ok thanks blackone i get that now, but the light is still diminished on its way to the reflector by the inverse square law i would have thought. also i imagine it would be very hard to get perfect parabolic reflection in a prismic tunnel with a light source that only comes from one point or even 2 or 3 lights. basically what i am saying is that it would work in theory but almost inpossible to get it to work in practice!
Indeed you're right - it's a prism not a parabolic bowl. A grow tunnel is only parabolic in one dimension - so light will follow the inverse square law for the rays going towards the ends too. Still as long as the sides are also reflective I don't think it will matter much - as long as no light escapes it will still be confined within the growing area. Shallow angles with multiple reflections will of course take its toll.
Someone really has to do a computer calculation / simulation of this