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2023 Outdoor Grow


Well-known member
It’s actually relatively easy if you know what to do. I plant everything in forest dirt with some nutrients pellets and wood ash. That’s all!

The one you should respect is the people who put up the work and gave us this wonderful Nordic outdoor varieties like @offthehook
Thanks Parameter. :)
For sake of keeping things real: It's been a team effort of several people like you and others seeding back & forth from time to time...
Team play, persistence & dedication is what's gotten us to where we are now.


@Parameter really nice! I myself live far upnorth, hard to find good soils on spots that has good soil from before. Here it is barrskog, with soil that is far from ideal. Very shallow soil before you hit rocks. Sill impressive about no soil on spots with those results.

Can you tell me more about the method of drying outside at a tree? Conclusions, tips and what you learned?

The gex looks like some good dank


Well-known member

I also have lots of “barrskog” around me. I always say that you can plant in whatever soil as long as the soil has right structure. pH and everything can be fixed fast. Good soil structure is not something you fix very fast without bagsoil. Try to find slopes as I do and where everything is tunnelled down. That will make good mulch.

I’ve done that drying method many times during this summer so I think I have some to share.

First of all it’s easier and much BETTER and much EASIER to do it with autos. Because they finish around August and then there will be some heat in the air to make them dry and nice. They dry very good during August until middle of September.

Earlys that finish late is not optimal to dry them like that during October. What I do then, is to first dry them outside for 5-7 days in those ladysocks. Then after I move them indoors and let them finish drying indoors for some days. Like that they don’t smell when I have them indoors in those lady socks. You need to have the weed in you hand to smell.

I trim the buds to be as big as my thumb and pack them in that lady socks. I don’t pack very tight but still tight. The sausage that I make from lady socks need to be as thick as your fist. Not more or not less.

I hang this ladysocks in a big and very branched “Christmas tree”. So they will have some protection from rain.

When it rains like normal rain for 4-5 hours, it’s ok. They won’t spoil so don’t be worry. But if you have 3 days of heavy rain from morning to night then you need to cover them. I used to just move them under a shelter when it was raining heavy in September. It wasn’t any problem.

The ones that I dryed in August and early September smells and tastes as you would have dryed it indoors. The ones I dryed in October is not as good. Still decent but my drying process could have been better. It took me some time to understand that I could take the buds indoors and finish drying them there.


Well-known member
God jul alla bönder där ute! Nu är det hög tid att börja leta fler odlingsställen eller börja bearbeta de platser man redan har ;) Jag var ute igår och grävde ner lite bokashi på min odlingsplats. Tanken är att bearbeta jorden med bokashi och löv/organiskt material fram till mars för att sedan låta jorden marinera lite innan plantorna åker ut.

Nästa år satsar jag på 5-6 strains i lika många bäddar. Vi ses då! ❤️


Active member
God jul alla bönder där ute! Nu är det hög tid att börja leta fler odlingsställen eller börja bearbeta de platser man redan har ;) Jag var ute igår och grävde ner lite bokashi på min odlingsplats. Tanken är att bearbeta jorden med bokashi och löv/organiskt material fram till mars för att sedan låta jorden marinera lite innan plantorna åker ut.

Nästa år satsar jag på 5-6 strains i lika många bäddar. Vi ses då! ❤️
God fortsättning :)

Här är det rejält med snö och tjäle så ingen bearbetning än på ett tag. Blir nog bara lite mer jord och kogödsel, inte lika avancerad som du. Framåt mars kommer jag börja leta nya spots, fjolåret var ju min första säsong så jag har bara de två jag odlade då på. De funkade bra, tanken är att hitta en eller max två spots till och sedan köra en strain per sort.

Jag är ändå sjukt nöjd med utfallet. Lite missar med en hane bland de feminiserade fröna som pollinerade några plantor men lite misstag får man räkna med när man är noob. Torkningen gick att lösa trots rätt kraftiga begränsingar men nu har jag en fungerande lösning. Rätt bra utfall men visst, man röker ju mer när man har gott om det så kanske inte blev två årsförbrukningar i skörd trots allt. :sneaky:

Funderar lite på vad jag ska sätta. Körde wild dwarf och white widow och var rätt nöjd med de, särskilt white widow som gav bra skörd. Men jag har ju också en del frön från de som pollinerades, kanske kör det på en spot.


Well-known member
God fortsättning :)

Här är det rejält med snö och tjäle så ingen bearbetning än på ett tag. Blir nog bara lite mer jord och kogödsel, inte lika avancerad som du. Framåt mars kommer jag börja leta nya spots, fjolåret var ju min första säsong så jag har bara de två jag odlade då på. De funkade bra, tanken är att hitta en eller max två spots till och sedan köra en strain per sort.

Jag är ändå sjukt nöjd med utfallet. Lite missar med en hane bland de feminiserade fröna som pollinerade några plantor men lite misstag får man räkna med när man är noob. Torkningen gick att lösa trots rätt kraftiga begränsingar men nu har jag en fungerande lösning. Rätt bra utfall men visst, man röker ju mer när man har gott om det så kanske inte blev två årsförbrukningar i skörd trots allt. :sneaky:

Funderar lite på vad jag ska sätta. Körde wild dwarf och white widow och var rätt nöjd med de, särskilt white widow som gav bra skörd. Men jag har ju också en del frön från de som pollinerades, kanske kör det på en spot.
Låter bra vän. Du har mycket intressanta växande färdigheter. Kanske kan du lägga upp några bilder om det är säkert.


New member

I also have lots of “barrskog” around me. I always say that you can plant in whatever soil as long as the soil has right structure. pH and everything can be fixed fast. Good soil structure is not something you fix very fast without bagsoil. Try to find slopes as I do and where everything is tunnelled down. That will make good mulch.

I’ve done that drying method many times during this summer so I think I have some to share.

First of all it’s easier and much BETTER and much EASIER to do it with autos. Because they finish around August and then there will be some heat in the air to make them dry and nice. They dry very good during August until middle of September.

Earlys that finish late is not optimal to dry them like that during October. What I do then, is to first dry them outside for 5-7 days in those ladysocks. Then after I move them indoors and let them finish drying indoors for some days. Like that they don’t smell when I have them indoors in those lady socks. You need to have the weed in you hand to smell.

I trim the buds to be as big as my thumb and pack them in that lady socks. I don’t pack very tight but still tight. The sausage that I make from lady socks need to be as thick as your fist. Not more or not less.

I hang this ladysocks in a big and very branched “Christmas tree”. So they will have some protection from rain.

When it rains like normal rain for 4-5 hours, it’s ok. They won’t spoil so don’t be worry. But if you have 3 days of heavy rain from morning to night then you need to cover them. I used to just move them under a shelter when it was raining heavy in September. It wasn’t any problem.

The ones that I dryed in August and early September smells and tastes as you would have dryed it indoors. The ones I dryed in October is not as good. Still decent but my drying process could have been better. It took me some time to understand that I could take the buds indoors and finish drying them there.
Hi, did you have any mold issues with this style of drying?
I need to dry in forest, but here can be %90-%95 air humidity night times in august.

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