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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


ICMag Donor
I know!

So does a good portion of the Bible Belt and the white South.

I couldn't believe that people were that gullibile...
The current story line (Like WWF) is blaming Biden. Like it's his fault that justice comes knocking at the criminal's door. The shit just keeps getting crazier and further from reality. Fortunately Chumpers are only a fraction of the party. There sure are allot of people to wave goodby to the Chump.
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Well-known member
The corporate media covers the former President more than the current one
well, when you're a babbling fool with no cooperating brain cells or common sense, you might say anything, and frequently do. this is much more interesting than reality, so that's what the news carries. The Chump claims that "the WHITE HOUSE IS BURNING DOWN DUE TO BIDEN'S SON FREEBASING IN BASEMENT". is a lot more eye-catching (even though it's not true) than "Joe fell asleep at his desk today, again. nothing much else happened. weather at 6:00..." nobody is really interested in reality, that's why lots of people do drugs, drink alcohol, watch Faux, and buy the National Enquirer. horseshit sells...


Kiss My Ring

Biden’s Use of False Names Could Cost Him​

Below is my column in The Hill on the growing list of aliases used by President Joe Biden in prior years and the unsuccessful efforts of public interest groups and Congress to gain access to the emails. There may be innocent explanations of why the President used aliases to send information to Hunter Biden. For example, one message concerning Ukraine also mentioned his plans to go to Delaware. However, in the midst of a major corruption scandal, there is an obvious reason why Congress must be able to review these emails. It will win if this goes to court but the Biden Administration is still delaying release. In the meantime, the President has established a “war room” to deal with impeachment. Yet, he can forestall any impeachment inquiry by simply releasing his financial and email records. If these records show legitimate transactions and innocent messaging, as claimed, they will exonerate the President. In other words, this is a war that can be avoided by simple transparency. Conversely, using White House staff to cover up any wrongdoing could make this situation far worse for the President.
Here is the column:
Last year, at an event at the White House, former president Barack Obama jokingly referred to the current president as “Vice President Biden.” At the time, it was described as the more popular politician “reminding Biden who’s boss.” Yet, this needling carried an added bite, given reports of Obama’s private doubts about Biden’s judgment.
In 2020, Obama had famously warned fellow Democrats, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f— things up.”
Obama is now being asked to bail Biden out from another debacle of his own making, going back to his time in Obama’s administration. Various committees and private groups are seeking more than 5,000 emails from Biden in which he used an array of aliases during the Obama administration.
Under the Presidential Records Act, Obama has 30 days to bar the release of the emails and to help shield his former vice president in a growing corruption scandal over the influence-peddling operation run by Biden’s son, Hunter.
Recently, it was learned that Joe Biden went by a variety of code names and false names, including Robin Ware. Robert L. Peters, JRB Ware, Celtic and “The Big Guy.” House investigators believe that may only be a partial list. For many Americans, it is understandably unnerving to learn that their president has more aliases than Anthony Weiner. However, while the number seems unusual, the practice is not unprecedented.
Top officials have used such aliases in the past for emails, including former Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch. During the Obama administration, the practice was defended by then-White House press secretary Jay Carney, who assured the public that any such emails would still be subject to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and congressional inquiries. He added, “We do not use and should not use private email accounts for work.”
The problem is that there was “work” being discussed on some of these emails, including official foreign travel plans and the hiring of associates of Hunter for high-level positions. More importantly, some emails are relevant to the clients of Biden’s son. Biden has previously lied that he knew nothing of these dealings, but these emails could reveal even more about his knowledge and involvement.
Congress is investigating more than $20 million that was transferred to members of the Biden family from foreign sources through a labyrinth of shell companies and accounts. Even the Washington Post has been forced to admit that the president has lied in the past about aspects of Hunter’s dealings. Devon Archer recently confirmed that Joe Biden’s long-standing denial of any knowledge of their business dealings is “categorically false.”
Most reporters now admit that Hunter was clearly engaging in influence-peddling, Washington’s favorite form of corruption. Yet in the face of this growing evidence, Democrats insist that Hunter and his associates were merely selling “the illusion of influence,” not actual access or influence over Joe Biden.
Obviously, these foreign clients believed that they were buying more than an illusion for the millions they spent. One corrupt Ukrainian figure said that Hunter Biden was dumber than his dog, but that he paid him anyway for access to his father.
There are indications that these clients did receive more than illusion. For example, Archer described how Burisma executives were worried about the anti-corruption investigation being conducted by Ukrainian prosecutor general Viktor Shokin. Archer testified that Hunter immediately “called D.C.” in response to the plea. Shokin was later fired at Joe Biden’s demand.
The House Oversight Committee has hit a wall in trying to get material from the Bidens and the administration on these past dealings. It has also learned that the president communicated with this son through alias accounts. That led them to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), which has resisted the release of the emails. It has been over a year since a group requested these documents, and the NARA review is expected to take years at this pace — until after the next election.
Both Biden and Obama could easily allow the release of these emails to Congress. After all, the use of aliases has been defended on the basis that these emails are trivial or personal matters. If so, transparency will put all the allegations to rest. If it is not true, it would mean that Biden was using false names to convey important information to third parties, and the question would be why.
In one email from Hunter’s laptop, Biden associate James Gilliar explained the rules to Tony Bobulinski, then a business partner of Hunter. He was not to speak of the former veep’s connection to any transactions. “Don’t mention Joe being involved,” he wrote, “it’s only when u [sic] are face to face, I know u [sic] know that but they are paranoid.” Instead, they referred to the Big Guy or Celtic.
Likewise, a trusted FBI source said that a Ukrainian businessman had said that he paid a bribe to Joe Biden, but noted that they were told to avoid using his name and to transfer the money through a complex series of accounts.
Moreover, the request of Congress followed the discovery that staffers had used Biden’s fake government account, [email protected], to send a message about meeting then-Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko with a cc to Hunter Biden.
Once again, there may be innocent explanations for such emails and the use of the alias. However, given the other evidence of corruption and influence peddling, it seems obvious that the information must be reviewed.
That brings us to the confrontation with NARA. The agency could rely on the PRA statute to enforce the refusal of Biden and Obama to allow Congress to review the evidence. Biden actually is supposed to be consulted twice under the law: as the former vice president and as the current president. Both Joe Bidens are likely to have the same negative reaction to exposing his emails.
However, special access to presidential records is expressly allowed under the PRA “to…Congress” and “to the extent of matter within its jurisdiction, to any committee…if such records contain information that is needed for the conduct of its business and that is not otherwise available.” A refusal would deny Congress critical evidence into a corruption scandal and also a possible impeachment inquiry.
The added resistance to the review of the emails only adds to an already strong case for an impeachment inquiry. Such an inquiry does not mean that impeachment is inevitable. Rather, there is enough evidence to warrant an investigation into whether the Bidens were selling the illusion or the reality of influence. By acting under its impeachment authority, the power of Congress would be at its apex in forcing these disclosures and finding answers on the alleged corrupt practices.
None of this should be necessary, of course. Biden could remove these obstacles instantly to assure the public that his aliases were innocent, even playful, pseudonyms. “JRB Ware” may be a pun, but it is not necessarily the next “Carlos Danger.” We simply do not know, but there should be no reason why the president would not want to clear the record, particularly in an election year.
Otherwise, the effort to withhold this evidence could itself prove damaging, if material evidence of corruption or false statements are found. As Obama would say, one should never underestimate that prospect when it comes to his former vice president.


Kiss My Ring

(READ) 3rd bank memo shows foreign entities paying Biden family​

Dated: September 4, 2023 by Sharyl Attkisson

The House Oversight Committee has uncovered and released a third bank record related to the Biden family and their business associates getting millions from oligarchs in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine while Joe Biden’s was vice president. Biden did not disclose this conflict of interest at the time and there is no record of Barack Obama saying whether he knew or not.

President Obama put Vice President Biden in charge of Ukraine, as Hunter and others in the Biden family enriched themselves with Ukrainian money and that of other foreign governments.

Accordigng to documents, after Hunter Biden received millions of dollars in payments, then-Vice President Joe Biden dined with his son’s foreign associates in Washington, DC. Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s former business partner, recently testified that Joe Biden was “the brand” sold to enrich the Biden family and was used to send “signals” of access, power, and influence.

Joe Biden has admitted using the threat of withholding US taxpayer money in order to pressure Ukraine's president to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor that was investigating his son's company: Burisma.

During Joe Biden’s vice presidency, Hunter Biden sold him as ‘the brand’ to reap millions from oligarchs in Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine. It appears no real services were provided other than access to the Biden network, including Joe Biden himself. And Hunter Biden seems to have delivered. This is made clear by meals at Café Milano where then-Vice President Joe Biden dined with oligarchs from around the world who had sent money to his son. It’s clear Joe Biden knew about his son’s business dealings and allowed himself to be ‘the brand’ sold to enrich the Biden family while he was Vice President of the United States. The House Oversight Committee will continue to follow the money trail and obtain witness testimony to determine whether foreign actors targeted the Bidens, President Biden is compromised or corrupt, and our national security is threatened.
Rep. James Comer (R-Kentucky)

Below is a summary of the third bank record. The full memorandum can be found here.

Committee Staff is Releasing Payments from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine that Occurred During Joe Biden’s Vice Presidency: The Committee has now identified over $20 million in payments from foreign sources to the Biden family and their business associates.

Hunter Biden and Devon Archer Used Rosemont Seneca Entities to Bring in Millions from Oligarchs in Europe and Asia: Using accounts nominally tied to Devon Archer (but using the familiar “Rosemont Seneca” branding), Hunter Biden received incremental payments originating from foreign sources, attempting to hide the source and size of the payments.

In February 2014, a Russian Oligarch Sent $3.5 Million to a Shell Company Associated with Hunter Biden and Devon Archer: Russian billionaire Yelena Baturina transferred $3.5 million to Rosemont Seneca Thornton, a shell company. Approximately $1 million was transferred to Devon Archer, and the remainder was used to initially fund a new company account, Rosemont Seneca Bohai, which Devon Archer and Hunter Biden used to receive other foreign wires.

In Spring 2014, a Ukrainian Oligarch Placed Archer and Biden on the Burisma Board of Directors and Agreed to Pay them $1 Million Each per Year:
Burisma Holdings’ (Burisma) corporate secretary, Vadym Pozharsky, worked on behalf of the Ukrainian oligarch and owner of Burisma, Mykola Zlochevsky. Hunter Biden was initially hired by Burisma to work as counsel for the company, and Pozharsky and Zlochevsky met with Hunter Biden at a conference in Lake Como in Italy where they decided Hunter Biden would work on the board of directors with Devon Archer. Then-Vice President Joe Biden visited Ukraine soon after their first payments. Payments from Burisma for both Devon Archer and Hunter Biden were wired to Rosemont Seneca Bohai. Payments were transmitted in incremental amounts to Hunter Biden’s different bank accounts.

In April 2014, a Kazakhstani Oligarch Wired the Exact Price of Biden’s Sportscar to a Bank Account Used by Archer and Biden:
In February 2014, Hunter Biden met with Kenes Rakishev at a Washington, D.C. hotel. Rakishev worked closely with the prime minister of Kazakhstan, Karim Massimov. In April, Rakishev, a Kazakhstani oligarch, wired $142,300 to Rosemont Seneca Bohai. The next day, a payment was made from Rosemont Seneca Bohai for a sportscar for Hunter Biden in the amount of $142,300. Archer and Biden then arranged for Burisma executives to visit Kazakhstan in June 2014 to evaluate a three-way deal among Burisma, a Chinese state-owned company, and the government of Kazakhstan.

Hunter Biden received millions of dollars in payments from Yelena Baturina, Burisma, and Kenes Rakishev. Vice President Biden had dinner with them in the spring of 2014 and 2015 in Washington, D.C. Read More

First Bank Record Memorandum

Second Bank Record Memorandum

Devon Archer Transcribed Interview Transcript

Biden Family Influence Peddling Timeline


Kiss My Ring

REPORT: George Soros Planning to Meddle in 2024 Election if Trump is the GOP Nominee​


Left wing billionaire George Soros is reportedly planning to try to meddle in the 2024 election if Trump is the Republican nominee.

Why should this election be different than any other?

Soros throws millions of dollars at Democrats and the organizations that support them in pretty much every election cycle.

Democrats like to say that they want dark money out of American politics, but none of them complain when Soros opens his checkbook for them.

Townhall reports:

George Soros Reportedly Has Plans to Meddle In the Election If Trump Secures the Nomination
Billionaire and far-leftist George Soros reveals his plan if former President Trump secures the 2024 GOP nomination.
Soros’ Open Society Institute— one of the most influential radical organizations in the world— is preparing itself for the likely event Trump’s name is on the ballot.
In an article for Politico, Soros’ son Alex is giving the go-ahead for his father’s non-profit to open the floodgates on Trump for the 2024 election, explaining how the organization will shift its focus to defeat the former president.
“As someone who spends up to half their time working on the Continent and thinks former United States President Donald Trump — or at least someone with his isolationist and anti-European policies — will be the Republican nominee, I believe a MAGA-style Republican victory in next year’s U.S. presidential election could, in the end, be worse for the EU than for the U.S. Such an outcome will imperil European unity and undermine the progress achieved on many fronts in response to the war in Ukraine.”


Kiss My Ring
I know!

So does a good portion of the Bible Belt and the white South.

I couldn't believe that people were that gullibile... but after conversations spanning over a half a dozen years, I have changed my position.

I really thought it would be at least somewhat difficult to dupe the majority of the farmers.

My jaw hit the floor pretty hard.

Sometimes people want to be in a club so much that they will believe a guy saying that he won when everyone knows that he didn't.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I'm fairly certain that people don't believe that Michelle is a guy anymore than they believe that Trump won.

They just got caught up with it and can't stop.

But we're watching.


Well-known member
Did you want to weigh in on how much bullshit you believe versus how entertaining you find it?
i don't think he truly believes any of it myself; no more than i believe trichy trich actually believes the climate bullshit he posts. but it gives them something to do and keeps them off of street corners and harassing sailors so...they think that they are "owning libs" or something. :D


ICMag Donor
i don't think he truly believes any of it myself; no more than i believe trichy trich actually believes the climate bullshit he posts. but it gives them something to do and keeps them off of street corners and harassing sailors so...they think that they are "owning libs" or something. :D
They gobble it up hook, line and sinker.

Too bad there's no video of the proud boys crying their eyes out when reality struck.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Has the Popsicle Brigade come running in here with the Tucker Carlson's interview with notorious liar and conman Larry Sinclair?



Well-known member
oooh oooh...George Soros is gonna "meddle" in the election. Soros holds citizenship here in the US, which entitles him to support candidates that he approves of. AND to work against those he does not. our Supreme Court allows fucking businesses to donate (meddle), but you don't want a citizen to do so? let me guess...any billionaire that supports The Chump is an upstanding righteous member of society, but any that might realize that he is a damned thug that should be in jail instead of holding public office (ANY public office) is "meddling" in our nations affairs to our detriment. did i get that right, bozo? :pointlaug