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3 Sats and a little cheese


eddie how nice is that chocolpope dude .that was the only coffea shop weed i rated when we went for the cup the cantelope haze wernt bad either.hope everything comes good for you dude


thanks for the vibes and good wishes people-

eddie how nice is that chocolpope dude
it's like heaven in a spliff-isn't it Bullseye-or heaven in a vapouriser:)
some friends are going to have a bash at growing it:) must try the cantaloop haze on the next trip; the Grey Area is pretty cool

ok.so i've been on to the breeder of madsat tonight in a bit of a panic to ask him if this rate of growth is normal-apparently it is :yoinks: he's in the process of trying to make it shorter-soooo i had a go at tying one of them down. It is the Madsat shown at the bottom of the last post-so sort of before and after. All i've done is pull the larger branches down and secure them to the side of the bucket with wire-and snap the thinner branches to about the right height. Look how big it is already.

-this is just the first stage of getting the screen on. They have all got to be bent down over a couple of days-then bent a bit further when the screen goes on. I've noticed that these Sats are more woody than the more indica plants i'm used to, and because of this snapped a main branch on a Madsat right at the bottom a few days ago -so that it was held on buy a tiny bit of the green outer layer. I simply stuck it back on and supported it with a piece of wire-24hours later it was still detachable-48hours later it was fixed and the shoot didn't stop growing let alone wilt:amazing.

Because of this woodiness i've stopped giving them the Silicon


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Yo IcMag-fellow cultivators- horticulturalists-all herb pharmers-big up youselves

1 week into 12/12 and things are taking shape. Not quite the right shape ATM as evidenced by the 'Alpine' scrog screen-i've just put it on and am going to have to wrestle with the Madsats a bit to get it a bit more flat. During my last grow i vowed not to put such silly strains together ina growroom ever again-and yet i did it the very next run-doh!

Anyway-the plan is to put the screens up the walls and, if necessary, over the top and simply adjust the lighting (shades/tubes whatever) to suit the final shape, if that makes sense. So it could end up as a 360degrees scrog.

Very little to report specifically on coco; they are watered twice a day ec 1.5 ish / ph 6 now only with Cannazyme at around 1/2 strength. They are about to get a spray with Halo (harpin protein) @ 10ml/L.

I've not given details of the GRoom yet-it's 1.25m wide and now extended to 2.3m long; height is 1.8m at one end to a bit over 2m at the end with the extractor-which is an 8" acoustic with a phat filter. The fan exhausts through soni-ducting and then down into a 4" silencer. The intake is a passive vent 6" high and the width of the room, plus a 4" RVK pulling air in from the outside when the lamps are on. Just added a 600hps to see what would happen and temps went from 22c to 27c so plan to replace the 4" intake fan with a 6" today if i get time.

re:doghouse-was briefly out now back in again



thanks Brah..............still no sign of the mites...yet. The plants have had a further spray with Spidermite Control this week and a spray with the harpin protein Halo. Still fed everywatering ec 1.5-1.7/ph a bit lower at 5.5-6.0. Had a 600hps and 400mh running in the room all week and with the new 6" intake fan(on a fan dimmer) temps have been 25-27c lights on/20ish off. Room is taking total of about 15L/day of nutes.

The 3 Madsat plants have continued to swamp the others-it's been neccessary to do some serious bending under the screen and i've broken quite alot of branches-they stretch and break more easily than any other strain i've encountered. They are cool to scrog but you have to do the bending when the branch has recently grown and is more green-leave it too long and they go a bit woody and resist.
I learned that the M32 plants are a sativa crossed with White Rhino-and , according to Mysterious Keith, is a massive producer...we'll see. But i did notice the beginnings of trichs forming in the week so the white thing sort of adds up. You can see that the buds are forming-they have been doing so since they started growing in veg. Still don't know what this means but i'm going to make sure i keep this strain.

Next job is to cut another hole in the side of the room so that i can put the final bit of screen on and still get to the back of the room. And fit a cooltube in there as well for the last part of flowering-

last thing is this new shit-it's called Flexi-something or other and is a spongy cube of mashed up bark and peat in an organic polymer. Came with stuff called Gell for Plugs. When you wet it the water distributes itself evenly throughout the whole cube and they don't hold that much water anyway-i did about 10 Cheese cuts last night so, again, we'll see......If anyone has used it before i'd be interested in your opinions




well eddie, all i can say man is 'dont get trapped on the dark side of the screen':headbange

fabulous show sir :woohoo:
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Hey Eddie,

wow man that's quite a grow, i hear you on combining sat and indis, lol.

great updates, i can't wait to see these girls when they are 6 weeks into 12/12. should be interesting. specially the mad sat, lol. great name :D


thanks Gaius--i hope they turn out nice too :joint:

' the dark side of the screen'
Yo- H+P-lol ...a scrog version of a well know Pink Floyd LP -or a metaphor for the evils of commercial growing? either way it sound poetic.
cheers mate-fingers crossed and all that



Active member
Lookin' good Eddie, they all look real healthy. I hear you on the canopy issues too! I've also put a lot plants in the flowering room when they were too big.


day 17ish 12/12

day 17ish 12/12

thanks NPK-the stretching seems to be slowing so i don't think it's going to get too crowded on this run-

everything seems to be running quite smoothly ATM-i've made a new door to the room and fitted a cooltube , vented with an RVK100. So now there are 2 600w hps and a 400mh in there.

normally i would have trimmed all the lower branches off for cuttings, or the compost heap, but i'm really struggling to get the time to get in there and do everything that needs attention-that lower growth must come off tho because it's going to start to get humid in there soon and you need good air circulation below a scrog of this size. There is already a 6" rvk blowing the intake around below the canopy and i'll be adding another small oscilating fan before long to blow up at the canopy from below.

It's a bit of a jungle in places-but the idea is to wait for them to start budding and then fix the buds in their final positions, on the screen or with ties, then lower the lights and blast the hell out of them to finish off-pretty standard really.

The coco is sooo easy to get results with-anyone could do this. I've stopped measuring the run off because, as a hydro grower, it made me nervous (ec has been like 2.5 plus) and i underfed them for a bit.

sorry-pics are poor but cameras playing up:(
again big up and respect to the breeders-the donators-and the BB Kush crew (thanks for the hash guys)


Madsat under


Miss Fit

hey.. tis looking good eddie.. hearing ya on the humidity n lack of time issues.. think i am gonna rethink my pots sittin inside another pot.. bit or damp residue i could get rid of.. like your washin up bowls.. some pots huh??

I got such an uneven canopy i got piles of books in there to put under short plants.. funny til i knock em over .. domino style.. gonna have to rethink that.. or bung in aload of pog.. choices.. choices..

take care.. n best regards..


Hi MF-yeah tried perching heavy pots on precarious piles last grow-spilling them sounds a bit of a nightmare :yoinks:

i've been battering the plants into submission with a piece of plastic fencing today-nearly there. I roughly throw the screen on top then gradually pull it into position-pausing to re-arrange branches-and to allow the branches to adjust to their new position-then i pull it down further-and repeat.

Going to have to cut the screen away from the K2 plant tho as it has not stretched enough-
enjoy that BBerry MF

Miss Fit

looking good eddie... high humidity wouldnt let me attempt scrog..n me half hearted attempt with garden canes led to potency failings.. so respect..;)

n good luck wiv it

bests mf x


yeah good ventilation is essential for all sea of green or sea of screen growing. over capacity is the name of the game, lol.


day 24ish 12/12

day 24ish 12/12

cheers Gaius/Mfit
yeah -scrog. It saved my first unventilted grow-when the bottom of the cab was 30ish but it was in the high 40s at the top :yoinks: had to stop the plants getting to the top-big up GM714-he helped save the grow-one of the unsung heros of scrog! Growing weed reveals what we are really like. :wave:

Anyway-as you can see it's all getting a bit out of hand in there with Madsat buds trying to get into the reflector and K2 buds hiding somewhere down there in the jungle. Bit of over fert on some of the sats-letting them dry out a bit too much on occasions can't have helped :bat:

lights on temps are mostly 26-28c but have got as high as 30c so i've got another cooltube to replace one of the normal reflectors-will fit it soon hopefully.

Am using hygrozyme now, no-one has said how nice that stuff smells-really similar to mead-hmmm lovely. Not sure what dose to use tho-if anyone has used it sucessfully with coco i'd be grateful to hear how much they used.

Have started with the Canna Boost Accelerator @approx 2ml/L. They have also had a couple of feeds today with reduced nutes and a little pk13/14. I think i'm going to go very light on the pk this run-in fact i was even wondering if it was necessary at all in coco?

above 2 are M32 buds

the corner is where there is no screen and it's all gone a bit big

a screen shot of the Madsats

finally a wide view from the far end of the room.


Miss Fit

hiya.. yeah.. battle of the high temps has started.. it all looks good eddie..

I got a herer that i gave pk to in the 3rd wk.. yeah i know bit early.. n then forgot to add again at 5wk.. and you can see the difference.. buds not filled out.. long straggly growth.. kinda involuntary experiment.. but i would stick with the pk.. just my 2p :)



i would say that nute hungry strains, will profit from applying pk 13/14 at the right time and dose. but to be honest, it's not essential. you should be able to get normal looking buds without pk, the pk is about boosting bud sites in early flowering and swelling and hardening up the bud in late flowering. the less nutes your strain uses the less pk you can use. the canna boost accelerator is a good buy as far as i have been advised and i intend to buy some as soon as i go shopping for new nutes and slabs.

anyway keep up the good work man and thanks for sharing. :yes: :wave:


4 weeks-ish 12/12

4 weeks-ish 12/12

cheers folks-i've taken your advice and put a bit of pk in the water this week.
I just left out the coco nutes on 3 or 4 waterings through the week and added 20ml of pk. I'll leave it for a few days seee how they look then give them a bit more if necessary.

The plants are using more nutes now-they had been having 8L (2gall) morning and evening-now they are drying out a bit so are getting an extra 8L every other day so that the pebbles at the base of the buckets stay moist-so thats around 20L/day.

Otherwise-things are cool-well not as cool as they were because i had to turn the 6" intake fan down because of the whooshing sound of the air that it was causing outside-so now it's running at about half speed and temps have gone up a bit to 26-28c.

the first 2 pics are for the scrog nerds-i've taken some branches from half way up the Madsats and pulled them down securing the tops to the screen. The branches are in red on the 1st pic to make it clear.

Next 3 are more Madsats:
they have a lemon citrus smell then a heavy heavy chemical odour like washing up liquid or detergent. The only weed that smells like that is Diesel and i've learned that this strain is a relative of NYCD-but it was around before Soma released NYCD seeds. I don't know much Diesel history but it seems that this was one of the versions that was circulating among growers in the early 1990s.



.......next 2 are Saturn. Has a vaguely berry smell that is sweet. The plants are tall with v thin leaves

a couple of the Cheese. It hasn't got enough light to do very much so far. One definate thing about this strain-it produces markedly elongated stems with little leaves on the end-[edit]see pic at end

Next M32-
what a surprise this strain has been-i mean look at the size of the buds-AT 4 WEEKS. Mysterious Keith said it produced the biggest buds he'd ever seen-of course i didn't believe him as lots of people say shit like that-he also said that it would go 10weeks-maybe it will

finally one of the K2

compared to the other shit in the room K2 is a bit boring. I'm not keeping this strain.

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