it unchecked it was causing problems. i can mix a bunch of jacks and leave it for weeks and it wont change a bit. 5.8 on the dot with my RO water but as soon as i start adding stuff its all over the place.
the new new
Yeah, I've yet to take on those leads you shared with me as far as builds(busy) but do you have a new/future idea as far as next one/s? I'm pretty sure I'm ready to drop 3-5 g's on some builds.
I just get the boards and build DIY style I use three 90w boards 270w to cover a 2x4 area here is a pic if it is ok. I figured the cost for one board was two cree cobs but better coverage. I had cree cobs mounted on flat heat sinks so I just reused them with these boards with small pc fans for active cooling and an inline 4" exhaust fan with carbon filter. Plus the electric cost goes down per sf cost.