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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
I’m sorry you’re to low on funds to back up anything you say with money.

You're just being silly now.

I don't need to back up anything to your satisfaction.

Do you actually think anyone even cares how wealthy I am? I'm not a poser and I don't use wealth as a measure of a person. I'm not that shallow. Some of the most respectable people I know struggle day to day to make ends meet. Wealth and ownership of material things is not a factor I use to define people I know.

Why is it that maga is obsessed with wealth. Some of the happiest and nicest people I know have very little but are willing to offer what they have to anyone in need.

The fact that your line of attack is monetary shows just how shallow you are. Even if I was, there is nothing wrong with being poor. You have your priorities in the wrong place.


Well-known member
You backed Biden, a known child abuser.

Yes I voted for Biden and no he is not a known child abuser.


You got anything else other than running scared now that Harris is going to be the nominee? A woman that put people like trump in prison.


Well-known member
How about old joe showering with his 13 year old daughter? How about the vax stops the spread? How about “they aren’t transitioning kids”?



smart guy elon was tricked!



Well-known member
They aren’t real socialists, they’re just playing people. If they were real socialists they’d give their money away for equality. The only people really ready to share everything they have are broke.
People that want socialism have never experienced true socialism. Its bad enough now when 5% of the country has 80% of the wealth. Imagine only 1% having 95% of the wealth.

Massive lines of people waiting for bread and water while Audi and his bosom buddies with the politburo sit back and snack on soy sausages and vegan corndogs


Well-known member
The magas think that because Harris locked up black people that black people won't vote for her. Newsflash! Black people voted for Harris to be District Attorney of San Francisco. Black people voted for Kamala Harris to be California's Attorney General. Black people wanted the thugs that were terrorizing their neighborhoods to be locked up.

It's just amazing how ridiculous the magas are. They don't have a clue about Black people.



Well-known member
People that want socialism have never experienced true socialism. Its bad enough now when 5% of the country has 80% of the wealth. Imagine only 1% having 95% of the wealth.

Massive lines of people waiting for bread and water while Audi and his bosom buddies with the politburo sit back and snack on soy sausages and vegan corndogs

somebody get @Hiddenjems to come in here and call me poor

simultaneously rich and poor at the same time

I love it


Well-known member
another band who had 1/2 dozen really good songs..
yep, ive seen them many times in the bay area in the late 60's. that chick with the white miniskirt and black belt on reminds me that i still have the fire down below. she drives me crazy!

another great but almost forgotten band from that era is the loading zone. they were a great jazz band that moved into blues/rock/funk.

this is one of their best funk numbers

and here is a beautiful jazz piece

chuck berry toured without a band. he would show up with just his guitar and amp. he used various local bands wherever he played. in the bay area the loading zone backed him.

i've seen chuck berry with them 3-4 times at the old fillmore.


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Before the upcoming election, we should all take a moment to reflect on the history that brought us here. In 1993 under Democratic president Bill Clinton, nafta was signed into law. This was during a time democrats held majority in the house and the senate. So it was the democratic party under a trifecta of power, who signed into law the trade agreements that would ultimately lead to themselves and quite a few of their constitutes making a lot of profit while the people pay the cost.

Foreign ownership can displace local residents, small businesses, and communities, eroding the social fabric of neighborhoods. Loss of control, when foreign investors own a significant portion of the housing stock, it can limit the ability of local governments to implement policies that benefit the community. The influx of foreign capital can exacerbate income inequality, as locals struggle to afford housing while foreign investors reap profits. All made possible by democratic leaders who have certainly blurred the lines between democracy and diplomacy creating an entangled disaster which is impacting all of us in some form or fashion.

Democrats pretend to care about the very people they enslave through policies and corruption. They teach people how to be envious in a covetous type of way. That living off government subsidies is a good thing and can provide the world a better quality of life. Both parties have failed the people from my experience.
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Well-known member
I’m sorry you’re to low on funds to back up anything you say with money.

Some of the posters on here have very little. Some of the posts I enjoy the most are from those that are growing on a budget. Some guy/gal with a pot of dirt they dug out of the ground, a seed, and hope. They usually end up with a not so successful grow but they are happy with what they end up getting.

I always wish I could give them a bag of good soil or help them with their grow by providing supplies. I've shared seeds with many over the years so they could grow some cannabis because they couldn't afford to purchase them.

I typically say that I would sit down with anyone and have a beer and talk. But the vibes I'm getting from you make me uncomfortable. You are not a decent person. You use wealth as a metric. So shallow.

I would never sit down and have a beer with you.


Well-known member
They aren’t real socialists, they’re just playing people. If they were real socialists they’d give their money away for equality. The only people really ready to share everything they have are broke.
so, you agree that most democrats are not real socialist?


Well-known member
Here they come.

Like I said AGE is going to be one the Democrats platforms. Now that they've ejected Joe and have a woman in her 50's trump being 78 is game on.

They're going scorched earth. trump made it about age and now the Democrats are going to run with it.

The Democrats thank the Republican maga for making age an issue.

The magas are in panic mode. The only response they have is to call for Biden to step down. OK fine. Harris becomes President and the election goes on. The magas have nothing but an old decrepit man as a candidate.

I always wondered what was going through their minds as they were attacking Biden for his age when their guy was just a couple years younger.

They put age on the table and now they are going to pay. maga was never very smart but they really blew it with the age thing. Democrats say, Oh he's too old? Lets swap him out with a younger candidate. Problem solved.

The age message has already been imprinted in the minds of voters by the maga. Now the Democrats will use that to their advantage. It's as if the maga wrote the winning platform for the Democrats.


Well-known member
yep, ive seen them many times in the bay area in the late 60's. that chick with the white miniskirt and black belt on reminds me that i still have the fire down below. she drives me crazy!

another great but almost forgotten band from that era is the loading zone. they were a great jazz band that moved into blues/rock/funk.

this is one of their best funk numbers

and here is a beautiful jazz piece

chuck berry toured without a band. he would show up with just his guitar and amp. he used various local bands wherever he played. in the bay area the loading zone backed him.

i've seen chuck berry with them 3-4 times at the old fillmore.

very cool, never saw them, but did see chuck twice.... amazing show... i'm on the east coast, but never got to the fillmore , as it closed when i was coming of age...


Well-known member
All telling of your love for the palestinian people,

thank you for supporting my statements on the subject! you're too kind! i find the images deeply disturbing and i lay heavy blame on the israeli government for their genocide.

also, let me remind you, once again, that YOU, not ME, brought up the mental imagery of violence between us.

and my response didn't say anything about wanting to kill you or hurt you in any way. i simply stated that i was capable of defending myself.

have you heard of chubby checker? he did the twist too, only better than you!
