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2022 Outdoor Gardening in the Northeast


passing the gas
I'll figure the rest tonight, get on this in April next season, lol... Gotta hitch the trailer and go grab a pallet of rice hulls.


Not Veteran
Got 50# of bio live

And the 25# of chicken manure


Not Veteran
I'll figure the rest tonight, get on this in April next season, lol... Gotta hitch the trailer and go grab a pallet of rice hulls.
No worries man. I appreciate you so much. I can't till everything in until next Wednesday anyway because the last mineral is supposed to be delivered until Tuesday.


passing the gas
OK, for the 200 ppms of N we are going to use half chicken and half Bio alive.

OG no man Nitrogen.png

2078 grams combined per yard. we are getting some P and K contributed here also that we will subtract from our needs in those elements.

Phosphorus, we need 244 ppms minus the 61 that rode in with the Nitrogen inputs = 183ppms needed

og no man phosphorus.png

so using triple super phos we need 481 grams per yard. don't worry you will only be preparing enough to do the inital application, 60% of the total so your 4# bag will be enough to get started and you'll need another when flowering starts.

Potassium, we need 154 ppms minus the 74 ppms from the nitrogen inputs = 80 ppms

og no man K.png

using Sulfate of Potash 0-0-50 aka potassium sulfate we need 99 grams a yard and we also get a 32 ppm bump in our Sulfur.

Screen Shot 2023-05-23 at 11.35.39 PM.png

totaling all our additional sulfur from the Sulfate additions we have 92 ppms additional Sulfur.
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passing the gas
OK now how do we try not to fry your plants.

I suggest that to start we amend like there is only 4 yards total soil instead of the 6.3 yards you estimated.

this is what I've done in my garden to be prudent and I still saw amazing results.

we want to creep up on hitting the target and if the application is greater than needed we have the extra soil to soak up the excess. on the next soil test we will have a better idea how your soil responds and hopefully we will not exceed any targets the first time.

you will want to add the minerals in 3 additions, 60% of the total tilled in before planting and 20% at start of flowering, the remainder the beginning of Sept.

so initially you will prepare 60% of the recipe for 4 yards of soil to be tilled in before planting.

I like to mix my mineral application with a bag of worm castings and some compost, look for a leaf mulch compost, most towns have this available for free here in NY, it's a place where they dump all the leaves and wood chips in your town and residents can go there and get it free.

you want a leaf or wood chip compost for this not one made from manure.

so if there was 5-10 pounds of minerals I would add about 5 to 10 times that amount of the castings and leaf mold on a tarp and mix it for an hour or until it's really well mixed and the sprinkle it carefully and evenly on your plot before roto tilling it all in.

if you want to add about 10 # of kelp to this go ahead. 50# bags of green north atlantic kelp were $76 in the feed store here, you will get hosed buying small amounts online or at the hydro store.

maybe you take the numbers for 1 yard I gave here and figure out the amounts for a 4 yard batch, then multiply by 0.6 for a 60% first application for everything then I'll come back and look at your math before you start measuring things out.

I don't know what kind of scale you have, useually weed scales are small for minerals, this is the one I got pretty cheap on amazon, it goes up to 90#s and works good.

Screen Shot 2023-05-23 at 11.50.34 PM.png


Not Veteran
I ordered that scale will be here friday. Have a couple questions before I get on the math tomorrow. Are we going with 4 yards of soil just for the mineral calculations? Are the feed (npk) getting calculated for 4 yards also or the full 6 yards and am I treating the feed the same 60% initial then 20% flower 20% fall? For the feed its just 50/50 chick/bio live correct? How can I get that calculator for minerals/nutrients so I don't have to bother you so much? I have to recalc a couple things like the potash because I got the hi yield brand that's 0-0-60 Not 0-0-50 so will be using a bit less and there was one of the minerals that was different also. Thank you so much!


passing the gas
sounds like you might have bought the hi-yeild Muriate of potash, that's not the same potash, you want the sulfate of potash aka potassium sulfate. might have to get it on Amazon, I don't see it in the hardware stores in 4# bags.

the ferrous sulfate you bought will work, same amount, it just listed the water soluable Fe yield on package.

it's all minerals we are talking about, not feed and minerals. NPK are also minerals and it's all feed, lol.

everything calculated at a 4 yard application, this is the fudge factor for lack of a better term, to make sure we don't kill your plants.

half of the 2078 grams of N per yard will be 1039 grams of Bio alive, half will be 1039 grams of the chicken poop.

you will prepare 60% to till in after we make sure the math is right which you will practice and I'll double check before you weigh it out. Capiche?

you would need a course in learning to work the spreadsheet/calculator. I know I make it look simple, lol. the class I took is starting again in July online and is $600.



Not Veteran
So I guess the only re calc that I need is for zinc sulfate. You used 33% zn for that calculation and I have 35.5% zinc sulfate monohydrate. The manganese is only a 1% difference you used 31% and I got 32% so that should be ok still?


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passing the gas
So I guess the only re calc that I need is for zinc sulfate. You used 33% zn for that calculation and I have 35.5% zinc sulfate monohydrate. The manganese is only a 1% difference you used 31% and I got 32% so that should be ok still?

yeah, the Fe and Mn will both be fine with the initial calculation, in USA fert companies just have to put the minimum results not the actual results so what's actually in the bag could be higher, fertilizer is a racket like everything else but this is way cheaper than bottled nutes...

your math looks good to me, prolly should have the wife and kids check it too, lol. it's really easy to mess it up when too high... in the class I took it was pretty common and we were all making similar mistakes so having other eyes on it is helpful.

very few instances in my adult life besides this that have required this much math homework...


Not Veteran
@Chunkypigs , thank you so much for all the help as I know it's a lot of work. Would love if they offered that crescive soil class in the winter as that would be an easier schedule for me. My scale got here today and the last couple amendments should be here by Tuesday/Wednesday and will be getting tilled Thursday. I was gonna use 4 bags coast of Maine lobster compost for my bulking material to mix and then as evenly as possible spread it and then till it well. Hope this all works as well as I think it's gonna 😁 if not it's just another learning experience :canabis: :rasta:


passing the gas
don't add compost, it needs to be incorporated before the soil is tested, many are really high in mineral value and will mess up the work of trying to balance the minerals.

put it on in the fall if you must but I'd save that stuff for the veggies or shrubbery...

you can put in more rice hulls when you till and use some worm castings or leaf mold to cut the minerals with and make them easier to spread evenly.


Not Veteran
I'll do 60 # worm castings but the rice hulls won't be gotten till next year. Might grab some perlite if the price is right and I think I can grab a couple bags leaf compost, can't get the wife too worked up 😉😁
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passing the gas
so keep in mind you will weigh and mix only the portion that is going to be applied and tilled in now.

mix the leaf mold and castings on the tarp well, you need a mix that's not wet and soggy so be careful of the ratio of castings to leaf mold. if the mix is too wet you will never get the minerals well mixed

then sift the minerals through a kitchen strainer on top of
that mix, break up any chunks of the fine minerals. the minerals that are pelletized just sprinkle them, don't try to force them through the screen.

be careful you are not doing this in a windy situation that might blow away the fine stuff.

be really careful with the tiny amounts of borax and the other micros that they are well mixed and not just dumped in a pile on top of the castings.

I use a rake upside down to mix back and forth for a while and then toss the pile with the corners of the tarp over and repeat for an hour making certain the fines don't settle under the fluffy stuff.

I divide the final mixture into buckets and set them in the garden then carefully broadcast the mix by hand evenly over the surface.

finally till well with the roto tiller, sprinkle on your clover seed or whatever you want for ground cover and then keep moist. a this layer of straw with help the ground cover establish.

if you are making mounds do that after tilling but before the ground cover and watering and straw.
good luck!


Not Veteran
water it like there were plants in it so everything gets active for the next week before you plant.

good luck!
Yeah, I am gonna get mulch on it tomorrow and water. Thanks for all your help 🙏
Next year gonna till in at least 100# of rice hulls to lighten it up. Hopefully it'll help my back when moving soil around also 😁
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mama tried
look at that beautiful green grass. hey if you not already doing it look into lacto b. and mico farming the korean natural farming and indigenous organism i thinks its called adds lil boost to the soil. organic af its the only way


ICMag Donor
Missed out I didn't catch this! Need to read back. Nice plots there!

What strains are you running? Those are going to grow really well! Going to look like my plot only well done!

Glad I found this thread! It alerts me to new threads, but I need to check back and look at what pops up in the forum! Lots of great information here! Thank you for sharing! :smoke:
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