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3 diffrent coco methods at once!!


I BLAME NO ONE. I am A NEWB TO GROWING IN COCO. If this thread does not benifit you do not follow it. The reason i dont post often is because i have other things going on also.I feel as if I have learned alot just on this site,let alone the other 10+ years i have been growing.I am here to share my expierience,not to judge character. :rasta: I NEVER CLAIMED TO BE THE SMARTEST GUY. :joint:

The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
3- wash one's coco medium till it runs clear(tap water is fine as it aides in the cationic exchange).

:nono: that will screw you over eventually. test ppms of the water you flush with, then test runoff. when they match up, its close. goin by looks will bite you in the ass one day, i guarantee.

and btw, you did come in here demanding answers to questions without giving all needed info and even bashed a few members in the process. be glad you have good folks that are forgiving enough to drop in and waste time they will never get back on you. :spank:

shoutin wassup VT, Gaus, BC, Old Peculiar and the rest of you guys :wave:
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