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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


ICMag Donor
I rely on a pension and social security, so I already get the crumbs.
I'm not paranoid, nor am i into selfies. i never considered snapping one while in the grow.

smoke it.
No, Right now they are trying to finish off your social security when they should be paying back the money they stole from it. They call it privatizing social security. It really means we're getting ripped off.

Rich people and big corporations not paying taxes are not your friends. It's not by the people, for the people. It's about the few controlling the many and putting the screws to them. That's the republicans.

Both my wife and I are union people. We don't love unions but we know it's the only way to get our piece of the pie with decent pay. Otherwise the corporate owners would take it all. We are liberals. My wife is from Europe where working people do allot better tan they do here. That's because they don't put up with any bullshit and the laws for workers are strong.


Well-known member
And Trichy,
Try to remember that liberal is left and fascist is far right and Chump is far right.

The liberals want the rich to pay taxes instead of whipping on working people so we can have better schools, a sound social security program and up to date infrastructure.

You keep sucking up to those rich motherfuckers and maybe some crumbs will fall off the table for you. Maybe they won't.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor

Fascism: Liberal Policies Transferring Taxpayer Money to Corporations​

by Antonio Graceffo Feb. 22, 2024 8:15 am59 Comments


Liberal policies meet the definition of Fascism: Money for migrants, vaccine requirements, and diversity, equity, and inclusion are government policies that enrich a small number of favored and obedient private companies at taxpayers’ expense.

Liberals call everyone they hate a fascist. However, fascism is a form of state capitalism and is much closer to liberal policies than conservative ones. Conservatives advocate for more individual choice and fewer government regulations in commerce and private life. On the other hand, liberals seek more government intervention, increased spending, free money, and greater compliance.

Conservatives effectively say, “Eat what you want, but you pay for it.” Liberals say, “The government will pay for it, but you have to eat what we tell you.” The government gets to pick which restaurants receive the tax dollars paying for the meal and who gets to eat the meal, but all working people have to pay for the meal through taxes, whether they eat or not.

Some states and municipalities are mandating that students have COVID shots as a requirement for attendance. The parents pay school taxes (property tax), but the children can be barred if they do not comply with COVID and vaccine requirements. The vaccines are distributed by for-profit, private companies selected by the government. And the program is ultimately paid for by taxpayers. Ironically, a parent can pay both the school tax and the income tax funding the vaccine requirements and still have their children excluded from school because they refused to comply.

New York City will be handing out prepaid debit cards to migrants. The government chooses who gets the cards. The government also selects which company provides the cards. Taxpayers foot the bill for the cards but do not receive them. Furthermore, the cards are being issued in a $53 million no-bid deal awarded to Mobility Capital Finance, which Mayor Adams said he chose because it was “minority-owned.” This raises another aspect of fascism: compliance with government edicts. Diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI) is a rallying cry of liberals, and there has been a push to only award state and federal contracts to private companies that meet DEI standards. This is a textbook example of fascism.

Fascism is often referred to as corporatism or state capitalism. It is a political ideology characterized by centralized control with private ownership. At the extreme ends, socialism, communism, and fascism look very similar. Nazism is actually national socialism, another ironic point because liberals swear they are against Nazism but then advocate for national socialism. All four ideologies require authoritarianism to function. Socialism and communism distribute earnings from hardworking people to non-working people. Since wage-earners would not willingly give their money away, the state has to force them.

The difference between communism and fascism is that in communism, all companies are state-owned, and the state decides the quantity, price, and type of products produced, as well as who gets them. In fascism, the companies remain privately owned, but the state makes laws and edicts that effectively transfer taxpayer money to favored private companies. Publicly, these companies show their virtue by dutifully supporting government policies. However, their public service announcements fail to explain that the company profits from the policy.

Walmart and Amazon supporting a $15 minimum wage is a really good example. These large companies can afford to pay a higher wage than smaller competitors. So, Walmart instituted a $14-$19 minimum wage for its employees, while Amazon has a $15 minimum wage. The liberal media then provided Walmart and Amazon with priceless free advertising by reporting on their commitment to higher wages. Walmart and Amazon then gain political favor by coordinating with liberals in Congress pushing for a $15 federally enforced minimum wage. Ultimately, the $15 minimum wage will drive smaller competitors out of business. Furthermore, Walmart and Amazon supported politicians calling for a federal law requiring federal contracts to only be awarded to companies that pay a $15 minimum wage.

Liberals claim their policies are helping the poor, but in actuality, they are increasing the wealth gap. Increased wages for unskilled work are driving up the cost of goods, particularly food, which disproportionately hurts the poor, as they spend a larger percentage of their income on food and basic necessities. Small companies are driven out of business. People supplementing their income through gig work may be excluded from lucrative government contracts because they cannot meet minimum wage or DEI requirements. Furthermore, while woke companies virtue signal by raising their minimum wage and complying with DEI, they also engage in massive layoffs because they cannot pay higher wages and remain profitable. The laid-off workers will then rely on government transfers, unemployment and welfare paid for by those still working.

As more small companies are forced to close and more workers are driven out of the workforce, the tax burden on the remaining workers will increase. These workers can only keep their jobs if they comply with laws, edicts, and policies ranging from vaccines to DEI. Meanwhile, these laws and policies will continue to enrich a smaller number of favored private companies. And that is the definition of fascism.
Conservatives/rebumblicans only tell you what books you are permitted to read and legislate women's wombs


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor

you guys are so full of shit.
lying isn't one of your best attributes, and you're so brainwashed you believe everything NPR, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc. tell you. pathetic! and you vote? for liberal policies? WTF are you thinking?
Trump will kick joetaters ass down the stairs.

What? You think trump can kick? Didn't you see how he walks the ramps?


Well-known member
Most trump flag in the back of their diesel pickup guys around here are 20 something’s making 6 figures in the oil fields. So I guess this makes sense.



Well-known member
In Trumps defense the pandemic was expensive. But his supply side economics were not going to pan out well regardless.

As for costs of homes, healthcare, higher ed, etc. We sold out. When the price of something becomes so unaffordable that you need to go into significant debt to own it, then we should refuse to buy it. Problem being those with homes were very happy to see their valuations balloon.

With the access to credit we all collectively continued to buy into things that realistically were bad economic choices. In this way the market was no longer self regulating.

As for pensions, it is interesting how the 401K plan replaced the pension. The stock brokers were so happy to have all this flood of investment capital to play with and employers were very happy to end pensions in place of 401K's. 401K's were originally intended to be something else and not primarily retirement savings plans.

Anyways - from an economic standpoint I see neither conservatives or liberals doing much to reel in spending. Both Bush and Trump expanded government agencies via homeland security and space force. With military spending so high I see little reason to be complaining about entitlement programs or welfare but I do recognize those programs are abused and have little oversight. I also think it is folly to incentivize people to stay on benefits - once you cross certain thresholds your cost of living goes up so rapidly that it is better to earn less and take all the govt. assistance available. It should be more of a sliding scale and with more oversight to stop people from abusing programs.

Interesting times we are living in - so divided when none of these issues are that cut and dry. I do not think that taxing the rich will solve all our problems, we do need a balanced budget. That said, policy and tax loopholes that continue to benefit and enrich the rich are also not needed, they have enough. All that money gets hoarded and very little goes back into circulation to trickle down or whatever they say its supposed to do.

If we want to take some power back as working class people we need to be very deliberate of where we spend our money. We also have to value our own services because its the working class that basically allows for all the growth and prosperity the elite class enjoys. We should highly value all those that contribute around us, the mailman, our teachers, the mechanics, the electricians, the farmers, and so on. "A working class hero is something to be"
