Blaah, blaah..Hey goat cheese, you are free to believe whatever you wish but don't go around and preach it as the truth.
Better reading skills are required for better understanding, from the way you reacted to my comment I can only see you have trouble understanding basic physics and also basic communication skills and especially kindness and will to learn.
Your explanations are still wrong no matter how cocky your responses get...and for the record...I really teach this stuff and make experiments for a living.
Think what you wish goat cheese, when you will be willing to learn and discuss physics, give me a shout, until then I will chuckle at this kind of "cute and silly" interpretations of how things work... Nothing wrong with having an opinion but don't try selling it to me as truth. Silly.
Expert on natural science and physics but can’t make your COBs work? How come?
You could have explained to me how i’m wrong when you typed this but you didn’t, which just shows you don’t know what you’re talking about - cause you can’t write a proper reply..
You write sarcastic shit all the time, Koon, but when i give attitude back to you, you start complaining like an upset teenager. It’s ridiculous when sarcastic people start complaining how others have bad manners. What a joke.
..see i don’t mind shit talking if someone gives me shitty attitude. I don’t start bitchin like a child about poor manners. How come you can dish it out but can’t take any yourself?
If people talk to me or even debate me in normal civilized fashion, so will i. Start giving me shit for no reason and i will echo that back to you. Sound fair?
“Diffuse sky radiation is solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface after having been scattered from the direct solar beam by molecules or particulates in the atmosphere. Also called sky radiation, the determinative process for changing the colors of the sky. Approximately 23% of direct incident radiation of total sunlight is removed from the direct solar beam by scattering into the atmosphere; of this amount (of incident radiation) about two-thirds ultimately reaches the earth as photon diffused skylight radiation. “
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